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Everything posted by ShaiCZ

  1. My primary concern has always been performance, espeacially slow loading textures, and I have to admit that with 1.05 and the latest beta, there is a significant and easily noticable improvement! (maybe its only my feeling as there is no such fix listed in the log, but I dont think so..). Great work! I only have ONE tinny problem, guys - at the beginning of Razor Two when standing on the roof with Shaftoe, there go Czech subtitles and a letter is missing in "Rád vás vidím žvý..." Complete it in - with every new beta I try performance in this mission and seeing the "i" missing annoys me all the time:o))))
  2. I have. Ill delete it and try again. Another post says its the way to go. Thx very much!
  3. Strange, when I try to install the latest beta (63826), I get an error message saying the required version is 1.05 while my current version is 1.04. But I am certain I am on 1.05 (I have the new campaign available and the version is numbered properly in the game menu). What am I doing wrong?
  4. Version 1.05, Manhattan mission, SHAFTOE DEAD on the ground in FOB. The sequence of actions: 1) locating and destroying 2 rebel camps (near Gorka, the southern on in the red operations area - forest), 2) flying over near Krasnostav. 3) after a while, calling for Maddox again but hes shot down - transport destroyed. 4) walking uphill to where the radio tower is and destroying another rebel camp. 5) then returning downhill to the road to Krasnostav and meeting Lagushyna. After the conversation, no orders would come from FOB and Lagushyna is not following me, 6) so Iam taking a car a returning to FOB - Shaftoe found in a pool of blood.
  5. ShaiCZ

    Patch 1.05 Satisfaction Survey

    Some time ago, I voted BAD in this survey, especially because of the still present popping up of textures. After trying out a bit (and some serious configuration attemps in the menu), I managed to tune the game to a state where it works somehow (i.e. popping up is not so annoying and present mainly when zooming or turning around wildly). BUT WHAT THE HELL do you mean by STILL having SHAFTOE DEAD in Manhattan even in 1.05?!?!?!? People have been complaying about it from the very beginning and its still there. Today, I found Lagushina on the road, talked to her and waited for radio confirmation which didnt come. So I took a car and returned to FOB only to find the bastard lying in a pool of blood under his table!!!! Now I have to restart the entire mission again and hope it doesnt happen????? CHRIST!!!!!!
  6. No, I dont, although I have the same issue and Ive been complaining about it like since 1.2. Now its 1.5 and the radio chatter is STILL there!
  7. ShaiCZ

    Patch 1.05 Satisfaction Survey

    I voted BAD because the game still (after five patches and a miriad of beta patches) suffers from terrible texture loading times (i.e. the infamous "popping up" of textures as you approach). There is no improvent against the previous versions. I am putting the game aside for another three or four months and see if a real performance patch comes out say in April or May:mad: ATI 4850 1GB vaporX 3GB Ram WinXP 32bit
  8. Patch 59323. Reporting terrible popping up of textures, flashing and serious decrease in FPS.
  9. In one of my previous posts I appreciated that with the latest 1.04 beta, I had no popping up or flashing textures. This was true about the actual mission that I was in at that time (Cold Breeze, or what is it called - "Mrazivý chlad" in Czech). However, as early as in the following mission, all the texture problems are back (no idea why)!! Moreover, I have another game stopper!! After capturing Novy Sobor, there is a cut scene where Father Fjodor is speaking to an angry crowd and tries to convince them not to fight. Now, there is a NAPA jeep (call sign Sherwood or something) and he is so keen on driving through the crowd that he ALWAYS kills one of my team who are standing there!!!!!!!!! Christ!!!! Problem is this scene is scripted so I cannot order my men to move aside!
  10. Using 59210, I am getting totally unbelievable increase in performance against 1.03 (couldnt verify pure 1.04 - the new beta came out sooner:o). I have NO popping up textures, no flashing textures, no silver heads, nearly all setting maxed out! Brilliant! BIS is making some real progress here!;o)
  11. ShaiCZ

    Shaftoe Dead - Manhattan

    I can confirm that with 1.04 Shaftoes doesnt die but I have another gamestopper right after that. After arriving at Manhattan a speaking to the dying commander (cant remember his name), I have two options: 1) Call Madoxx and get escorted on a chopper. While on board and flying towards Elektrozavods, we are shot down by a SAM, the game saves, but all I get is a black screen, music is playing, I can hear some distant explosions but pictures never pops up. 2) I can have the NAPA guys help me (I let them have the guns in Gorka, so now they are on my side). I follow them through the wood to a car, we all board (with me in the trunk). Game saves and loads again, we are on a lonely road, the driver is nowhere to be seen. We CANNOT disembark the car, I cannot leave the trunk, I cannot switch position to drivers seat. After a while, the driver runs in from a wood, gets in and drives us to a nearby town (ca 8 km from Elektro). There, he stops in a crossroads and nothing ever happens! Hes not driving any further, we cannot leave the car, game over.
  12. ShaiCZ

    New patch 1.04

    So far so good with 1.04. After installing the patch I restarted the Manhattan mission (which had been unplayable before that due to Shaftoes death). Im getting noticably better FPS, not so many flashing textures and so far, no game bugs - Shaftoe survivied the whole mission, Lagushyna got escorted...everything fine so far:o)
  13. Shaftoes death actually prevents me from continuing the campaing at the moment. However, in my case, he dies only after I kill the rebel leader in his camp. My idea is that there is a faulty link in the program code that links Shaftoe to the leader (probably both designated as "commander" in the code or whatever). Thus, when you kill the leader (commander), you kill Shaftoe (commander) at the same time...:o) Im not a programmer, so I have not a single clue wheather its possible:o) Ive never seen him cutting his waist against the table. DVD version here.
  14. ShaiCZ

    ATI 9.9 out!

    New ATI CCC drivers (9.9) are out now. Now major changed in the changelog though.
  15. This is a very keen observation I think. Yesterday, I tested 59025 and 58926 and I have noticably worse FPS whenever action ensues. While in open areas, FPS is fine in both versions, when I meet enemy soldiers, it drops significantly with 59025 while with 58926 it remains the same (or drops insignificantly). Tested this on one particular situation from a saved position.
  16. Oh my...!:o) You see, I am a casual gamer, to get to the point of shooting the rebel leader took like three weeks. Only to imagine all that effort in vain...NO NO NOOO!!!! BIS HAVE to FIX THAT!!!
  17. As regards performance, it is really diffucult to tell for sure since there is no mentioning it in the log. I dowloaded one of the previous betas to make some testing today and compare. Ill report latter. Sadly though, not even the todays beta fixes the dead Shaftoe in Mahhattan, so thats my stopping point:o( (I know I know I know - they dont mention any campaing-related fixes in the log, but as long as they can spend time fixing such irrelevant issues as rifle cracking or mouse smoothing etc. (sorry m8s, but these have really never occured to me as an issue) they will spend time fixing dead Shaftoe - in the next beta for the best:o)))
  18. Hey, I guess by the "guy whos saying its screwed performance" you are reffering to me, so heres my specs: :o) WinXP 32-bit SEAGATE Barracuda 7200.10 250GB SATA II NCQ 16MB cache, 7200ot Sapphire HD 4850 1GB DDR3 (1986MHz), 256bit, Vapor-X AMD Dual-Core Athlon A64 X2 5200+EE (65W) 64-bit Windsor BOX 3GB DDR2 800MHz PC6400 A.DATA Extreme Edition CoolerMaster Elite 330, ATX ASUS M2A-VM HDMI, AMD 690G/ATI SB600, DualChannel DDR2 800, VGA + PCIe x16 Everything in CCC set to "use app.settings". I also wonder, what the decisive factor is, but I am afraid not even the BIS know that:o) Other than that, I started the follownig thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=85200&highlight=fix In it, I describe how I tweaked my performance to work just fine. Since that however, the following beta patches have made things only worse. As regards a previous note recommending me to defrag, I did that not so long ago, so thats not the way to go.
  19. Tryied out the new 008 beta: 1) In manhattan, Shaftoe still lying dead on the floor no matter how old a position I load = gamebreaking as I cannot continue. 2) a SIGNIFICANT DECREASE in performance, far too obvious not to be noticed. While with the first bunch of betas, I could play with High or even Very High settings and reasonably quickly loading textures, with 008 I had to downgrade the settings to normal everywhere and still, its hardly moving. I havent done ANY other adjustments to the system (drivers, CCC settings, nothing) since. Too bad for me:o(
  20. Yes, I can confirm that - happened to me just yesterday when assaulting the main rebel base camp in Manhattan. (beta 972)
  21. Still not fixed, although reported many times: in Manhattan, when all missions are completed and I get back to Manhattan, Shaftoes is dead on the ground:o(( Beta ´972
  22. Summarizing gameplay issues that have been driving me crazy lately (patch 972): 1) Throughout the whole Czernarus, in every single village, a radio broadcast is echoing about the attack on the Red Square in Moscow. (mission Manhattan) in some cases even like 10 times simultaneously - very annoying 2) Incredibly often, my team get smashed by the heli when getting out (as the chopper "slides" and the men are jumping out, ALWAYS, at least ONE of them gets smashed and has to be healed)!!! 3 I cannot give orders or communicate with my team when a communication is under way (with Starforce, Shaftoe, or Madoxx). Especially when landing in a hot area when I need to jump out and start fighting / commanding, every second is worth a million.
  23. I know campaign bugs are not in the log, but in Manhattan, the artillery bug is still not fixed. I.e. I only have ONE artillery barrage (resp. the option disappears after the first use) + when I discover the main camp, they tell me I have artillery available again, call sign "Mike", but I DONT!!!!!! Arrrggghhh!
  24. Thats exactly why I am asking. I had a slight feeling with the first beta patches that the performance (texture loading) is better, but it gradually faded away. Also, from time to time, someone claims here and there that FPS or CPU usage is better, but nothing confirmed so far...
  25. Any news of performace improvements? As regards the 46 patch: when you command a soldier to heal himself, it triggers a stupid animation of the soldier "healing" a virtual someone infront of him.