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About CrazyIvan007

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  1. CrazyIvan007

    So few PvP serves?

    If you could really get 2 teams against eachother that have good tactical movement and cooperation, then yes, I agree with you. But the occurence of that is probably 1 out of 1000. There is always someone, if not everyone who tries to play rambo going in with guns blazing, reacting even more stupidly than the AI...running, jumping, diving, rolling...dolphin diving, bunny hopping, etc... Don't get me wrong. One of my favorite games is BF2. But, I wanted something with a bit more tactic, as my first reaction to being shot at is not hopping around like a fool or running, jumping and faceplanting onto the ground. One thing I don't like about AI is that once you start shooting at them, it is like they constantly know where you are. You can duck behind cover, run to the other end of that cover and poke your head out and they shoot you instantly. They know when you are hiding behind a tree, even if they didn't really have the chance to see you go there, a lot of times, they know where you are coming from, and if you start shooting, they instantly know which direction it is coming from. Now that...I don't like.
  2. CrazyIvan007

    So few PvP serves?

    This game is about Team Cooperation. That is the basis of it's design. There are plenty of PvP games out there. WHY OH WHY do you people who just love running around shooting other human players, which have no tactical abilities at all on either side, have to go suck the life out of every Co-Op game out there???
  3. CrazyIvan007

    respawn, be or not to be?

    This is odd...everytime I pick "respawn" I simply turn into that stupid bird. By "RESPAWN" are you guys saying you can come back as a soldier and continue fighting? And, is this just an AI controlled soldier that you are taking over, or does a new soldier appear on the map out of thin air that you can then control? Please explain. Thanks.
  4. I am getting stuck on a mission. I am on the Manhattan Mission, and have captured Antonia Lagushina. It says I am to escort her to a helicopter landing zone so that she may be extracted, arrested & put on trial for her crimes. Basically, I have gone to the extraction point and have eliminated all apparent enemies that come out. Now, I have been standing at the pick-up extraction point forever, and nothing is happening. I have sent my guys out to patrol the surrounding area just in case there is 1 last guy remaining to be killed to trigger the pick-up, but nothing. I have also tried to restart from an earlier save and giong through this area again, and same thing. I am thinking of just killing the woman and moving onto the next objective. Has anyone else had this problem? Thanks.