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Everything posted by Tonmeister

  1. Tonmeister

    Some Plot Speculation

    interesting. Lemnos would play a significant strategic value for controlling shipping trade routes through istanbul. not to mention a great staging base for those dirty laser cannons theyre building.
  2. Tonmeister

    Vehicle Mirrors

    fluffy dice then?
  3. Tonmeister

    Armed Assault 3: Keeping it Real

    why does everyone say, Bis or arma could be BIG if only they did it right. But only offer 2c for their onions. If bis claimed 2c for every time people offered 2c, i doubt they'd need to make games anymore.
  4. Tonmeister

    ArmA PC

    the first release may have a few holes in it. but dont fret they'll release patches to fix'em.
  5. Tonmeister

    Non Lethal Force and Restraint System

    don't forget this in the list either, a must have, once they're bound http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tickle_torture
  6. Tonmeister

    Vehicle Mirrors

    good idea. It'd also be good to change the angle of the mirror, I've always wanted to check myself out whilst driving. I think this would greatly improve the quality of gameplay and my own sense of immersion in myself.
  7. Tonmeister

    Game mode proposal

    thats an inneresting concept. reminds me of total war in a way. also reminds me of those dialup C&C matches i often pwayed 12yrs ago.
  8. Tonmeister

    Attidude of many forum members regarding Arma 3

    Here here!! I agree with your post. I too am over the poo pooing. BUT in retrospect I "try" keep an open mind. Most people are simply stating their opinions, though may be perceived as complaining, it does and always will generate constructive discussion about a certain element in the game they think is distracting. The devs may be able to make some sense of it, but leave it to the moderators to decide what belongs and what doesn't on the forum.... like your ranting about other peoples ranting. plop!
  9. Tonmeister

    Community Questions | NO Discussion here!

    Editor will there be improvements to the town generator module Additional information/reference
  10. Tonmeister

    Limit map size

    unit caching would solve that probem
  11. i thought it was a good way to resolve ai from getting stuck in dumb places and not being able to pathfind their way out.
  12. Tonmeister

    submarine, walk in cargo, ships?

    that comment could easily have been a segue into quantum physics... or musical theatre
  13. Tonmeister

    Advanced Squad Morale System.

    i agree. when under human control they should do what theyre told. maybe there should be a "forced stance" option, that overides ai intelligence, much like safe, aware, danger, stealth, "shutupanddowhatyourtold"
  14. Tonmeister

    Arma 3, but how does look the Trailer

    lolz. can someone put the vid against "who let the dogs out?". that'd make my day
  15. Tonmeister

    The most important feature?

    I'd like to see all of them and I'd really like to see some bugs too.. really. It makes for light entertainment. Bugs implies something negative, but I think it should be promoted as a positive aspect of the game. 8 New vehicles 56 New Weapons 122 New bugs what a bargain
  16. Tonmeister

    So what are we up against in ArmA III?

    unfortunately for Miller, the Necromongers also known for their prowess on IT helpdesk support tasks, were able to thwart his attempts by redirecting him to the Spanish island of Ibiza. Join Miller, alone as he attempts to survive the nightly bombardment of chill-out music and the sounds of the ministry....
  17. i really think the release of A3 will re-inspire some of the hardcore modders here. i think bis cant really take the risk the community can with mods, there is a higher level of expectation from everyone. but to say modders will become disenfranchised doesn't really sit with me. Whatever is brought to the table will be positive for everyone. on Pufus note, the level of documentation is atrocious. ffs just employ an eager temp for 3-6mths on a part-time basis to collate it all and put it up
  18. Tonmeister

    VBS2 alignment with ARMA3?

    Support for multi-channel, now i wonder if thats sound related. if it is that'd be well interesting
  19. Tonmeister

    Akward/weird movements in Arma 2

    dude, just stop with the donuts then. but seriously now, the only time i notice movement really suffer is when the system needs a refresh. i think its pretty responsive as it is really.
  20. overall i think collisions and the partial destruction of hardware could be improved, particularly for heli blades finding their way into objects like trees or the sides of buildings. I'd like to see the blades shawn off, rather than flipping into crazy bouncy uncontrollabe upside down world.
  21. Tonmeister

    They better have female soldiers...

    well there are ladies that do play arma2. they're not as vocal online as the guys, obviously, but their presence is certainly a welcome addition. I'm not sure if a female character is something they would choose, but i do think it should be an option. if anything, being inclusive is the way to go. blonde, blue eyes and legs that go all the way with PhysX features any man would die for isn't the type of character I'm refering to either.
  22. Tonmeister

    Akward/weird movements in Arma 2

    I'm not all that phased by the current quirks in movement, but I agree improvements can always be made, and the suggestion that animations are being revamped is a ++ in my books.
  23. Tonmeister

    Editor Suggestions

    the town generator in OA was a great addition. more of that, but also backwards compatibility would be great too.
  24. Tonmeister

    More Simulation vs Amount of vehicles?

    i think if Bis were to attempt and complete one model as a proof of concept, i'd be pretty impressed, I also think they should then sell them as DLC's. I'd buy em as extras for sure. eb
  25. Tonmeister

    submarine, walk in cargo, ships?

    i actually like the idea of walkin cargos and submarines, but i wonder if its going to be a crude exercise in clunkyness navigating through a submarine.