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About TheMantis

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. I have created a mission with the players starting out as Civilians, being attacked by Opfor. I cannot figure out how to enable respawn into one of the remaining civilians. I do not want unlimited respawns. I only want the players to be able to respawn into the remaining civilians. Currently other players can do this by aborting and rejoining. I am hosting the game but if I leave (to sudo-respawn) if boots all the other players. Thank you in advance.
  2. Playing COOP, with 2 friends through campaign. I'm hosting the game. Arma 2 locks up everytime it auto saves in Razor Two. It just stays on the Saving please wait screen forever. When I end the process, and restart arma 2 I have to play the mission from the beginning. Anyone have any suggestions? It works fine in single player.
  3. 1. goto the path it says. 2. Right click on the file arma2.cfg and goto properties. Is the file read only? If it is. Uncheck read only. If it is not, delete the file or just rename it. When you restart arma2 it should create another arma2.cfg file. Let me know if this works.
  4. TheMantis

    Unnatural Movements...Graphics

    1. When the jolt happens are there any artifacts on the screen? 2. Are the textures changing on close objects at the same time as the jolt?
  5. TheMantis

    MP problems

    Not to insult your intelligence. First off are you picking a server with a low ping?
  6. INVASION 44 MOD PROBLEMS. I get terrible framerate when I play the invasion coop mission. Like in the single digits. I have tried all resolution combos, changing all the graphical settings nothing seems to work. The best I can get is ~15 +/- 4 FPS when I am on the beach. I basically makes the game damn near unplayable. This is running on Vista 64 system (IT WORKS WELL FOR REG. ARMA) Q6600, 8 GB DDR2, GTX 285 OC 1GB. Hopefully someone can help me out.
  7. TheMantis

    Widescreen not working

    Toshiba Regza 42XV635DB is a native 1080p screen. Set it to 1920 x 1080 and try that with 16:9 aspect.
  8. 1. If you are running vista add: -winxp to your arma2 shortcut. 2. If that doesn't work, or you are running xp, then try an older nvidia driver. Lots of people recommend 182.50 Hope this helps.
  9. TheMantis

    ArmA II Multiplayer CTD

    Is your sound card driver up to date? If it is , try rolling it back one or two drivers. If it isn't update it. Try that. I had a similar fault with Stalker: CS and that was my problem.
  10. TheMantis

    no sound with EMU 0404

    Wow. You are the biggest tool I've ever encountered online. Godspeed Lt. DipSh!7
  11. TheMantis

    Evil railroad bug and other

    So you are spawning APC in water? An apc? A tracked vehicle? I'm sorry I don't understand. Do you mean an assault boat/craft?
  12. TheMantis

    Evil railroad bug and other

    1. I don't know about #1 2. For tanks they return to formation for me, but remember that formation doesn't mean in original place. They will still follow you, but they are spread out, they are vehicles after all and have a much better range/arc of fire. 3. I don't quite understand. I have started APC on beach, and it never killed my guys by going into the water. The name Hitler is ... umm...... not cool.
  13. TheMantis

    How Satisfied with Arma2 Are you??

    Get a Mac. Seriously though. They are fixing the problem. This is a smaller studio, and they will fix their product. The fact is that it isn't a rail shooter, and a matter of just fixing standard scripted events. This game has a huge scope, and you could beta test for a year and still not discover all the problems. I promise you that it will get better. Just give it time. Meanwhile go play another game that you can "beat" in 10 hours or less. then come back to this.
  14. TheMantis

    Help me plz

    Read above post
  15. TheMantis

    Help me plz

    Goto the hp website, then support, then input hp pavillion model number. it should tell you the drivers that are available. Here it is. http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softwareList?os=2093&lc=en&dlc=en&cc=us&product=3632159〈=en