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Everything posted by Tonmeister

  1. Tonmeister

    Do you want Laaagdoll Physics in ArmA 3?

    i just don't get the narrative.. is this a love story? I really think bill, adam and charlie should just kiss and make up.
  2. Tonmeister

    Do you want Laaagdoll Physics in ArmA 3?

    with ragdoll implemented i can already see hours of fun placing AI ontop of buildings.
  3. Tonmeister

    AUDIO! Make it right this time!

    better still, a realtime convolution engine embedded within a 3rd order ambisonic framework with support for a full 16 channel 3d surround sound system would be great too. that would rock my tinny eb
  4. Tonmeister

    AUDIO! Make it right this time!

    my 2 cents, the current sound engine is much more sophisticated than what was implemented in arma. bis can always improve the sound engine, but i don't think its something to really complain about. eb
  5. Tonmeister

    ArmA 3

    have i missed an official announcement? this looks !$@# amazing! http://www.bistudio.com/index.php/english/games/arma3 eb
  6. Tonmeister

    Fallujah 1.2

    cool! ive been playin around with MSO on Fallujah, so i'm interested to see how the changes influence things. If the ai could ever one day show their appreciation they'd be doin burnouts on the main drag of fallujah eb
  7. 3.41 is flying tiger airways, so the flight has been delayed until further notice eb
  8. great stuff, i've had some success on fallujah, and things are starting to make sense now. I even had a go trying it in Sahrani, and iwithout any massaging, the system populated the entire map. now its just a matter of putting in those objs that don't exits on that map. other than that, its great seeing an entire island come to life, whilst having something useful to do on it, like blow shit up. cheers eb
  9. thanks Dave, sounds like you know what your doing. i'll have to mull over the scripts again to see whats goin on, and particularly with the camp spawn. thanks again for the advice. cheers eb
  10. hi, a few more quick questions. I've noticed on fallujah there are no strongpoints generated... I'm thinking this may be because of the density of objects in the city. Is this potentially a problem? I'm guessing the fn_createLocations script autogens these... Also is it possible to create towns outside the city? And finally, I noticed an error pointing to some prefab camp configurations for RU and Napa that we'rent in the CA folder, should there be? cheers eb
  11. hey highhead, great thanks for the info mate! that certainly got things started for me on fallujah. The debugging options are pretty damn helpful, and I've got to look more into why the airport is so congested with aircraft. I had a stream of c130s constantly trying to land, that i had to move the fob into the city. cheers eb
  12. great work Wolffy and co, this has been really enjoyable to play. I started looking at this game mode about a week ago and its impressive. I have a couple of questions about mission making, it seems quite simple but maybe there is more to it from reading the walkthrough. 1. what are the conditions for this to work on maps not currently listed supported? Ive been stuffing around on Fallujuh and I haven't noticed anything strange yet, but as I don't know the core dependancies for maps, i'm not entirely sure. 2. is the current walkthrough for mission making still valid for 3.4? 3. with the baf-us vs gue-tak-mso mission, there seems to be red markers around the perimeter of the taki map. i'm not sure what puts them there or their significance. 4. is there a way to randomise where convoys enter a map? on the fallujah map, it always seems to be in the bottom right hand corner below the airport. sometimes their insertion, waiting and departure markers are placed right ontop of each other. 5. comparing the folders contained in the enemy modules, baf-us vs gue-tak-mso against the terrorists mission, there are two additional folders, zora and rmm-enemy, i think that are not included in the terrorists folder. What is zora and what is the significance for not seeing it in the terrorists mission? ok, thats all. hope my durge is not too unclear. cheers eb
  13. another Q, will the next version potentially break current mission making content? and.. will there be british voices in the next release? cheers
  14. Tonmeister

    Would'nt blowing up a SCUD set off its missile

    A feasible question any Raptor would want to ask.
  15. Tonmeister

    Warfare mode - yes I searched the forums

    I read somewhere, maybe on the devheaven page http://dev-heaven.net/projects/warfare-be/issues that Benny was looking into a non-dedi version of warfare... dont quote me on that tho
  16. Tonmeister

    3D Mission - Editor

    Nooooooo!!! don't say that! All that time spent... the humanity!
  17. Tonmeister

    Solid state hard drive and Arma?

    Hi, I've recently made the transition to an SSD and I've noticed a improvement in gamplay, particularly with regard to texture streaming from the drive resulting in smoother visual consistency . I installed everything onto the ssd drive and ran the benchmark tests. The first benchmark ran at 24fps, whereas the second benchmark ran at 9fps, but I believe this may be due to other hardware, such as graphic and mobo, in my system more than the ssd capabilities. Stuttering hasn't been a problem, however I have noted it occasionally. The overall install with mods is around 35gig, and i have a 60gig drive. OS::win7 64 mobo::M4A78T-E ram::4Gig ssd:: patriot inferno Graphic:: ATI 5850 chip:: AMD phenom II X4 955 there are a few ssd threads in the forum which I recommend reading. hope that helps
  18. Hi, I continually get the following error whenever previewing a mission; "Warning: CBA requires extended event handlers (@XEH) at version [3,0,5] or higher. No version found" current cba installed 0.7.1. Following the install and recommended mod folder for A2 + OA. CBA given priority on load. Mods installed @cba @I44 (latest ver) @TheFew and @zeus_ai. complete reinstall of A2 and OA and updated to 1.56 with BAF. I'm currently trying to work out why my entire game freezes requiring an ctrl+alt+del to shut it down. This may be a separate issue but thought i'd mention it. I also have a few nul= execVM ["blah..."] in quite a few editor placed objects to call scripts for the mission, but I doubt this is the cause. Any suggestions appreciated. *edit - no cba required for I44... doh cheers
  19. Tonmeister

    ArmA 2 Freezing problem

    unfortunately I've been having the same problem and Its never ever happened before. As yet I havn't been able to solve it and originally I thought i was due to a hardware issue since installing arma2 + OA onto an SSD. What I can say from following other SSD theads and purchasing extra hardware, such as Sata controllers, running all driver updates and the like, its not coming across as a hardware issue. What I do know is that the game is consuming 50% of cpu on freeze... and consistantly. Unfortunately for me, I installed onto SSD and upgraded to 1.56 in one sweet go, not the best thing to do in retrospect, but I didnt think I'd ever ave this problem. The dump log doesn't indicate anything is going wrong right up until the freeze. If I do find anything, will post here. @ Günter Severloh "it should be your due diligence that if you want your issue resolved that you would heed the rules and search before you post, I tell this to everyone" ha! onya mate. edit - its not you, its me; after mucho testing... i believe its my DAC zones
  20. Tonmeister

    RTS kinda script help...

    hmmm, innerestin stuff. My suggestion is to look at VTS http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=94350&highlight=VTS I can only assume that by mentioning RTS you want a mission you can edit on the go? I've never used VTS, but it sounds fairly close. cheers
  21. I personally would stay right away from Audacity. A really good sound editor for mac and pc is Reaper. http://www.reaper.fm/ Its similar to cubase or logic audio if your familiar with those kinds of audio editors. Now there is a free version and a pro version. I recommend the free version over the pro, because there is no limitations between the two at all. If you really like it, buy it for $40 and you support the developers. I'm not affiliated with these guys at all, I just do alot of audio production in my work, so hope this info may help some. taken from their website "Download the full, uncrippled, unexpiring evaluation version of REAPER, and give it a test drive." Heaps of plugin effects etc... cheers
  22. Tonmeister

    Arma 2 Sound Library

    I'm not sure about the existance of a sound library, I'm sure there is. You may find, or even record some of you own sounds to use instead of the stock ones. If you already know this then disregard this reply. Agood link to start with is http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext#Sounds use the documented technique to introduce it into the game. cheers
  23. I haven't looked too deeply into FSM other than some examples for conversations with npc's.. I've always thought FSM was predominantly used give the perception of AI reacting more organically, rather than mechanically. I'd be interested to know how easy it is to debug an FSM vs sqf routines.
  24. great thx for the info. I'm about to dive into task generation, so its good to see a number of different scripted approaches out there. Much appreciated. cheers