Since I've got the game, I've been dying to find good server to play on.
I've had a sad exerience so far.
Most of the server got no sign of teamplay and filled with immature players running to take off with chopper, to crash it in a few seconds - you should practice it in single player if you suck.
Also on many server the owner/admins are ultra egoist. Others will shoot you if you try to fly, or just cause they suck at killing moving target on the opposing side.
There are servers where you get banned without ANY reason, without anyone trying to talk to you, or for reasons like trying to take a wreck in for repairs, or doing anything like mounting a vehicle.
If anyone tells me, or asks me to do, or not do something I'd gladly be a teamplayer and do what they ask.
This is getting old pretty fast. I expected a much higher intellectual level from the ArmA2 community.
And before you ask, I'd host my own server, but there is no linux version out yet.