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Everything posted by vostov

  1. Face02_camo1 Class = Face02_camo1 Name = Sebastian K. camo 1 Side = EAST Face02_camo2 (my fav paint style.. I just don't know how to apply it to my character)
  2. waitUntil {!isNil {BIS_ACM getVariable "initDone"}}; waitUntil {BIS_ACM getVariable "initDone"}; //Sets frequency and number of patrols (0-1). BIS_ACM is module name [1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc; //min max spawn distance [bIS_ACM, 175, 425] call BIS_ACM_setSpawnDistanceFunc; //factions to be spawned [["RU"], BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setFactionsFunc; //Skill range for spawned units [0, 0.3, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setSkillFunc; //Amount of ammo spawned units possess [0.2, 0.5, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setAmmoFunc; //Type of patrol. With 0 meaning no chance of appearing, and 1 meaning 100% chance. -1 removes patrol type completely. ["ground_patrol", 1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc; ["air_patrol", 1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc; Whats wrong with the above init.sqf? I made the mission named the ACM: ''BIS_ACM" then closed Arma2. Pasted this init.sqf into the file appropriate. Then restarted Arma2 and all the faction spawn normally. With no obvious increase in rate... (note the ''RU'' faction being the only one I specified. So.. what must I do to make this work?) :confused: (I am frustrated..)
  3. When I say ''GROUPS" I mean infantry patrols... not T-90 tank patrols.
  4. Does anyone know what command line I need to add to my init.sqf to specify which groups I want the ACM to randomly spawn?
  5. Well, I'm running vista and I was on power conserve mode. I usually get 80fps on full settings (with everything maxed and 3500view distance). So am I really supposed to tolerate the imagery that appears this trashy? This can't be normal.
  6. this is a video of my graphic glitch. I have 2 gtx 280 cards sli'd with the fix that was proposed on the first post of this thread. Can someone tell me how to fix the graphic problem? http://s270.photobucket.com/albums/jj92/vostovblackblade/?action=view&current=graphic.flv
  7. Hey guys. I made my fraps video of my glitch BUT.. I don't know how to upload it... even the compressed clip which is about 15sec long is... 416mb in size... is that normal? What do I do now to share it?
  8. its Vista... and I'm working on getting fraps
  9. I have dual gtx 280s... sli'd i7 3.2 quad core processor 6 gigs o' ram... Well.. to put it lightly.. Arma 2 runs great! But, any buildings soldiers or tanks beyond 500m.. have a good chance of this... flashy polygon looking thing going on. Like buildings are showing the outlines of each texture it appears? Anyway.. it totally defeats the realistic look of this.... How do I fix? (also.. I don't know how to take a screen shot anymore.. i just got vista and ''print screen'' doesn't seem to wanna paste to my .bmp files)
  10. vostov


    Great! Thanks a bunch kylania!
  11. vostov


    when i goto properties... dispite renaming.. its still init.sqf.txt I have at no time the opportunity to erase the .txt
  12. vostov


    Yeah I can see where it says init.sqf.txt I just don't know how to remove the txt.
  13. vostov


    I'm using vista. I haven't seen a ''tools'' option on any of my menus? Also once I see the extensions how do I remove the .txt? ---------- Post added at 04:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:58 PM ---------- Yar. I'm a noob.
  14. vostov


    I just read your post randomly and checked for that problem and this is the reason why my init.sqf aren't working. How does one delete the .txt extension?
  15. Nah. I was trying to do ''face01_camo3" and it just wouldn't work... but I finally did "face04_camo4" and it worked. I'm still having a hell of a time making the ACM work. If you were going to make a init.sqf and have it only spawn insurgents and russians could u copy and paste what you'd put in? I'm really puzzled.
  16. I haven't sync'd it to the player. I sync it to other AI patrols. Then give them a long patrol around the map which the player can tag along. Using the above .sqf doesn't seem to work? Next thing I know I see independent faction infantry or friendly Mi-8 helos. I just wanted the ACM to spawn only enemies and at a much higher rate. ---------- Post added at 10:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:27 PM ---------- (kylania I got that setFace thing working finally. :o )
  17. I'm sorry but a depleted Uranium Armored Abrams tank doesn't go down from 1 or 2 T-72 bourne HEAT rounds. Is there a way I can script specific M1A1s to have twice or maybe 3 times the HP? (really this would be great with any unit.. actually..) (this would also help make tank missions less.... repair intensive.... ''oh crap, I'm hit again... SUPPORT!!! HELP HELP!" ---- 20 miles and 2 miles later... the truck arrives.)
  18. I was wondering if this was built into them... anyone know?
  19. Any other bit of script I could add to prevent small arms fire to eventually destroy the abrams tank?
  20. Once I die.. I can't switch to another unit. Even though I have many playable units alive. When I place the cursor above the ''team switch'' option in the post-death menu it says ''load auto'' but doesn't allow me to select the other playable units.... Any ideas? ---------- Post added at 07:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:52 PM ---------- I click it but it only flickers and nothing occurs.. not even a menu..
  21. The images just look horribly unstable. They always have in all of my Arma and OFP games.. I kinda ignored it. I just happen to have a fantastically built cpu here and I wish I could somehow fix this problem. It really kills the feeling of being a sniper when you are shooting a guy who looks like hes standing next to a piece of modern art instead of a hangar. (the hanger is obviously what it is.. it just flickers... I donno how to describe it.. I wish I knew how to take a screenshot in vista...
  22. I have x2 gtx 280s with the latest drivers. Also I use the recommended SLI program. I run excellently with everything set to Very High with a view distance of 3750... BUT When I look into the distance the buildings flicker like I can see their structural components ect. This happens constantly throughout the scan of anything beyond 1500m (and some closer) Is this normal? How do I fix? (I also made all the recommended adjustments to my card settings)
  23. Arma 2 crashes and I get a message like this saying: Out of memory (requested 3933 KB) Reserved 294912KB Total Free 15497KB Free blocks 980, Max free size 3462KB Okay, its obvious that I'm having a memory issue here. What do I do to fix this? Game runs smooth until... BLINK I goto the desktop screen and the above message appears. (it doesn't happen often.. but I do make some rather large battles.. I overbuilt this cpu to do so.. I hope?) Am I simply running out of memory? (Cuz I could fix that..) My System specs: 3.2ghz intel i7 cpu quad core 6gigz o' ram 64bit OS I have 155GB free currently... (maybe I need a terabyte?) :confused: (I posted this a day ago.. but I think the title was wrong.. so I prolly didn't get the attention from people who scan forum titles.) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=78449 (the old post) ---------- Post added at 01:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:39 PM ---------- http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=73668 this is another related thread that has the same issue unresolved. (I use windows vista.. and I dl'd my game via steam)
  24. vostov

    STEAM troubleshooting

    I assume this is a Steam problem? Apologies if this isn't. -maxmem=2047 Where does this go? (yeah, I'm a noob) Also.. I can't install SP2.. because.. my.. internet connection is horrid. I'm on a 56k dial up.. I borrowed a friend's connection to get this game. I just get Out of Memory messages occasionally.. and I have 155gb free.. I assume it didn't need THAT much? Out of memory (requested 3933 KB) Reserved 294912KB Total Free 15497KB Free blocks 980, Max free size 3462KB My specs: 3.2ghz intel i7 cpu quad core 6gigz o' ram 64bit OS 155gigs of memory left (maybe I need a terabyte?) <= EDITED HERE x2 280gtx graphics cards SLI (with the sticky recommended driver.. I still get flickering long distance graphics..) Help? :confused: My post: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=78557 and a related post I found same issue.. older post.. still unresolved according to the contents of the conversation within: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=73668 Also, do I need to up my virtual memory? Its at 6434 mb... and I could go higher...?
  25. Arma 2 crashes and I get a message like this saying: Out of memory (requested 3933 KB) Reserved 294912KB Total Free 15497KB Free blocks 980, Max free size 3462KB Okay, its obvious that I'm having a memory issue here. What do I do to fix this? Game runs quite smooth until this occurs. (it doesn't happen often.. but I do make some rather large battles.. I overbuilt this cpu to do so) Am I simply running out of memory? (Cuz I could fix that..) ---------- Post added at 11:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:54 PM ---------- my system specs: 3.2ghz intel i7 cpu quad core 6gigz o' ram 64bit OS 300gigs of memory left (maybe I need a terabyte?)