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John Kozak

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Everything posted by John Kozak

  1. John Kozak

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Umm... I doubt you've thrown them hundreds of meters away, did you?
  2. John Kozak

    UAVs: Feedback and wishes

    Works fine for me - shows turret feed. Maybe some mods screw something?
  3. Idea for Zeus: add an interactive item which would allow the players of given side to customize their loadout. Allow Zeus/mission maker to place a virtualized arsenal, in essence.
  4. John Kozak

    C&C - Tiberian Era

    Good job, looking forward to it. ArmA 3 could benefit from Titans greatly :-D
  5. John Kozak

    BIS' New Game Launcher

    That'd be easy to solve - addon author who creates a thread will give a workshop link anyway. Any other uploads are obviously non-legit an can be handled via "report" mechanics - just like if someone tries to re-release stolen addon here on the forums
  6. John Kozak

    New CSAT forces MBT

    I got a name suggestion for you - T-500 Shushpanzer
  7. John Kozak

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    No, I mean there are numbers anyway :) Having a number for mass would be just an indication of how long you can run with this loadout, just like number of mags is an indication of how long you can fight with it. It's not that ArmA will suddenly turn into EVE Online.
  8. John Kozak

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    I have bad news for you. You need to count mags and shots in a mag.
  9. John Kozak

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Well, "load up to 3 ticks" indeed doesn't sound good :D But colors may work, yes.
  10. John Kozak

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    It's abstract "inventory units" comprising both weight and volume. For gameplay purposes
  11. John Kozak

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    On one hand, yes. On the other, having a ballpark figure is very convenient in hardcore coop. We had plenty of situations where we just said "okay, we need to be mobile, max load 20 kg". Not that it's critical, but useful sometimes.
  12. I don't know when it happened, but steering wheel hand animations don't work now. They certainly did in Beta.
  13. There is a skill parameter called Endurance - I believe it matches the description. However, it's not known whether it currently affects fatigue. Needs testing. EDIT: it's said to be disabled in ArmA 3 on a linked subskill page
  14. John Kozak

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Sorry? You initially asked: Answer is: yes, it's realistic. I can't get you now, are you saying that "while naked" you rest much faster, or is it "not that different"?
  15. John Kozak

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Ever tried to rest with 30kg backpack pressing on your spine? ;)
  16. Well put, I concur. Also, that would shift the atmosphere a bit from a paintball game to the gruesome thing the war is.
  17. As said above, APL license doesn't contain any clauses about having to provide sources, so the guy is bullshitting you.
  18. isTouchingGround vehicle player && player in thislist Place this into trigger activation
  19. Turn off DoS protection on the router.
  20. it's a bad idea to have a parameter called "precision" if it's actually "imprecision" :-) People will get confused.
  21. I'd say at least 10% of those servers sit on "regular" with 3rd person just because it's the default :) It's not exactly trivial to change that for a dedi server. Besides, new players coming in the game play on the "regular" settings at first; then get used to it and then start to rationalize it. I agree with OP in the point related to 3rd person.
  22. John Kozak

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Welcome to the real world, where sound has speed :-) Not a bug, new feature - sounds are not instant now.
  23. ;););););););) that is not possible ;-) Check your files.
  24. I think it's more related to reflections. My guess is they're adding/planning to add surroundings reflections for vehicle glass.