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I just noticed that the fix for pulling injured units out of any vehicle didn't work out like I thought, because infantry units are also accounted as vehicles. I think I'll release 0.81a as a hotfix release tonight.
Hello everyone! I finally got around to release Insurgency 0.81! This is a bugfix release, but I couldn't do without sneaking some features in, which make upgrading your servers worthwhile! Most notable of those is respawning OPFOR AI vehicle patrols. Further additions include: - Parameter to lock MHQ in place - Removal time parameter for BLUFOR bodies - You can now pull injured players out of any vehicle (also the chopper) Enjoy! Further features and fixes are seen in the Roadmap. Current version: 0.81 - Fireball -------- Project Details Mission available at http://dev-heaven.net/projects/insurgency/files For improvements and fixes, please see the roadmap at: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/insurgency/roadmap Please feel free to post your suggestions here or, better even, file a ticket on DevHeaven in the project issue tracker.
So sleepTime may be 300 and it would wait randomly 300 seconds until, e.g. with 1800 averageRespawnTime, (random 1) would drop below 0.16. Well this way it may happen that they respawn instantly or almost never. I want it to wait at least once sleepTime and then beginn with the random wait sequence; but alas it would only happen in 5 min steps - not so random and chances are high that vehicles respawn very seldom. Thanks for your input but I'll stick to my method. What I want to know: do the average times to respawn look reasonable to you?
Sheesh, I'm just respawning the currently available AI vehicles from OPFOR, nothing special. Just need feedback on my original question, nothing sophisticated.
Sorry, I was unclear, it's about the OPFOR vehicle patrols (fixed in my post). I want to avoid the Swiss Watch[tm] effect; "ahh, 10 min passed, another patrol coming in, get ready", hence the random component. ---------- Post added at 08:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:01 AM ---------- This should be set in the server config, as someone outlined in an earlier post: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1886769&highlight=server+config#post1886769
First of all, sorry for not replying here for a long time, I didn't get anymore notifications of the thread, for some reason. That's an easy thing. Currently it has the the same AT infantry unit 3 times in the eastInfClasses list, I'll replace one of them with an AR unit and there we have only 2/3 of the previous AT unit amount. I also thought it was a bit too much as it is now. Then a question to everyone: I'm currently making the OPFOR AI vehicle patrols respawning; what dynamic respawn time would you imagine? Minimum respawn time is 300 secs and my thought was then an additional random of 900 secs by default. I think I'll offer a choice for random respawn additional time of 300, 900, 1200, 1800 seconds. Any other ideas?
ArmA 2 OA Beta Build 83363
Fireball replied to -GLT-Sarge's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - BETA PATCH TESTING
This looks like a ATOC issue to me. Check if you still see the problem with ATOC=0 in your config file. -
AI reaction to suppressive fire improvement idea
Fireball replied to Fireball's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - SUGGESTIONS
It's all in the CIT ticket, mentioned in the original post. -
AI reaction to suppressive fire improvement idea
Fireball replied to Fireball's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - SUGGESTIONS
Here is your text: And here Suma's answer to you: All other chatter which I edited out was effectively redundant. ---------- Post added at 05:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:46 PM ---------- As far I can tell, to effect "suppression", the crucial issue is to identify suppression by AI. Just going down and move along the floor is not always the best idea, specially if - hopefully any time soon - the artificial damage reduction for prone units is removed. Maybe you could add up simple elements for a check if a unit is suppressed: - Behind cover (house, tree, wall) - Enemy contact - Fire coming from that enemy in a certain rate/intervall towards the AI unit Disadvantage with the simplistic method: - We assume that the AI is in full cover, so it stays put there; if this doesn't hold truth in many cases, we'll have upset players thinking the AI is stupid if it doesn't move away from the unprotected position This would be key for a successful suppression detection. -
Try Insurgency.
Oh, sorry to hear that - hope you're basically alright! Well, what was explained by BOTA:49 already exists as a separate setting by the suggested name, which decides how many OPFOR human players may join, depending on the current amount of BLUFOR players.
The other things have been correctly explained, but here you probably mixed two settings up in your head: "Enemy AI numbers" has no "COOP" setting, that would be OPFOR : BLUFOR ratio (and there are no percentages, but...ratios!). If you ask about "Enemy AI numbers" - this is the most misunderstood setting and I think I shall make an explanation of it, since every server admin seems to yank these numbers up to 200% at every occasion, probably because they were play testing the mission alone or with two players and thinking that with more players it would get boring with so "few enemies". BUT, in fact, the "Enemy AI number" scales with the amount of players. 100 % mean that for every player in enemy territory , 4 enemies spawn somewhere outside of each players view cone (if there's space). 150% means then 6 enemy AIs per BLUFOR player and 200%, 8 enemies. So let's do the math; in a larger town like Zargabad, with 30 players in the middle of it, with setting at 200%, it'll be packed with up to 240 enemy AIs crawling!
Post every dump, specially if you get both .mdmp and .bidmp files! Suma has been able to fix very naughty crashes by a single good dump, even if it wasn't reproducible for him. ---------- Post added at 01:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:50 AM ---------- Ah yeah, here are my findings to the current BETA. First the positive, it never happened to me that the game was running Warfare BE for 15h+ without memory leaks!! I started it in the morning at 8 am and when I came back in the evening at 7 pm, one of the AI parties fighting won the match. :D Then I restarted for another round of Warfare BE and it was still running by now. BUT the sound failed unfortunately, it just went all silent. I can't tell if it was after 11 h or, by now, 15 h of running the game, but it doesn't matter. In the morning it worked and as I restarted the game now, it started working again.
Please post crash dumps according to the CIT Wiki in a CIT ticket.
I think you should rather buy PMC/BAF through http://www.sprocketidea.com. You will be able to download it within the day (unless you buy it in the evening) and more money goes to the developers (because it's the shop of game houses' group IDEA, of which BIS is the driving force).
There's a slim chance, if you add a feature ticket on my project space. :rolleyes: But anyhow, I'll think about it - it shouldn't be a problem that you kind of "request reinforcements" up to your squad size as a TL. If somebody human joins in the same squad, one AI would be removed for them. They'd be joined as AI into your squad. I think Insurgency 0.70 had this already in, but it was subsequently removed - not sure why.
I've counted up many great examples before L4D, but you chose to ignore it - you only want to see what you want to see.
I unsubscribed from this thread, waste of time and nerves.
Included, they're the stock BIS modules, plus I used Wolffy.au's fixes from the MIP (Module Improvement Project).
Hello everyone! Finally a new version out, after a good month of break and taking my time in testing the Ambient Civillian modules (ALICE2/SILVIE) along with some ambient bomber script. Few notes to ALICE2/SILVIE and the suicide bombers: - Disabling Ambient Civilians in the mission parameters will also disable ambient bombers - The defusal kit for ambient/suicide bombers is your gun; you got 1 second from the "Allah akbar" outcry to kill the bomber - On host servers (i.e. player hosts the mission) it's advisable to disable Ambient Civilian unless your gear is "da shizzle" - Fallujah has incompatible buildings with ALICE2, so no civilians will be spawned at all, but it has city centres, thus you'll have some traffic at least - Mana has compatible buildings with ALICE2 but no city centres, thus neither will work Credits to: - Reezo's IEDdetect (only used ambient bomber script) - Wolffy.au Module Improvement Projecte Other key features: - 30 player slots - 6 HMMVs - PMC weapons - Unflip vehicles through radio - A-10 air strike through controllable AI Further features and fixes are seen in the Roadmap. Current version: 0.80 - Fireball -------- Project Details Mission available at http://dev-heaven.net/projects/insurgency/files For improvements and fixes, please see the roadmap at: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/insurgency/roadmap Please feel free to post your suggestions here or, better even, file a ticket on DevHeaven in the project issue tracker.
Imagine Left4Dead without Ragdolls: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiZ8au860AE
That's just plain wrong - ragdolls have nothing to do with body position. First of all you must assume physics work for everyone roughly the same, so it's really only about the body position which might be synced and maybe a body will be "prodded" down somewhere from the network code, but you won't notice. I don't know why you just ignored my post, I've counted up so many old and new shooters, which work perfectly fine with Ragdolls (R6 Vegas 2, GRAW1+2) and forgot one of the latest few most prominent ones (still): - BFBC2 - CoD: Black Ops So why do you claim it doesn't work fine, if everyone's using them? Stop talking about something you have no idea about.
- Rainbow 6 Vegas (2) - Ghost Recon Advanced Warfare (GRAW) 1+2 (both PhysX and absolutely awesome!) Special case for cineasts: - Brink (it's absolutely gamey, but ragdolls are awesome!) None of above-mentioned MP FPS employing ragdoll physics have funny exagerated ragdolls, hell not even Brink which I call cineastic - it always adds and never takes. Please cut the whining and be glad about PhysX - specially when I remember GRAW1+2 - damn, that was awesome with the physics! EDIT: Your argument ragdolls have to be synced across MP is nil btw. - only the flying arc or approximate position where the body lies has to be the same for everyone; the rest doesn't need to be the same, e.g. the stance. A good demo how ragdolls in Vegas 2 are used: The player is sort of lame, but you can see nicely how the dead enemies lump around when they fall down. As you can see ragdolls have been used for years past in MP games with good results.
This is how it is in Insurgency right now, but scripted - not with modules. I'd be glad already if those FA/AFA modules would work fine in MP. The scripted version works out pretty good, but there is desync sometimes and sometimes you can't heal someone - actually some unintentional realism, which could be very well built in into such a system - sometimes someone is wounded fatally and you can't treat him on the field. If the advanced first aid system would be something along ACE2 simulates I'd be pretty fine with it - I find it already "complicated" enough for a game but still fun. I think (pseudo-)realism like you describe should not be in games, rather in VBS (where it's probably rather fully realistic) - but that's only my humbly opinion. I'm rather on the bandwagon for gameplay > realism in this regard.
I've prepared an AI flown user-controlled CAS air strike: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/18566 There is also a video for those interested how it works then. I'll offer this with an option for the old CAS where the player hops in and also an option to disable it entirely. Additionally there will be an option to set flying time; AI-flown A-10 will always last double the time of the player-flown CAS, due to the fact that time starts counting for the AI-flown air strike as soon you've called it. Tell me what you think!