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Everything posted by MitchKov

  1. Has anyone tried these yet and if so have they noticed any difference? They can be found at: http://downloads.guru3d.com/ATI-Catalyst-9.10-Beta--Windows-7-|-Vista-%2832|64%29-download-2390.html
  2. MitchKov

    New patch 1.04

    I think they issued the patch because some people were not willing to use / didn't know about (if they are less involved w/ the message board etc and just playing the game they bought) the betas. With that being said, there have been some good fixes addressed by the betas and i feel the game has improved in many aspects for those that are using them. On a side note, I never really had any trouble with the game prior to betas and have only started crashing since the VON fix or maybe the one before. However this isn't a regular occurrence (maybe once for every 4 or so hours played) and considering I do run a few mods I can't 100% blame it on the betas. Either way, the irregularity of the crashes has not influenced me to test w/o the mods since i like what they bring to the game. In summary, this should bring the majority of the mp community up to the same point and that way random people won't crash off a server running the VON beta if they had not installed it.
  3. MitchKov

    How Satisfied with Arma2 Are you??

    I'm pretty happy with the game, The single player campaign has a good amount of issues, but that's really my only problem with the game. In fact, for SP I only mess around in the editor, and never anything complicated. I really don't mind this too much as I prefer to play MP coop mostly, with good teamwork this game is pretty awesome. For me, Arma 2 shines in MP. At max res for my monitor, 20-30 fps with a graphics setting that looks good to me (NO PP). On MP server's with grass disabled, I'm usually in the 30-40 range. I've even seen 60 at times. I have found that I have to lower the visuals in sp missions, but since I don't play these too often it doesn't bother me much. Also, I don't know anything about these crash issues, considering I can only think of 1 time the game crashed, and I'm 99% sure that was a TS issue. Thought I'd put my .02 in, and let BIS know this game does actually work (pretty well) for some of us out here. I did rebuild my system specifically for A2, but considering it had been >3 years since my last build, I didn't mind the upgrade. Here's some info: AMD Phenom II 940, oc'd to 3.7 HIS HD 4890 @ 950/1050 4 GB ddr2 1033 Playing @ 1920x1080 Settings: High - Very High Video Memory: Default PP: off
  4. My question is - Is the arma sound engine optimized for a certain number of input channels? Realized my post was too long so put ^ in, here's some background: Ok, so quick question. I searched, but couldn't find a similar question/answer. Basically in my sound card config panel, I choose the "system input". The options i have are 2,4,6,and 8 channel. It has suggestions, such as, MP3 - 2ch, DVD with DTS: 6 ch, 3d games: 8 ch It also says improper slection may cause irregular sound processing. I'm going out to a pair of headphones i got this weekend (senn HD 555) and im not sure what sounds best. Right now I have it set on 2 ch w/ virtual surround, EX Xear 3d and dts Neo PC enabled. (Not sure if this is overkill or what) Basically i ended up at this because i thought i heard a sound i had never heard, but i couldnt recreate and stuck with it anyway. I tried all the options and none of them stuck out as obviously better, and the 8 ch it recommended i thought sounded "irregular" at times. I'm trying for the best surround simulation I can get, and was just wondering if there is a definitive answer here, or if it varies between setups. Obviously my output is 2 channel, but with the 7.1 surround sim I wondered if my card would be better at reproducing this with more input channels (8 made sense to me, but didn't necessarily work best). For ref, my card is a Auzentech Xplosion 7.1 Cinema
  5. Alright, not sure if this is possible but figured I'd throw it out there. I Realize that Triple Head is the way to go for multiple monitors, it's just not in the cards for me any time soon. However, I did just purchase a new WS LCD, and was wondering if the following could even be done. When I searched, someone had mentioned it for Arma I, but no one really responded to it (bad sign?) Basically I will soon have 2 monitors. I plan on running arma II on my new "fancy" monitor, and figured I'd just have system info and teamspeak running on the other monitor. However, it would be nice if I could have the map screen up on my other monitor, with compass/gps displayed. I'd figure you would still use the "M" key to toggle over to the other screen and do things on the map. I can already see running into some problems (for me at least): 1) The resolution I plan to run A2 @ isn't supported on my old monitor. 2) Similar to 1, but different aspect ratio on each monitor (4:3 old, 16:9 new) 3) I'm sure there are more I'm not thinking of... Anyways, just thought I'd throw it into the mix. Any of the smart guys in here have an idea as to whether or not this is even plausible?
  6. MitchKov

    3D surround sound

    Alright, after a lot of messing around with settings, I'm no further than I was 3 hours ago. I tried most settings through windows, arma profile config options (the EAX and HWacceleration), adding -dsound to shortcut (didn't crash but didn't change anything either). I've found that my only playable sound pretty much comes from pcm (stereo) 48000. All of this goes over a s/pdif (optical) Cable for digital out. However, if digital out is selected in win 7, then it automatically goes to my receiver as pcm 48000. This is what I have been playing at since I got the game and didn't completely notice since I had my receiver set to a mode that enables all 6 speakers in stereo modes. However today I realized it wasn't 5.1 surround when looking at it while loading up the game. The sounds not terrible, but I cannot pinpoint the direction of any noise behind me (I can hear it, just sounds like its in front of me). In front I can do a fairly good job with sound location. If I select Speakers from the Windows 7 Sounds panel, then it will send whichever surround I select to my receiver, where it is identified correctly by the receiver (Dolby Digital Live -> Dolby Digital 5.1, DTS Interactive -> DTS 5.1). However, with these the surround is not true surround (see problems from previous post), and certain sounds through my center speaker are ridiculously loud (so much so that it scared the crap out of me multiple times). These were usually sound my character made (such as going prone heavy breathing, and getting back up heavy breathing...actually these are the only two i found because it was so unplayable, it literally drowned the other sound out completely due to the fact it was loud as hell.) For Reference, I'm running Windows 7 64, this is my card http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16829156006, and i have the following driver: RC1-Driver for X-Plosion & X-Mystique: 32- & 64-bit, Windows 7 * Version: C8770_RC1_0609 * Release Date: 06/16/2009 Also Arma II is steam version and fully patched. The card/receiver/speakers work perfect in all other applications.
  7. MitchKov

    3D surround sound

    To respond to the post earlier, I got the game to load in 5.1 DD using digital out from an auzentech x-plosion 7.1 cine, but it seems like the surround isn't very good. All speakers work, but i setup a chopper doing circles around me in editor, and the rear surround channels don't give a good effect. It basically sounds like the chopper is flying to my right and left, pretty much right in front of me. My receiver shows it is running in 5.1, and there is sound coming from the rear l/r, it just doesnt sound that good. My surround is calibrated and sounds great otherwise. Any thoughts, driver's are updated, i havn't messed with the config file yet, but will do that next. I'll let ya'll know if it works. So i looked at my arma2.cfg, and there are no lines for sound, am i in the right place? Here's what i Have: language="English"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=93750; Resolution_Bpp=32; Resolution_W=1920; Resolution_H=1080; refresh=60; Render_W=1920; Render_H=1080; FSAA=3; postFX=0; HDRPrecision=8; lastDeviceId=""; localVRAM=1067663360; nonlocalVRAM=1878523904; winX=0; winY=0; winW=1916; winH=1040; winDefW=1920; winDefH=1080; Edit 2: So, I did the same sound test, this time using a vehicle, and the sound was pretty much the same, except the engine idiling and commander speech came out of my back left speaker only, regardless of the orientation of the vehicle...weird.
  8. MitchKov


    SPECS: CPU: Phenom II x4 940 @ 3.7 GPU: HIS HD 4890 @ 951/1125 MEMORY: 4gb (2x2gb) gskill ddr2 @ 5-7-7-20 :icon_sad: MOTHERBOARD: Biostar TA790GXB PSU: 650 BFG GS(?) Series :391: (Hopefully not much longer) Anyways, ran it at 1920x1080, Video Memory - Default, PP-off All Normal - 4448.71 All High/VeryHigh, PP off - 2 in the 2500-2750, last one @ 3099.63(?) Then I did it how I'll play most likely 1920x1080, PP off, Video Memory Default, Shadows Low Everything else, high/very high - 3455.xx on runs 2 + 3. Now my question: I played through a mission to see how it was, and while I think it's definitely playable at these settings, it's not as smooth as I wish it would be. Any thoughts on what mark you should get at the resolution you want to play it at? I realize it's all preference, but whats the general consensus? As of right now, it plays pretty smooth, but slows down occasionally. Im guessing its running high 20's-low 30's most of the time, and dipping down to (or possibly below) 20 occasionally during high stress moments. Thanks! P.S. Saw people putting view distance - View distance is at 5037(just threw it around 5, don't ask), but i thought armaIImark sets this for you in mission
  9. PBZ - Thanks for the detailed info, just out of curiosity, what OS are you using to run this. It seems like you're getting pretty good results with the equipment you're using.
  10. Ok, here are my soon to be specs, pending delivery from newegg: AMD Phenom II x4 940 HIS H489F1GP Radeon HD 4890 1GB G. Skill 2x2GB DDR2 1066 Biostar TA790GXB Mobo Got it all for $452 and change shipped, am using current case/psu/other components. Planning on running @ 1920x1080 Also, I have a AuzenTech AZT-XPCINE 7.1. Planning on running 5.1 dolby surround on a sony receiver. Works good with other games, how is the surround on this game for people who are using it? How are the preset xbox 360 controller settings? Playable? while probably not as good as mouse/keyboard, does it work fairly well? Anyways, so what kind of visual settings/fps could I expect to get. I'll plan on running through xp 32 bit based on what I've seen, and may try win 7 64 to compare as I'll probably eventually switch to that.