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Everything posted by qwertz
Yep, that's quite close to AAS. One difference being that there are no tickets but the control points are capped in order, i.e. you cap them by outnumbering the enemy, and the speed of capping is defined by the difference of player numbers of both teams. Then, you move on to the next control point.
Lol - guess you mean AAS, not ASS
Well, we have public PvP matches with 15-20 people (weekends more) every day. There are also multiple weekly PvP AAS nights on different days in Europe (BCA, armed-assault.de, etc.). :-) Arma2.ru has a dedicated AAS server 24/7 which is also populated every day. Just have a look here: http://forums.advanceandsecure.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=15 Is this really so hard to find, and if yes, why ? :cheers: qwertz
Good interview !
You can't Play this game Multiplayer.
qwertz replied to Magnum0311's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - MULTIPLAYER
Why is everyone so angry here ? -
That's spot on. Also have in mind that some more tactical PvP modes (AAS comes to mind) have at least some learning curve, so in order to have a full server it helps to have a consistent offering. :cheers: qwertz
The "Official" Advance and Secure Thread (AAS)
qwertz replied to BCA Cat Toaster's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
We are only really playing in the evenings (US time) ....jobs, families etc. But I've seen you playing today, good to see you made it :-) -
It's no luck - it has a name: Armacalypse :D AAS all the way, Team versus Team, real humans, no AI, tactics, teamplay, fun.
Sure it has servers here. Just check the in-game browser. Be aware that some servers have addon-requirements, which means you have to download them before you can join.
You can't Play this game Multiplayer.
qwertz replied to Magnum0311's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - MULTIPLAYER
Mine works too. And I want to play it in the public scene's current state. And I even enjoy it. :cheers: -
The "Official" Advance and Secure Thread (AAS)
qwertz replied to BCA Cat Toaster's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Hi RogueBlade, what is your in-game nick? I don't remember seeing your forum nick trying to connect and then making contact through chat, usually we try to help everyone with problems. We have seen this problem every now and then, and as galhozar said it always goes away on its own and is related to connectivity issues (if the server is populated, that would hint it's likely on your side). Just wait a few minutes and then reconnect. If the pack is not properly installed, you would get kicked with a message similar to "you can't play on the server because its dependent upon downloadable content: xyz" In any case, whenever you have problems, just jump on our teamspeak (even if you don't have a mic) and we will help you there. Or write and email to [email protected]. See you on the server, :cheers: qwertz -
The "Official" Advance and Secure Thread (AAS)
qwertz replied to BCA Cat Toaster's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Can't promise when I find the time for that, but I might have a look at drafting a "How to Play" guide as well....hope I play I the same way as you guys :-) -
I agree with Infam0us, teamplay = TS (Mumble, Ventrilo). If you want to have teamplay, join the game server's voice communications. If you don't, don't expect teamplay. It is like in real life: coordination requires communication. Don't expect everyone else to read through your text chatter just because you don't want to use a microphone for some reason. If the server you play on does not (want to) provide comms, change the server.
If you would be the OP, who has (unlike you) an ATI card, and whose question my answer was relevant to, it would solve the issue of "stutteryness". If that's what he means, anyway. qwertz
15 minutes wait in CS ? As far as I remember, the round time can be set to a minimum of one minute, a maximum of nine minutes and a default (most servers) of 5 minutes. Assuming you don't die on spawn every round, and given that most rounds end by fulfilling the objective or one team being wiped out before the timeout, you will rarely wait more than 1-3 minutes until the next round starts. So, not quite sure what you talking about here.
New Server Browser/Server Features with OA?
qwertz replied to gossamersolid's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - MULTIPLAYER
+1 :cheers: qwertz -
1) Switch HT off 2) In your ArmA2.cfg, set: GPU_MaxFramesAhead=0; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=0; Should solve the issue.
What Toaster said plus (pulled from memory) Industrial Zone Castle Rog Dark and Deep Urban Combat Nadezhdino (...)
I agree with a lot of what has been said by tacticalnuggets and others here. However, I am not yet willing to give up, and rather try to work with and optimize what we have rather than waiting for "day X when BI will have fixed these problems" (which I sincerely hope will eventually come). This game is to great to let die (and a game without a vivid Multiplayer part is a dead game for me). Here's what we try at ArmAcalypse, as an example: 1) Choose one of the more user friendly PvP modes. In our case, this was AAS (www.advanceandsecure.com). The guys from the AAS dev team have a good understanding about user friendliness, and now with the installer, every computer/ArmA novice can install it with ease - click the installer, wait for it to finish, click the AAS shortcut on your desktop - play the game. Updates come in 1-3 month cycles, so no need to chase downloads on a daily basis. The concept is that all AAS servers use the same package, so you can hop from AAS server to AAS server without worrying about any additional required downloads, while enabling some of the best user made addons and islands. A simple, good concept. Of course you can find 100 reasons why you like other game modes more than AAS, but this applies for any game mode. Also you can argue "why does the AAS pack deliver addon X and not my beloved addon Y". Whats more important for me is that it is accessible from a usability standpoint so that normal players without a degree in computer science can play it, while it delivers a great tactical PvP experience using all the unique strengths of ArmA. The point is compromise. You have to settle on a specific set which is never complete, and standardize it, otherwise we are back to square one and every server scares away users with their own set of addon requirements and no one gets the momentum/critical mass (or does not use addons at all, which is boring and a shame given the quality of user created content in the ArmA universe). 2) Create communites w/o strict (time) commitment. As tacticalnuggets and anfiach have rightly pointed out, most people have jobs and family and other hobbies so committing to show up at certain times is a show stopper for many people. Now you can of course argue and say that they are not worth catering for, but falling into that group myself, I was always looking for something more casual and eventually launched ArmAcalypse purely out of frustration and necessity. I would call this a "hybrid public" concept because while everyone can join the server, you need to have the AAS addon pack installed, teamwork and Teamspeak is actively encouraged/used, and most of the people playing are regulars, with only a small amount of "walk-in customers". It's still an uphill struggle and we are small compared to the large communities out there, and we have to make some compromises that full-commitment communities don't, but we now have a (growing) group of people who are regulars and show up as and when they want. I am not saying here that this is a perfect solution (it is not). The perfect solution would be that BI would develop an (auto)-download functionality for addons from within the game(this would solve 90% of the most important online multiplayer issues). But if more PvP game modes / communities could step up and offer a more user friendly/accessible/open experience right now, with the limited means available, we probably would have a more vivid (PvP) multiplayer scene, and ArmA as a whole would benefit from that. Most (new) people who try out ArmA love the game, but are then turned away again by the hassles required to go through if they want to play online.
The "Official" Advance and Secure Thread (AAS)
qwertz replied to BCA Cat Toaster's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Great idea. Will see if I can find some time for this for a first draft - or do you want to take the lead on this Toaster ? -
Nah, most people would like to see ACE for AAS. Its a coding resources problem more than anything else. But you are right in that ACE might be more important in Coop gameplay.
It does not really work like that. To get a new AAS server going (or any other PvP mode), you need a group of people that is playing every morning/afternoon/evening/24h so that the server is populated. Then, you will see more and more people join slowly but steadily. If a PvP server is empty, no one will join and you will wait forever even if you have the best server in the universe. A temp server will most likely NOT work. I would actually HATE to lose 76 to you Aussies :p Serious: let me know if you need any help/configs/missions/tips if you want to set up your own AAS sever 76 ! :cheers: qwertz
The "Official" Advance and Secure Thread (AAS)
qwertz replied to BCA Cat Toaster's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
NP Toaster - by the way, when do you plan to release the mission upgrade? We have some more to contribute. -
And in the meantime, you can check out AAS ... it has just seen a major new release (see here) and has come a long way since the beginning. Quite a handful of servers are playing it now regularly or constantly. :cheers: qwertz
Hi BangTail, I've heard that are some awesome drives, congrats. :bounce3: ! cheers, qwertz