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About robdv19

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  1. I have a 9800GT and I have to run everything on low settings, although my rig meets the recommended specs. I can run crysis on high settings easily. Something not quite right I think. Maybe do a re-install?
  2. I've got a question about my Arma2 graphics performance: According to the recommended system specs I should be able to run this game pretty well on my rig: AMD Phenom 8450 Triple-Core Processor @5 Ghz 3GB system ram Geforce 9800GT WinXP I can run Crysis on high settings whereas I have to turn everything to low in Arma2. (viewdist. 3.6km) If I play Arma2 on normal or high I get very poor performance (not above 20fps when walking alone in a field) I play Armed Assault on High settings with a viewdistance of 8+km Any suggestions?