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jw custom

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Everything posted by jw custom

  1. No it works fine in the editor and mission load/play fine until i reach a certain part of terrain then it freezes and i have to close arma from taskmanager :huh: Later today i will make a new terrain to see if it was a one time screw up or i'm doing something wrong along the process.
  2. Thanks for the info jakerod, very nice to know B)
  3. My RPT file says: 11:25:44 Starting mission: 11:25:44 Mission file: santo1 11:25:44 Mission world: jwc_Santo 11:25:44 Mission directory: C:\Users\JW\Documents\Arma 3\mpmissions\santo1.jwc_Santo\ 11:25:45 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_list 11:25:45 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpreinit 11:25:45 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpostinit 11:25:45 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listrecompile 11:25:46 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missiontaskslocal 11:25:46 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionconversationslocal 11:25:46 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionflow 11:25:46 c:\w\stable\futura\lib\network\networkserver.cpp NetworkServer::OnClientStateChanged:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing! 11:25:47 Fresnel k must be >0, given n=2.51,k=0 Anyway im starting another island to see if the problem is still there.
  4. Thanks for the info. I did try loading the height map into L3DT again but everything appeared flat in the 3D view. I managed to get it done with buldozer but now im facing another problem... When playing on the map in ArmA 3 the game freezes when i reach a certain part of the island, got any idea whats causing that? If i place the player in that area in the editor game freezes when loading mission!
  5. That worked, thanks a lot B)
  6. Of course :) RPT: http://pastebin.com/j59BFi7N cfgClutter.hpp: http://pastebin.com/w5uy0jvU cfgSurfaces.hpp: http://pastebin.com/ahL3pKmA config.cpp: http://pastebin.com/zy0jUsA5 layers.cfg: http://pastebin.com/RkdLpw6G
  7. I looked it over and all surfaces in layers.cfg seems to have an entry in cfgSurfaces but i still got no clutter in-game :mellow: I have uploaded: cfgClutter.hpp cfgSurfaces.hpp config.cpp layers.cfg and my RPT file if someone please would look them over. http://rghost.net/6Hb5HndJv
  8. Okay, thanks for the info :) I don't have clutter in-game using the terrain :(
  9. Got one issue though, there isn't any clutter showing up :( I know the surface types are placed based on colors in layers.cfg but how does terrain builder know where to put the different types of clutter?
  10. Hello jakerod. I did take a look at the report file and it said something with access error. I'm a bit impatient and didn't think i would get a reply here so i deleted the project and started over with another tutorial which only made things worse :lol: I have restarted the project and this time it loads fine, thanks for your reply and not least your tutorial :)
  11. I have followed the tutorial and build the pbo with pboProject. The pbo loads fine and shows up in the editor terrain list but ArmA crashes whenever i try to load it, anybody know where to look for that sort of problem?
  12. jw custom

    Dialog with map, problems with zoom

    You are right it doesn't work that way... cant you just make trigger call a script which calls the dialog script? That doesn't work either.. hmm
  13. jw custom

    Dialog with map, problems with zoom

    Feel free to use the map control (or anything) from my script, zoom works from triggers. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/157575-close-air-support-field-system-v04b/
  14. It doesn't matter which side plane is on as setCaptive has to be true for script to have somewhat control over the plane.
  15. The plane is already spawned in as west aka blufor. The reason it's not shot upon is because setCaptive in CAS.sqf is set to true. Script updated :)
  16. Plane is spawned to side west with setCaptive true and allowDamage false... This is done to avoid AI taking over and flying on it's own when shot upon. You can change this in CAS.sqf but it will often break things. I'll PM you a test version in a bit that hopefully will fix the napalm issue.
  17. About JDAM damage,,, i can't change that without editing config files and then this becomes a mod instead of a script. I could add some damage manually, i'll think about that. 90% of my JDAM hits on armor targets destroys them though! I'll look into that napalm issue. Were your clients in-game when the napalm bomb hit or did they JIP in after?
  18. jw custom

    [WIP] Terrain - Evergreen

    Nice terrain, gonna use it in something i'm working on B)
  19. If you show us the script it would be a lot easier to help you :)
  20. Just to be sure you could make killzones outside of your arena so they die if they pop through
  21. jw custom

    Is ARMA 3 a serious game ?

    "My way of thinking"... did you even read my replies... i'll repeat just for you: 'serious' doesn't mean the same to everybody. Do i think ArmA 3 is serious, yes when i want it to be. Do i think that someone running around in underwear with a rocket launcher is serious, no. Do i think it's necessary to have someone screaming out orders to make this game serious, no. Who the hell said you need a community to play ArmA 3 :huh:
  22. jw custom

    Is ARMA 3 a serious game ?

    You just keep going on about what ArmA 3 and seriousness means to you like its the same for everybody <_<
  23. jw custom

    Is ARMA 3 a serious game ?

    Sounds like you don't understand that 'serious' means different things to different people. Too me it mainly means teamwork, and yes teamwork can apply to most games but as a part of this community i can't understand that <_< Sounds like you had some bad experiences, thats not the games nor the community's fault!
  24. jw custom

    Is ARMA 3 a serious game ?

    If you wanna play ArmA 3 seriously i'm quite sure you can find like minded here.