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Everything posted by ozzbik

  1. Did you install (or repair) the software?
  2. TADST would be the best alternative on your machine (so you can run the server on your machine).
  3. ozzbik

    Arma 3 sound bug

    Grounding is done to prevent static electricity buildup which could hurt you or your system. Normally the psu would be grounded through the cable via the ground pin on the wallsocket. So if that is the case, your machine has already been grounded. Unless your using a wallsocket without an earth/ground pin.
  4. Are you connected to the internet directly or is there an modem between your pc and the web? When using a modem/router you need to forward the ports in question to your server (if upnp doesn't work). Also, sometimes it can take a while before the server shows up in the list. Have you tried to have someone use the remote option/buttton here you typ in the ipdadress and port?
  5. What happens when you start arma3.exe itself? Is steam started as admin? Also try after renaming the following directory (in your profile folder) \AppData\Local\Bohemia_Interactive\arma3launcher.exe_Url_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\ (latest build version) to ___1.1.129.935 Try backing up your profile (for example zip it) and delete it and start again.
  6. What happens when you start the launcher directly from the arma3 folder? Close all steam overlay windows btw when you test this.
  7. ozzbik

    Arma 3 sound bug

    I've got some questions for you: - Is your pc grounded? - Do you have micboost on? - What are the settings for audio quality (try lower settings)?
  8. ozzbik

    Reasons behind Desync ?

    There are multiple sources of information about missionmaking, for example: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLH6E0LMf1eMMm3L0uF8rDA
  9. ozzbik

    Reasons behind Desync ?

    You can use tadst to easily setup your dedicated windows server. So that would be a good option. Make sure you enable the networklogging in TADST (tickbox).
  10. ozzbik

    Reasons behind Desync ?

    Monitor your system with perfmon, to make sure your system is keeping up. It could be the mission is a bit too much to process. You could also try if the dsync occurs when your not playing (using server exe).
  11. ozzbik

    Some kind of problems

    You state you have problems. Which to me means you've started the game with these mods. Like the previous replies allready note out, when you want to know which mod conflict with each other, check the rpt file. You cannot expect anyone to know if this list of mods conflict with one another.
  12. ozzbik

    Some kind of problems

    Check your log in the appdata folder for info. What is the error message btw? Make sure that cba comes first in the modlist
  13. There have been other games with the same problem (for example BF3). They have found that the following could solve this: Control panel -> Time, Launguage and Region -> Region -> Administrative tab Change Language for non-Unicode programs To English(US)
  14. ozzbik

    Skip intro.....Permenant?

    enabled parameter -noworld aswell perhaps?
  15. So it seems it's not just me. I will create a ticket in feedbacktracker then. ---UPDATE--- Ticket no. 0020039
  16. Just checking if i alone have this problem: Only in the dev build i cannot use the arsenal in the editor. I use the following code (which works in stable for me): ["AmmoboxInit",[this,true]] call BIS_fnc_arsenal;
  17. Not all errors are a problem. Do you experience any crashes or other faults whilst playing?
  18. Battleye is available for linux: http://www.battleye.com/downloads/arma3/beserver.so - MD5: BBC2C7D7CAC783106E19226A8B5C0215 (Put this file into a folder called "battleye" in your server install directory)
  19. Review the following installation instructions: http://otoris.com/installing-an-arma-iii-server-on-ubuntu/ (I followed these, and they worked for me) I suspect you are using a 64-bit server installation of linux, the application is 32-bit however. So you need to install the 32-bit libraries.
  20. The modem probably has a security or other type of log. Check if there are messages about the network drop.
  21. Is IP Flood Detection enabled in the Router/Modem's firewall?
  22. Did you previously use development build? Have you tried verifying your steamcache? Or is this "only" with the missions you built yourself?
  23. ozzbik

    Multiplayer Not working

    And try to connect to the server via LAN instead of Internet (when on the same network as the server).
  24. ozzbik

    high ping

    Isn't the ping calculated by the gamespy master?