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About Rancmeat

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    WWIIOL, EVE Online
  1. Rancmeat

    How Satisfied with Arma2 Are you??

    I relate the issues I have to a dull ache that you can ignore for a while, but it becomes more and more of an annoyance as time goes on. But I can't honestly say if the root of the issues I have come from the game or the mission I play. The servers I'm on crash constantly, but is that a server, mission, or game issue? I don't know. All the servers seem to do this a lot, but I only play warfare, so who knows. The AI's retarded driving is what drives me the most crazy though.
  2. Rancmeat

    ARMA II on consoles?

    Porting it to an idiot box would be the death of it.
  3. Rancmeat

    should i get ArmA 2?

    It's one of the best games out there, but you MUST have a high tolerance for sub-par coding. This game has more bugs than a termite nest. ARMA is all about what it might be at some point if they manage to get it release ready. That said, it's a lot of fun between server crashes.
  4. Rancmeat

    Placing fences

    Nevermind. I didn't read the above right.
  5. Rancmeat

    Placing fences

    I played with a section Until I got it right, then made a trigger the size of the 2 sections and used that as a guide for making the rest of the fence.
  6. Rancmeat


    Unhealthy for sure.
  7. Wow, I started a thread and left town for a few days, and it turned into a real discussion. When I logged on to see 5 pages, I expected a flame-fest, but instead I see a good discussion. I don't think any bad points have been made at all, but I do need to clarify. I don't think anyone should feel they need to learn the editor to play. I hope this game never becomes the realm of the elitists only other than to keep it "real". The point I was trying to make is that most of the things people are asking for, are by the nature of the game, user generated content. That doesn't mean they need to generate it, but they will need to know where to get it and how to utilize it. I don't blame people for not understanding that either. I never read the box. I got it word-of-mouth off Steam, so I was getting exactly what I wanted. Someone reading the box might get the wrong idea. But it is what it is.
  8. Then they bought the wrong game. It's like buying a word processor instead of a novel, then asking someone to write you a book.
  9. I keep seeing post after post asking about why loadouts are the way they are, or game mechanics, etc... Do people realize that they bought an editor that just happens to come with a few sample missions? People are totally oblivious to 99.9% of what they bought and the fact Arma can be all things to all people if they just pay a little attention. I guess I'd be disappointed if I didn't know about the editor, but then if not for the editor, I wouldn't have bothered getting the game in the first place.
  10. Rancmeat

    Patch 1.03 Satisfaction Survey

    This link didn't work, and all I could find off the root was a stale forum. I'd love to know there is a place the devs frequently visit with a list of bugs so I can either confirm or report my issues. I don't need any sort of commitment to a fix date or patch cycle, just to know it's on a to-do list, with perhaps a priority as gravy. I normally don't concern myself with bugs after the first patch or 2 as they tend to be minor, but I'm finding in Arma they are anything but minor. I'm new to Arma, but it was a love at first sight, the game I've been waiting all my life for deal. But the more I play it, the more I feel the bugs need to be smashed before they ruin the game's reputation and damage the franchise. That happened to the one other game I'm passionate about, World War II Online, and it's a damn shame because you can't recover even when you do get it fixed.
  11. Rancmeat

    Did Steam just release a hot fix for 1.03?

    Here is the fix for the servers too busy error. I tried it and it worked: Link
  12. Same as above, on Steam.
  13. Rancmeat

    Auto walk?

    Not sure, and I haven't tried it, but start playing here..... $!w:: sleep 500 send {w down} send {s up} return $!s:: sleep 500 send {w up} send {s down} return The folks talking about realism in the thread make me laugh. Where does pressing a button with your finger come into a discussion about walking realistically? Unless you have a treadmill hooked up to your computer as a controller, you just look silly making such claims. ---------- Post added at 12:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:59 AM ---------- Ignore my code above, it never lets you stop moving :) I think you would need a 3rd stop key.
  14. Rancmeat

    Auto walk?

    Cool, WWIIOL auto-walk has always had me spoiled, and I take walks in Arma that put the FB to town hump to shape. Edit - Works like a champ