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About Triple111

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  1. Triple111

    Where to get the original OFP demo?

    Hmm... i think I may have it...
  2. Triple111

    Vehicle ammu reloading

    Either at a support truck or at a base. I think the Ammo Urals/5t Truck should work. Just pull up next to one. If you download certain addons, you can get a camonet garage that refuels, rearms, and repairs you. These are the ones:
  3. Is it possible to open up existing mission files (.pbo) in the in-game editor? That way I could see how people's missions work and learn from them.
  4. Triple111

    Since I can't run ArmA II...

    same here
  5. Triple111

    Messed up config/FOV?

    thanks, ill try that
  6. Triple111

    This game is complex, I need help!

    Pretty much everywhere except big forests and really smoky battlefields. I started the demo in just the basic training, not even a city, and I got terrible FPS. And the motion blur made EVERYTHING extremely blurry. Is the demo flawed and the real game works fine?
  7. Triple111

    This game is complex, I need help!

    I just downloaded the demo, and where I get around 40-50 fps in ARMA 1 on medium/medium-high settinigs, I get like 5 fps in ARMA 2 on low!!!!! Its really putting me off, dunno if the actual game runs better :butbut:
  8. Triple111

    some newbie questions

    #2 You basically do what you want. To be able to recruit soldiers and pilot certain vehicles you need to gain rank by killing stuff and blowing things up. #3 Use Kegety's Arma Launcher. Makes launching mods REALLY easy! http://www.kegetys.net/dl.php/armalauncher111.zip Installing a mod is basically making a folder in your main ArmA folder called "@(insert mod name)". You make a folder inside that one called "Addons", then put ALL the mod files inside that. Then you just quickly add the mod to the modlist in the launcher and you can launch it quickly like that.
  9. Triple111

    Messed up config/FOV?

    no it wasnt a patch. Could someone post their config up as well?
  10. Triple111

    Messed up config/FOV?

    Hey guys, I've had ARMA for a while now. I've noticed that my FOV is messed up. It was normal before. Its been messed up for a little while now too. This is what is was before. (Normal) This is what it's like now. (Messed up) The messed up one is how it is normally (no zoom key pressed). This is my config file- I think it may have happened because I might have doubled tapped the zoom key or somthing, but I dont remember because it got messed up a while ago. Thanks!