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Everything posted by blakeace

  1. blakeace

    OA problems (little help)

    Can confirm changing to below will start OA in it's vanilla state after doing similiar.:o class ModLauncherList { };
  2. blakeace

    Artillery lols

    One of the mortars is being placed on the same spot as another, so that effectively one is firing at the second and blowwing both of them up. Haven't got Arma avail at this time, but trying changing the placement option from in formation to none (I think) off the top of my head is the option. So that they appear exactly where you set them on the map.
  3. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Artillery_Module http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=74571 It's not broken, just fairly involved to get functioning for the first time, depending on what you are trying to achieve.
  4. Def no prob, and thanks I do appreciate being included in the credits.
  5. I won't pretend to be an expert, but in reference to the first post. This is how I created the module dynamically, found somewhere on here posted by somebody brighter than me, and it does work. _LogicCenter = createCenter sideLogic; _LogicGroup = createGroup _LogicCenter; "BIS_ARTY_Logic" createUnit [[0,0,0], _LogicGroup, "art1 = this;"]; Where art1 is it's name. Also are you using ACE2, that caught me out with the latest update where they had created their own arty module, and ment that the orig as above would no longer work. Meaning you would need to find and sub the ACE modules class name insitu of the bis version. P.s. Cheers Xeno for the quick headsup to my mistake with the ace version if you read this.
  6. Firstly as always awesome mod guys! I just added a bug tracker here. http://dev-heaven.net/issues/10423 I think I have narrowed it down to being something ace, though if not sorry. Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem? The module seems to run properly, and if you check the objects variables it will respond as it is operating properly, but the synced units seem to not aim and fire. Cheers Blake.
  7. Not sure if my scripts would help, but the artytrig one could may? I will say sorry about the readme that needs a revamp if I ever get time. It will allow you to set dispersion number of rounds, it also has a primitive lead calculator to allow for target movement. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8421
  8. Nice find Ruebe, and well doco'd will be handy for when I am trying to randomly hide ammo caches in forests rather than in the middle of an open field! As a side note to some of the previous posts, I use isflatEmpty a lot to find suitable placement locations. It checks for things like not on water or visa versa, slope angle isn't to great and that the object will fit between existing objects at the location. Great for placing HQ's(tanks LZ's) that aren't impailed in trees and hanging off cliffs! http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/isFlatEmpty
  9. Try this, note the code is for testing as it is but describes the principal, basically finds how many mill you have and adds that to the remainder which is the sub one million component. You will get the odd rounding difference at times, though at over one mill I doubt you will count the old dollars out. You could place the conversion in an if statement to only proceed when the amount is above a mill. nul = [] spawn { _num1= 19876543; hint format [ "%1", _num1]; _NumMills = _num1/1000000 - (_num1/1000000 mod 1); _Remainder = _num1 mod 1000000; sleep 4; hint format ["%1%2",_NumMills,_Remainder]; };
  10. I don't see why not, prob just need to use this. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setVehicleInit
  11. nul = this spawn { while {alive _this} do { _this setFuel 1; _this setVehicleAmmo 1; sleep 30; } }; Just place this in the units initialization section.
  12. Really.... That page holds the answer try reading it properly! It is how I scripted a way to create mortars dynamically so that when I jump in them I can use the action to bring up the cursor!
  13. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Artillery_Module#Creating_fire_missions
  14. You can use this command. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addMagazine If you place this in the init of a unit temporarily it will list all of that units magazine types class names it has for use with the above command. hint format["%1", magazines this]; the weapon mags names should look something like 30Rnd_545x39_AK depending on the unit which side etc. Using the above mag as an example. Placing this addMagazine "30Rnd_545x39_AK"; will add one exttra magazine to that unit if there is room in his gear.
  15. You could try putting this in the activation area of a trigger using blufor notpresent (presuming heli is blufor). null1 = [] spawn{ if (!isserver) exitWith {}; for [{_i=0}, {_i<11}, {_i=_i+1}] do { Smoke1="ARTY_Sh_81_HE" createVehicle [(getpos t1 select 0)+ random 150 - 75, (getpos t1 select 1)+ random 150 - 75, (getpos t1 select 2)+ 20]; sleep random 2; }; }; Not tested in MP but should be ok. It uses 81mm mortar rounds. t1 is the name of an object that designates the centre of the barrage. {_i<11}, the 11 is how many rounds. 150 - 75 Sets the radius, currently 75 m sleep random 2; sets how long between rounds. Currently 0-2 seconds.
  16. This means copy the scripts file, while retaining its folder structure into the folder that contains the mission you are using the script in. This is done in the editor in the same mission that you copied the script files to, so that the helicopter will call the script.
  17. I'm away at the moment so I can't check this option, but have you checked cursorTarget. It is tied in with knowsabout, but could even help with testing some knowsabout options possibly? http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/cursorTarget
  18. Just wondering if anyone has used mumble with the basic positional support. One of our guys(P-Yetti) came across this. http://mumble.sourceforge.net/Games Atm we are about to transition servers and can't test this. Anyone tested? I did a search but couldn't find any one discussing it. Sorry if I missed it somehow.
  19. No worries, just re-read my post, if you are only using the line in individual civilians, remember to initilize the GRIM_CivKilled = 0; somewhere like in init.sqf Still couldn't find where I originaly found this atm, for giving due credit.
  20. Smoke1="ARTY_SmokeShellWhite" createVehicle [getpos _point1 select 0,getpos _point1 select 1,0]; Try this is will create the smokeshell type thats the same as used by the M119 if it has a ARTY_30Rnd_105mmSMOKE_M119 magazine loaded.
  21. Not sure if this will aid you in what you are trying to achieve. I was tired of the amazing accuracy of the ai AT units, and really removed a lot of the enjoyment when try to play light armour in a mech infantry unit as it really was one hit gone! So I created a small script to dumb down the AT units only when they are firing their AT weapons. This way you can get more near misses which can really add to the tension. It doesn't make then completely bad, as I only play with their skill levels, so kills are still a very real possibility. Things like distance and vehicle speed will help with surviving. By setting the AT units far enough back you could probably achieve something similiar to what you want. Currently it only sets the default opfor AT units. Though a small amount of knowledge in class names and it can be easily adapted to any unit that is placed in the editor. If you need to ensure no vehicles are killed then this is not the solution. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8967
  22. Ok emulating a VOR is fairly easy, basically all aVOR gauge does is track how many degrees you are off your desired track that you entered into the gauge. As such a VOR gauge is more sensitive the closer you get to the vor station. So all you need to do is enter the desired beaing, then check that against the aircrafts actual direction to the vor station. The needle deflection is then calulated relative to the amount of difference between the two values. Here is a quick script I used for my own testing. Note you would need further code when checking the 360-0 mark one when one value is on one sid and the other is on the other side of 0 degrees. _point2 = getmarkerpos "w2"; _pointA = position player; private ["_Left","_Right","_offset","_lineHeading"]; while {true} do { _lineHeading = 327; _lineHeadingP = [_pointA, _point2] call BIS_fnc_dirTo; if (_lineHeadingP < 0) then { _lineHeadingP = 360 + _lineHeadingP ; }; _diff = _lineHeading - _lineHeadingP; If (_diff < 0) then { hint format [" Track %1 Left of Track %2",abs(floor(_lineHeading)),abs(floor(_diff))]; } else { hint format ["Track %1 Right of Track %2", abs(floor(_lineHeading)),abs(floor(_diff))]; }; sleep 2; _point1 = getmarkerpos "w1"; _point2 = getmarkerpos "w2"; _pointA = position player; }; Now if you emulating a gps you might have to go complicated like this to calculated the distance off track. So the below script checks the distance of the line perpendicular to the desired track. Not the angle. It's a bit rough but I mocked it up to test my theories validity. This one is based one my first posts theory, and doesn't include the special case of a N-S S-N tracks where x1 and x2 are equal. _point1 = getmarkerpos "w1"; _point2 = getmarkerpos "w2"; _pointA = position player; private ["_Left","_Right","_offset","_lineHeading"]; while {true} do { //Left and Right represent the formulae sides as per the two point form in the link. // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_equation If (_point1 select 0 != _point2 select 0) then { _Left = ((_pointA select 1) - (_point1 select 1)); _Right = ((_point2 select 1) - (_point1 select 1))/((_point2 select 0) - (_point1 select 0) )*((_pointA select 0) - (_point1 select 0)); }; //Obtain line direction and convert to 0-360 format. _lineHeading = [_point1, _point2] call BIS_fnc_dirTo; if (_lineHeading < 0) then { _lineHeading = 360 + _lineHeading ; }; //Need to check direction of the line to determine if being above or below means to the left or to the right. _dist = abs(floor(_Left - _Right)) * sin _lineHeading; if (_lineHeading < 180) then { if (_Left < _Right) then { _offset = format ["Right of track %1" ,_dist]; } else { _offset = format ["Left of track %1" ,_dist]; }; } else { if (_Left < _Right) then { _offset = format ["Left of track %1" ,_dist]; } else { _offset = format ["Right of track %1" ,_dist]; }; }; //_dist = abs(floor(_Left - _Right)) * sin _lineHeading; hint format ["Dir %1 : %2", floor(_lineHeading),_offset]; //hint format ["Dir %1 : %2", floor(_lineHeading),_dist]; sleep 3; _point1 = getmarkerpos "w1"; _point2 = getmarkerpos "w2"; _pointA = position player; };
  23. Bear in mind it has been a long time since doing a lot of these types of things. Possibly look at this page on Linear Equations. Specifically the section on two point form. Basically the formulae has three sets of x and y. x1,y1 x2,y2 These would be the two points that define the line. then x,y would be your location. Instead of the equals sign, determine if the result to the left greater or less than the result to the right. Assuming [0,0] is the bottom left of the map then. If the right side is greater than the left then you are above the line. If the right side is less than the left you are below the line. If the two sides are equal you are on the line. Note it is required you have different values for x1 and x2 meaning you cannot check for a vertical line meaning you would have to have an exception an check that a more easy of comparing the relative x values only. I derived my information from here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_equation Hope this helps, but bear in mind I am very rusty at this maths stuff.
  24. A couple of things by the look of it. exec is used to execute .sqs files not .sqf I am assuming you haven't got below in your mod line. I highly recommend it as otherwise the scripts can just terminate with errors leaving you none the wiser. This will produce an error message to help fix the problem. -showScriptErrors Try something like: If (East1 == 1) then {_null = execVM "SpawnEast.swf";}; Also not to sure about this one, but East is a predefined variable and this might mess things up to. Without seeing the rest of the script probably better to rename . http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/east
  25. blakeace

    ArmA 2 color mod

    I'd say this thread could be a good start. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=75528&highlight=ppeffect