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Everything posted by grub

  1. Vietnam MOD would be great, a lot of potential for nice scary jungle there.:D
  2. What a question, I really would like to see some of the things philcommando (you still around?) used to do in OpF. For example the HQ he released was great to use in SP missions. Some of the Mechs that started to appear were also great, If only they could have flown after jumping so you could fight in the air as well. Anyone? The Star Wars Mod stuff were great also and the potentials there in ArmA 2 to make great maps for troops and ships. Some of the race tracks that appeared where also good. 'Old Carlston' to name one was excellent for the F1 addons. If only the full throttle option from the F1's were on the nitros Mustangs so you could toggle it while driving. Anyone pondering this type of thing? I'm just hoping that ArmA 2 will stay around for as long as OpF giving the community a chance to produce quality addons, that help bring modern and historic warfare to life. There was nothing better than patrolling through CAT Afghan or Tonal, just so realistic even for a game 8 years old. God bless this great community.:D So anyone who knows what their doing (as i have no idea) and is stuck for ideas feel free to glam up some of the older ideas from OpF for ArmA 2.
  3. grub

    How old are Arma2 Players?

    27. My wife will soon hate ArmA 2 also.:D
  4. I agree, SP mission are good when you cannot dedicate to online play. Might I suggest you design your own SP missions using the editor, based around what you look for in a mission? I had the most fun using the editor in OpF, and made some campaigns my brother in law still comments on.
  5. I'm with the troll :D ArmA 2 is far superior. But the games are two different genres, unless OpFDR is claiming to be a simulator? :eek: All OpFDR peeps will come crawling back if their looking for a simulator
  6. Just built a new rig: Kingston 4gb 1066 RAM kit CPU: AMD Phenom II Quad Core 3.2ghz GFX: Sapphire ATI HD4890 Vapor 1gb Thought I'd be fine but all these people having problems are freaking me out. Any suggestion as to how I will go? HELP!!!!!!!
  7. Thanks for the help guys. *Planck* I'm guessing you know what I'm on about so I'm going in. Just have to assemble my new rig.
  8. while these impressions are all well and good i'm not really feeling the love, it seems like these impressions are from people new the whole experience. I've been playing OpF since it came out (and still do), missed Armed Assault due to lack of money for upgrade. I have now assembled a new rig and am about a week away from purchasing ArmA 2. I would like to hear from peeps who were there from the beginning and can make a comparison on game play based on previous titles, from a simulator perspective.
  9. grub

    OFPEC & Opf.info gone?

    Try http://ofp.gamepark.cz/ Its all still there, was there just now grabbing some oldies but goodies. :D
  10. I'm with Alex, they will come in time. Just think, there ended up being far better OpF campaigns made by the community in the end. As long as there's an editor better campaigns will arise.