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Everything posted by garbol87

  1. Yup, already issued it as a bug: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=2272 Fell free to add your findings.
  2. I need help whit one thing. I have an object let's call it "Phone1" and two positions in which the "Phone1" will spawn (one of two positions). Now this wouldn't be a problem if the object was bigger and using empty markers and grouping them. The trick is that it's a much smaller object and I wan't it to be inside a house (XYZ). Example of what I want to achive: Phone1 setposasl [874.068,1133.73,413.196] [b]OR[/b] Phone1 setposasl [960.818,1304.64,384.26]; Yeah, I know it's not right. Please help :confused:
  3. Hi, Me and my mates are looking for a good EU Arma2 server hosting. We had GamingDelux before but one day it was just starting to lag like hell, I mean not you usuall ArmA2 lag. We tried fixing it and after 2 months we are fed up whit GD. So dose anyone knows a good powerfull server hosting in EU that can handle ArmA2 perfectly?
  4. @Hund - Still the same, nothing has changed. @JW Custom - No, it dosen't. I'm trying to reload the mission over 30 times and nothing. It jus says "Wait for host" and back to the mission selection screen I go...
  5. Still can't get it to run on dedi server. Every time I try to load a mission as admin it just returns me to mission selection screen. No errors, no nothing...
  6. But the thing is that our squad uploaded the mod on a server and it dosen't work (wont lunch any mission). Did any one else had this problem?
  7. Mod no wokrie on dedi :( me sad Keanu :(
  8. Did you use First Aid Module? After respawning whit this module activated player will be set to "captive" = Civilians as I recall this hasen't been fixed since ArmA2 1.0.
  9. This ^ Plus how do you make them go all flashy :)
  10. garbol87

    ARMA 2 OA 1.52 :Bugs

    ULB bug as described in this topic: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=102276
  11. Hello. I have observed a critical (in my understanding) bug whit ULB module on dedicated server. What happens: Basicly this - http://img704.imageshack.us/f/arma2oa2010070722033189.jpg/ The player has no control over the ULB. Just like AI is still controlling it and you can't leave it, player is stuck. How the bug has occurred: Go to editor, sync the module whit any object, vehicle etc. When in mission use action "ULB". My questions, why is (yet another!) module not compatibble whit dedicated server... And second: Is there any temporary fix for this issue? Thank you.
  12. Hi Murklor can you upload the script on a diffrent server? Armahloic has only version 2 and I can't download it from mediafire becouse of some bs txt that appears and says that the file is not on any server... and your script would help me a lot whit my mission. Thanks.
  13. Felagundal - your not the only one I;m also getting nuclear explosion's every time I kill A.I soldier for example. My friends are getting it too.
  14. This has been probably brought up many times. I'm on version 1.05, im putting a convoy of 5 humvees on a road whit waypoint (Safe,Limited,Column) . But the AI is still "stupid" enugh to hit a tree 5 meters from the road and it gets "lost" on a straight road. What I noticed is that AI can't really drive in groups it goes very well when they aren't in one group but if one of them get's lost on the road it ends whit disaster... Is there anything that is beeing mad in that matter? I saw a convoy control script but it dosen't work that well. I just want them to go nice and slow on a straight road in a straight line but no... AI knows better... To hit a tree that's not even on the god damn road... Sorry Im; just a little bit frustrated.
  15. The groups are a mess I agree. There should be some more units/models to use in some logical groups. Also units names are all messed up I mean how can you name a unit as "Assaultman thrower metis" ... Sorry but this name is just cofusing, I mean what? he will throw metis at incoiming tank? I know that VDV is hardcore but this dosen't seem to happen :P. Why not just make it "Assaultman (Metis)" etc... IMHO, clear those "copyright" issues and clean up the addon to make it more clear what units there are and maybe add some more models and/or units to make more logical groups cuz rgiht now the addon is a big mess.
  16. Okay, I've added my issue hope that I did that right :) http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/7175
  17. I don't know if that has been reported, but when using wound system in mission and a commanding unit (player in co-op) gets wounded (needs to be revived) the player looses command over the group.
  18. Hi, I want to restrict player in (co-op) mission from using weapons like AK-74 etc.. basically I want them to use only western equipment. For example, player picks up a AK-74 the script detects that weapon in player hands and removes it whit hint that this weapon is forbidden/restricted, I tried this on my own but I;m not very good whit sqf writing and always get error about something (I relly need to work on it...). So has this been done by anyone? And is it possible to do so? thanks for help. PS. I was playing aroun whit this: _wArray = weapons player _pWeap = primaryWeapon player player removeWeapon "AK_74" no success...
  19. Hi, I see that there is a medical box but there is no morphine in it and epinephrine is it because it's not just in ACE yet? Or I'm missing something?
  20. I have a question, is it possible to check if a helicopter is on ground or is at the altitude of 0 meters? So that the pilot can turn off it's engine? I know about but what I need is a condition.
  21. wll getPos didin't work but I made some more searching and testing and I got this: And it works. Thanks for help!
  22. garbol87

    Gamespy is down?

    Anyone else can't see servers? All my friends have the same problem...
  23. I was just wondering if it's possible to always respawn one playable unit in diffrent location than "respawn_west" marker. for example I have one group of players that respawn on "west_respawn" marker and I want the sniper to respawn in completly diffrent location. One group spawns in the city and I want sniper to spawn outside of city. Is this possible? If so, how can I do it?