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Everything posted by Ringhejm

  1. Is there no one who knows. ????
  2. Here is a short vid of how to make a different type of brefing or intel if you want.
  3. dossent matter now, i have solved it.
  4. This is the first part of this sunday 4/10-09 OP where we had a joint OP whit Anrop. There is alot of action in those vids. and this is Part 2. and part 3. This is just a little one whit the helo crash that night.
  5. Hehe.... sure thing mate. this is part 3 and final vid from the op.
  6. This is Part 1 & 2 out of 3 vid from this OP. ---> Part 1 ---> Part 2
  7. Great fun and great OP.. ill have some Pics and later on a vid. look after the vid in my youtube channel.... its comming this week.
  8. If you have diffrent names on the arty module and have diffrent radio trikker it should do the trick. It works when the enemy is fire arty on you. I have made a mission where some morters are using HE on you and then a other arty ( D-30 ) battery is using WP at the same time. so if it works for the enemy it should work for you to. But i havent test it. but try and se if that do the trick.
  9. Ringhejm

    32-bit vs 64-bit

    That has noting to do whit 64 bit version. They want you to choose one of 2 produkt. if it is vista, they want to know if you want 1. vista basic 32 bit or 2. vista premium 32 bit. It has nothing to do whit 64 bit. you can get the 64 bit version for the same price if you want, just make sure that you PC is 64 bit ready.
  10. Well I must say that whit these 2 mods. PROPER - Buildings Tweak Visuals - Low PROPER - Vegetation Tweak Visuals - Low I dont get any notic in my FPS I dont know if i ned to have more than those 2. But if i combine it whit GDT Mod I have some of 10 FPS better and it loads the world much fast when i flush my memory. I dont know if I can combine those 2. but it works so far. I will try just the GDT mod and tjeck that by it self.
  11. Well I must say that whit your 2 mods. PROPER - Buildings Tweak Visuals - Low PROPER - Vegetation Tweak Visuals - Low I dont get any notic in my FPS I dont know if i ned to have more than those 2. But if i combine it whit GDT Mod I have some of 10 FPS and it loads the world much fast when i flush my memory. I dont know if I can combine those 2. I will try just the GDT mod and tjeck that by it self.
  12. Is there anyone who knows where i can get the class names for the grass,bushes and trees. ??? cheers.
  13. This is a 2 part vid from the latest -{GOL}- sunday Operation. and part 2 Watch my other vids and subscribe to keep following the latest.
  14. Tjeck out my latest Vid. And watch out for the mission only on GOL server. P.S. In the Vid it is the AI that is fighting. The whit fosfor you see in the Vid is when the enemy ( russian ) is using Arty on US and the fire as soon as you have been spottet. later on 2 helo comes in whit reinforcment. But this mission is made to train ALC the big tanks
  15. this is just the sunday OP Nx-bZ_ttmDM
  16. Ringhejm

    Add action ??

    Ill try that.... thx.
  17. When I add a action to my menu via the init line in the c-130j it is going to be availebel to all players in my MP mission... how can i make it so it is only the pilot that have this action menu. ???
  18. This is the first part of the sunday OP 3GmpHf27FGM This is the second part. HZ4EVv2uoUM
  19. hmmm well that was a shame.... but thx for the repley
  20. Hallo all. I dont know if this is possible and if it is I have no ideer on how to implement it.... It would be nice if the camera on the UAV is projectet on the big screen in game like in the first mission onboard the carrier you se a slide show on it... I just want a life transmission so everyone can se what the uav can see the camera they shall not control it for that i have the UAV module and so on.... I just want the life transmission to be displayd on the screen so when you walk up to it you can se it. hope that there is one that could help me whit this.
  21. What you are thinking of is the HALO script.... search the forum for HALO. it is a part of the game so it is wery easy to use.
  22. Ringhejm

    Mr Murray Editor Guide

    This is going to be great... love to se how all the module is working. Your the man Mr-Murray
  23. Ringhejm

    Ammo classname

    Benny. Your are the man... THAX many times for it. That was the one I was after.