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About Sepulchrave

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  1. Sepulchrave

    Manhatten insurgent camps / main base.

    Despite the message that they are "ready for your order" I think that you just have to wait and they will start attacking of their own volition. Sep.
  2. Sepulchrave

    Manhatten insurgent camps / main base.

    AAAAAAGH! Perhaps, like me, you will now spend an entire evening trying different approaches to knock out the base camp (the LAV eventually seems to proceed of its own accord), being killed again and again and again, only to get the autosave, followed by the message that you've secured the base, and a second later, a message saying Razor 3 has been killed - game over. Only now my autosave point is literally the point at which the bullet must have hit him. FFS. One more thing - If I switch to my sniper, why does Cooper decide to leap to his feet from the "prone" position I'd left him in. Sep.
  3. Sepulchrave

    Manhatten Bug List

    I don't know if this is a bug or not to be honest. I went to the church where I saw Lagushina's red car and captured her outside the church door. I was then told to escort her to the LZ. We all piled into her car like a bunch of students off to Glastonbury and I drove to the LZ. When we go to around 90m away from it, Cooper automatically sent a message to HQ requesting immediate extraction from the LZ, but then Chedaki troops/armed villagers started turning up so we all ran over to the white barn nearby and took cover amongst the buildings and hay bales to hold off the bad guys until the helicopter arrived. I waited and waited, killing a few guys in the process. Got the message that we'd found the main Chedaki base camp etc....but still no helicopter. Is this a glitch, or do I have to do something else to trigger the Hind coming in. If we just hang out in the middle of the field in the open, we'll get slaughtered or at least Lagushina will since she just stands there while the bullets fly! Sep.