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jw custom

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Everything posted by jw custom

  1. jw custom

    First PLA made ego-shooter

    I was more at COD2.
  2. jw custom

    Hitman 5: Absolution announced

    But thats exactly what we are seeing all the time, even simple shooters are being "dumbed" down in player numbers and size of playable area. Take more "complex" games and it's getting worse. Yeah sure there's exceptions but theres far between them.
  3. jw custom

    Hitman 5: Absolution announced

    So what do you mean with that? My thinking of "selling out" is moving to where the money is while don't give a shit about the customer, like with Red River which is even worth than Dragon Rising. A simply shooter that a 6 yo can play, even drunk! Games are getting "dumbed" down for reasons, that be limitations but also people just accepting it instead of demanding something more intelligent. I'm sorry if i got you wrong.
  4. jw custom

    Hitman 5: Absolution announced

    Excuse me but it sounded like "well most are doing it so its okay and theres no need to complain"... ...well if complaining keeps BIS from selling out then i feel its worth it.
  5. jw custom

    Hitman 5: Absolution announced

    Argghh i see, then it's all okay :rolleyes:
  6. jw custom

    Bin Laden Is Dead

    Its sad how you all think Osama Bin Laden is dead when infact he is having fun as we speak. To quote Mr. Bin Laden himself:
  7. jw custom

    Bin Laden Is Dead

    Maybe Osama Bin Laden is alive, could this be him:
  8. jw custom

    Arma 2: Namalsk Crisis

    Yeah please don't report the problems you are having, just indicating you are having them is just... great!
  9. jw custom

    Arma 2: Namalsk Crisis

    You do know that you can adjust the difficulty under arma's options right?
  10. LOL... yeah Sion didn't really like the forum so he decided to remove it.
  11. jw custom

    Arma 2: Namalsk Crisis

    ^this... i'm amazed by that trailer :cool:
  12. That "Premiere Event Video" was great :cool:
  13. And yet you bought the game and supported consolemasters in continuing making shitty games despite all the negative talk about it in this thread :eek:
  14. co08 - Rise'n'shine Changelog: v1.0 -Initial release v1.1 -Fixed revive scripts lives array -Made a lot of holes in fences/pipelines to make AI patrol flow better. Info: Using revive script(1-5 lives) Weapons are predefined 3 Objectives Required addons: ArmA2 & OA Quesh-Kibrul Download v1.1 from mulitupload: -> co08 - Rise'n'shine Download v1.1 from Armaholic: -> co08 - Rise'n'shine
  15. jw custom

    Bin Laden Is Dead

    It's easier said that done to take a such "person" alive!
  16. jw custom

    Lua instead of SQF/SQS

    I guess that depends on who your asking, i like the .sqf syntax. Like what?
  17. jw custom

    Lua instead of SQF/SQS

    Why is that?
  18. jw custom

    Bin Laden Is Dead

    Take your crap elsewhere.
  19. jw custom

    Bin Laden Is Dead

    I would rather say: Burn in hell.
  20. jw custom

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    LOL.... p8H8.... it sounds so 1337 :p
  21. It needs to be kept alive to warn people against throwing money at the failure of a game.
  22. jw custom

    Am i the only one sick of the royal wedding?

    LMFAO.... please get over yourself :p
  23. When you reach 144 groups it will just stop spawn. If you have 10 soldiers in each group you'll end up with 1440 soldiers... not enough? Why you need more soldiers if the 15 groups you already have doesn't get killed?
  24. Then it would have been a 30/100 :p