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John Kozak

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Everything posted by John Kozak

  1. John Kozak

    [WIP] USAF Air Asset MOD

    Well, first, F-22's RCS is also classified, but is said to be at the level of 0.0001m^2 (-40dBsm). Irbis (the most modern Russian radar) has detection range of 400km for 3 m^2 RCS target. This, using The Radar Equation, puts detection range for a target with RCS of an F-22 at around 30km. Even a more conservative estimation of 0.001m^2 puts the detection range at 53km, well within AIM-120C-7 kill zone. Second, there's the record of Northern Edge 2006 where the F-22 win/loss ratio was 108:0 in sum of BVR and WVR. And third, BVR is F-22 primary doctrine. EF may be a match in a dogfight, but then EF has orders higher of RCS, so it clearly lacks BVR capability to counter the threat in realistic scenario. But of course, facts are not an obstacle for armchair analysts and there are plenty of people who say a MiG-23 can easily defeat an F-22 :) P.S.I'm not looking to insult anyone, just want to emphasise that taking some opinionated blogs for truth is a very bad way to get information. There's plenty of sources around to cross-check almost everything. P.P.S. Are there any sources, actually, on EF participating in exercises against F-22? I couldn't find any trustworthy ones.
  2. John Kozak

    [WIP] USAF Air Asset MOD

    Now that's a loud statement... I can't help but ask for proofs. While I'm Russian, I observe the technical advancements of "potential enemy" with respect you must have for adversary. And history shows their military tech usually lives up to promises. F-15/F-16 combat record proves that. Saying "F-15 can be upgraded to F-22 level" is like saying F-4 can be upgraded to F-16 level. If you believe in that, I got bad news for you. If anything, it's the Russian claims of being able to detect F-22 by Su-27 at 100km look like BS. So, what's backing your words?
  3. John Kozak

    Finding higher inheritance

    You can write a "cycled" function which does search up the tree until a specific category or the root node is found. Like this: _desiredtype = (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "Car"); _type = typeOf myUnit; _isOfDesiredType = false; _stop = false; while {!_stop} do { _parentType = inheritsFrom _type; //Get parent type if (_parentType == _desiredType) then { _isOfDesiredType = true; _stop = true; } if (isNil "_parentType" || _parentType == "") then { _stop = true; } } (be warned: the code is just to illustrate the principle and may not work as it is) EDIT: actually, there may be a simpler way. Have you tried isKindOf? myVehicle isKindOf "Tank";
  4. By default, profile module does not spawn anything when in plane. Check its settings.
  5. There is an interesting mod porting ArmA 2 soldier gear into ArmA 3: Vests, Helmets and Caps from Arma 2 ported to Arma 3 by hotshotmike1001 Might be worth contacting the author. EDIT: Sorry, wrong thread. Should have been the CUP one.
  6. Thanks for the information. I'm not saying the behavior was better in A2, however - the auto-rudder was not really a correct solution to those problems. It was merely masking one of them. What I'm saying is that current model should be significantly improved, in my opinion. If new configuration parameters will solve those issues - that would be great. Although, I believe they are more tweaks to existing model and hence would not improve upon model's inherent drawbacks. You may prove me wrong by next release, though ☺ I can offer some basic insight into aerodynamics modeling, if you'd be interested.
  7. John Kozak

    Ukraine General

    I suggest you get off your moral high horse, since your information about Ukraine obviously comes from the First channel. Sarcasm is good when it doesn't come from propaganda victim with double standards. Name me one Ukranian "nazi" currently representing Ukraine in UN. Besides, we have Milonov in Duma, who is also in fact a nationalist. Good casus belli, huh? P.S.And for "forbidding parties" - you made me laugh... Russia is a totally democratic state, all right. No political repressions at all.
  8. John Kozak

    How do I walk?

    That question deserves to be carved in stone ☺ As a showcase of ArmA's specifics.
  9. Scheduled command line script which shuts down the server and restarts it with needed settings?
  10. Do shift+left click or Ctrl+left click work?
  11. John Kozak

    Ukraine General

    Now, that's convenient. But it doesn't justify the annexion. There's also a great amount of fascists, nazists, antisemits, vahhabits etc. in Russia. Should Israel and UK open war on Russia and annex Saint-Petersburg?
  12. May be different weapons. Check with "weapons vehicle player" in debug window
  13. John Kozak

    Ukraine General

    Lie. Norway has national debt at the level of 30% GDP. Which doesn't mean anything, actually, because Japan has it at 200% GDP, and its currency is second only to USD and EUR. North Korea, on the other hand, has 0.4% debt/GDP, but it's one of the weakest economies. It's easy to blame someone else (Russians, Americans, Jews, witches), much harder it is to actually do something about yourself and your country.
  14. John Kozak

    Ukraine General

    Somehow the world lives in this collapsed state since 1800s. Name me one country without national debt ☺
  15. John Kozak

    Ukraine General

    You know, there's been same opinion in USSR for 70 years. Yet the "money printing capitalism" strives for two centuries already, and communist USSR has collapsed ultimately. And - what are the criteria you base your opinion on when you say "it has collapsed"?
  16. Then there'd be whining on the forums regarding low FPS on servers because of that☺ But I agree, something certainly needs to be done.
  17. ...and thrust ratio of ~1.1-1.2 without afterburner. F-22 nervously smokes in a corner.
  18. John Kozak

    Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)

    Because by default, suppressors are disabled. See previous posts Edit: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149077-Virtual-Ammobox-System-(VAS)/page91&p=2623698#post2623698
  19. Well, I can say why he is right on that point. Proof is simple: take off in a plane, roll your aircraft 45 degrees left or right, release joystick/keyboard. Your plane would start pitching down turning in the direction of bank in real life. In ArmA, that's not the case. EDIT: a small clarification: it's a proof that there's no proper modeling of aerodynamic forces as function of vertical and horizontal AoA. As another indicator, with 90 degrees roll and no input, aircraft will fly on ballistic trajectory - also not the case.
  20. Nope, graphic options are graphic options (i.e. local), server adjusts only difficulty options.
  21. Did I state anywhere it's possible right now? I don't think so. The whole point of this thread is discussion of possible engine improvements ;-) which are not that hard, in this case. But, indeed, time consuming.
  22. Yes it's possible. You don't need "great" flight model to have numbers comparable to those in reality. Lock On: Modern Air Combat (+Flaming Cliffs 1/2) has pretty primitive model for Su-27/MiG-29, yet it was widely regarded as quite accurate. Just because the "macro" numbers (max speed vs. altitude, lift/drag w.r.t. AoA, moments of inertia, engine thrust, etc.) are close to reality. At the same time, "micro" plane movements (example: spin behavior) are grossly incorrect, but the simulation is still considered pretty good. See what is AFM? topic on Eagle Forums Same can be done here. Not even at the LOMAC/LOFC level, but basic flight envelope can pretty well be modelled, given some motivation. (maybe they'll do an "ArmA: Take on Planes" DLC?) You need to define what "close to the reality" you mean first.
  23. Will BIS benefit if community finds some documentation on A-10/Yak-130 aerodynamics? The planes are old enough for it to be available in public, so it's possible to try and base the dynamics on some real numbers.
  24. John Kozak

    Evil Zeus

    In a one-life coop scenario? Intentional TK? #vote ban :mad: In organized game, Zeus slot should be taken by someone trusted, just like mission commander slot... Public servers, yes, are a problem somewhat. But I'm sure each server owner will find his own solution. For example, some might limit Zeus slot to clan members.
  25. If everything was in one branch, it would be a lot harder to separate issues caused by perf changes from those appearing on devbranch because of other things. Current approach allows to have both lines of work independently. I guess that's the current motivation