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Jimmy the Saint

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Everything posted by Jimmy the Saint

  1. Jimmy the Saint

    New Demo Required

    I'm not sure, but I guess the 1950's from ATI were one of the first graphic cards generation which supported shader model 3? If so, it could be the weak spot.
  2. Jimmy the Saint

    New Demo Required

    Why don't you download the regular demo, run the benchmark scenario and have a look for yourself. In case you're not satisfied, tweak the config files. There is no real need for a demo update, because the original game performance is about the same as the demo performance. To sum it up: My question would be, why should BIS put resources into a new or updated demo when there are almost no changes performance wise? To get a glimpse about what has changed so far, you can also read the forums I guess. :) *something I forgot and must be thought of: the newest hardware and drivers aren't always the best ;)
  3. There was a major thread like this before, please do a search next time. Look here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=80454&highlight=pay Thanks! My answer is still no.
  4. Jimmy the Saint

    Sound engine (sound physics)

    As somebody has mentioned before, why don't you go and play your favorite project reality mod instead of annoying a gaming community who's looking for a different experience? :rolleyes: Please, someone bring the huge :padlock: !
  5. Jimmy the Saint

    Can I customize my character?

    You may choose from a variety of faces, glasses, gear and uniforms. check here for more informations
  6. I just did a quick research on the internet and maybe those pictures and informations can help you a tiny bit. Use them at your own risk. http://i25.tinypic.com/sxhok2.jpg http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2288/1878500732_fe99e8347a.jpg http://bobburns.mycottage.com/baseIMAGES/41.jpg http://screenrant.com/images/terminator-hk-tank.jpg http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs32/f/2008/232/a/a/Terminator_HK_tank_by_simjoy.jpg http://www.hollywood-collectibles.com/hunterkillertank1.html http://www.hollywood-collectibles.com/hunterkillertank2.html http://www.hollywood-collectibles.com/hunterkillertank3.html http://www.hollywood-collectibles.com/hunterkillertank4.html http://www.hollywood-collectibles.com/hunterkillertank6.html http://www.hollywood-collectibles.com/hunterkillertank7.html have a look here for detailed informations: http://terminator.wikia.com/wiki/HK-Tank
  7. Jimmy the Saint

    CO 10 Dawn Breaker v1.1

    Here's a second download link at http://www.armaholic.com. Thanks go to Big!
  8. Jimmy the Saint

    Arma2 Im disappointed

    Please read the other flaming threads if you enjoy that (we have enough of them cluttering the forums), otherwise check the mod and addon forums. - bleh. ---------- Post added at 01:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:28 PM ---------- *All clients on a online session are bound to the server settings.
  9. Jimmy the Saint

    Smoke screens and HE canister granades

    Effects of smoke should be back with the next offical game version 1.04, so say the people who test the beta patch.
  10. Jimmy the Saint

    does the body armor some troops wear work?

    What are you trying to say?
  11. Jimmy the Saint

    Why doesn't BIS let us "betatest" his (its? XD) games?

    Not another flame-thread please. You can search for them if you enjoy reading them!
  12. Jimmy the Saint

    does the body armor some troops wear work?

    If you think body armor is too low or too high for your taste, you can adjust it in the difficulty options. I think it's named something like "advanced armor".
  13. Jimmy the Saint

    CO 14 Secure Pusta v1.0

    A alternative download link from the people over at Armaholic.com: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6837 Thanks goes to "Big"! :)
  14. Jimmy the Saint

    CO 14 Secure Pusta v1.0

    CO 14 Secure Pusta v. 1.0 A short mission description: It's 715h, Sat, Oct. 10th, overcast (26 hours later after Team Razor has been dropped off near Pusta, to destroy a radar reconnaissance system) Your mission is to protect the inhabitants of Pusta and the area around the village until USMC units have established checkpoints on the nearby main roads and are ready to advance to the north-west of Chernarus. Your squad consists of 14 units (a leadership plus a corpsman and three specialized fireteams). More informations: For more informations you can read the .txt file which I've included into the SecurePusta_MPmission.rar Feedbacks and suggestions are always welcome! :) Here is the file: http://www.filefront.com/14289891/SecurePusta_MPmission.rar
  15. Jimmy the Saint

    Why am I so bad?

    You can mow the grass by going prone moving forward, backwards and roll around at one place until you get a good overview of the situation. ;) Or you just avoid tall grass on fields or plain land.
  16. Jimmy the Saint

    Smoke screens and HE canister granades

    I think the pistol/sidearm is just a last resort.
  17. looks promising, hope you guys will be able to catch the atmosphere of the first terminator movie.
  18. Jimmy the Saint

    Morale is there any?

    You can impede the "morale feature" by giving the a.i. leadership unit of a group a high rank and putting its skill level to the maximum. You can also give other grouped a.i. units a relative high rank and skill level then the regular units. But you have to consider that the enemy a.i. will always loose some morale when a grouped unit gets killed. How much morale will be lost, depends on the number of units left in a group, their rank and skill level. *To sum it up: The better the a.i. is "trained" the more likely it will stay until the last man has been killed, vice versa, if they're just a crowd of greenhorns, they're going to run for their lives as soon as they hear some gunshots.
  19. Jimmy the Saint

    PULEEZE redo the in game voices..

    Your contribution to these forums and this topic is nothing new. :rolleyes:
  20. Jimmy the Saint

    directx 11

    I want directX 12 NOW! - Oh and a padlock please. :padlock:
  21. Give your team the order to stay aware or "alerted" if you're the teamleader. Otherwise you can't do much then listen to what order you're given. If you're editing your own mission you can set the units behavior at each waypoint, for example to safe, aware, combat etc. just like Jakerod wrote.
  22. You can add a code into the initialization line of every group leader (in this case a fireteam leader) to give all of his grouped units a specific name. name setGroupID ["put your callsign of choice here"]; So if you use the callsign "ECHO", each unit which has been grouped to the group leader, will be called "ECHO" starting with the leader as ECHO 1, the next higher ranked unit as ECHO 2, ECHO 3, ECHO 4 and so on. You can also have a look about High Command editing here: 1. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=83277 2. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/High_Command 3. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=80032
  23. Hello, I'd like to create a USMC squad build of three fireteams plus one staff sergeant in charge. I've created three seperate fireteams, containing one fireteam leader and three soldiers. The tricky part for me is to give them all the same leadership without having them all connected into a whole group when adding the staff sergeant. When the staff sergeant will be killed in the field, I'd like to have another group member (with a high rank) to get above all fireteams, which means that a another person will be in charge over all fireteams. In consequence, one of fireteams will loose its leader and so another person has to move in. To give you a example: First Fireteam can be named Alpha, Second Delta, Third Gamma. They all should be led by a squadleader, the staff sergeant. below is a picture (pic01) of my idea: -first one is how it works in the editor without scripts - second one shows like I want it to be However I'm unconfident how real grouping and naming of USMC squads works. Maybe there is a list of typical call signs for aircrafts, land vehicles and troops availibale? Any kind of help would be appreciated. :) pic01:
  24. Jimmy the Saint

    Three Fireteams plus one Staff Sergeant

    Yes, that's how it's done.
  25. Jimmy the Saint

    AA units, and why we hate them.

    *nods* In any case, the velocity and airspeed of jet fighters is in relation to the combat zone of ArmA2 too fast anyway! But I rather have (not 100% realistic) vehicles in the game then none at all. The question of what is realistic in computer games and what's not is a discussion which can't be answered at all, because at some point there's always a border reached, when everything just becomes a delusion.