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  1. No should I be? edit: Tried pressing alt, just gives me the option to make them halt, suppress etc. Also telling my squad members to move anywhere on the map caused an instant crash to desktop, does this both in windows 7 x64 and windows vista x64. This seems to be the problem, the commands don't match up with what they do. How do I fix this, could someone send me the english language files for the 1.02 patch?
  2. How do you get team members to mount vehicles? If I press tab to select all members then click on the vehicle it just goes 'all, observe that x' and if I do one by one eg f2 f3 etc and select 'get in hmmv' and press enter it just goes '2, observe that hmmv' no matter what I do they will not board any vehicles, making playing the game almost impossible. Also if I tell my squad to move there the game often crashes to desktop. Any hints guys? Also for some reason if I have the exe called cyrsis64.exe it crashes when I try and get them to mount a vehicle, however with it called arma2.exe it just says 'observe that'. It's definitely not fade as everything else in the game works fine and I'm using a legitimately purchased version.