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jw custom

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Everything posted by jw custom

  1. jw custom

    Patch 1.03 Stability Survey

    I have never had any serious problems with the game. This patch really did a good job on fixes small stuff like the annoying AI problems etc.
  2. jw custom

    1.03 Performance

    No increase / decrease in performance here, but i'm really happy with some of the fixes :)
  3. Thanks for the update BIS, the AI improvements are VERY welcomed :D
  4. jw custom

    Please Unban me

    Yesterday i was gunner in a abrams and accidentally blew up another abrams, it was my name that appeared and said "killed by JW(friendly fire)" or something close to that, not the drivers name!!
  5. That worked... i was wondering how to get those ID's and now i know :P Thanks for the help and so fast, really appreciated :cool:
  6. Wut??? Please explain this again :confused: I placed a satelit next to the tower named telek1 and with: telek1 = getPos this nearestObject id in it's init field. Then i have a trigger with following in it's condition field: !alive telek1; and END as type. Nothing happens.
  7. jw custom

    New, intence maps/missions

    I create and host SpecOps missions for 1-6 players which is all about instant action and a lot of it, no traveling km after km :) Most missions are infantry only, but with time there will be more with vehicles. See details in my sig.
  8. jw custom

    A way to remove profanity II

    Agree. I often say 'fuck' out loud when in trouble, in-game that be ;)
  9. jw custom

    Any news from b.i.???

    Thank you very much, GREAT info :cool:
  10. Yes when injured they go prone, but spetznaz tend to prone now and then even when not injured :confused:
  11. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=79378&highlight=trigger+flare Theres a lot of good info in that thread.. flare color, random XYZ etc.
  12. Hey thanks a lot kylania, this will surely come in handy :cool:
  13. Activation: Anybody, Repeatedly, Present
  14. Yes 'UPS' and 'Random House Patrol' is great scripts and even better in combination with "Probability of Presence" and "Placement radius". It's really cool to have units in houses and on buildings :cool:
  15. Use this in a trigger... {_x setunitpos "UP"} foreach thislist; ...and all units within the trigger area will stand.
  16. Ok thanks to both of you ;)
  17. I have a trigger in my mission that execute a script which spawn a UAV Terminal at a random location and that works fine, but it seems that all clients execute that script and then theres spawned up to 6 UAV Terminals. Now how do i ensure that the script only will be executed by host/server side?
  18. cool thanks :) P.S. one more question though: so if i use "if(not isServer) exitWith{};" the code within the brackets will get executed if NOT server right?
  19. I use this in a trigger under 'On Act.' and it works fine. {_x setunitpos "UP"} foreach thislist
  20. jw custom

    viewdistance and other dissapointments

    No it's about YOU YOU and YOU :annoy:
  21. For me it was Postprocess effects, almost doubled my FPS by turning it off plus i think graphic looks much better with it off :)
  22. I host homemade missions which support up to 6 players and would like to make a 6 man team. There's not gonna be any static roles we change between missions. ¤ Hosting 16 missions atm. ¤ No restart of game before all players are done. ¤ Instant action, often within a few hundreds meters. ¤ No bossing around. ¤ Playing seriously , but not too serious. ¤ Newbies are welcome( i'm a newbie to :) ). If this sounds interesting let me know See details in sig.
  23. jw custom

    Looking for serious coop players..

    Just filter server list. Type = COOP Host = JW Custom Coop They are not up for download anywhere yet, might upload them to somewhere eventually.