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Everything posted by Bulldogs
Think of it this way. It's designed to simulate military combat. It's not as harsh as blowing people's limbs off, but it's everything from blowing up tanks, shooting down helos, sniping un-suspecting militants, etc.
Yep, sounds like inteference. It could be the monitor or the monitor's power supply causing the it (make sure if your monitor has a power supply that it's a good distance from the speakers) of course it could be crosstalk if your monitors speaker cables (or HDMI cable) are coming into proximity with other cables without sufficient shielding, or if the cables are damaged themselves. That said, if the sound is coming from your monitor and not the speakers then it could be a case of the speakers intefering with the monitor (speaker magnets don't like monitors, especially when electrically charged), but that would be bad design on behalf of the monitor manufacturers.
It's likely that he has V-Sync enabled. with Triple buffering it would seems like his framerate is ever changing but it would be jumping betweem 50 and 70, but since multiplayer has certain options that force graphics on a certain level (terrain detail and view distance are set by server) plus any AI, scripts and complexities, that would force his cap to drop down to 30. Try forcing V-sync off through nVidia control panel. Of course that may not be the end of it. In the campaign when I was running an nVidia based card I was capped at 22fps (well, not really, FRAPs read 22fps but it was a lot smoother than 22fps).
There's at least one standalone radio silence mod, but can't remember the name of it. Just search the mod forums for "radio" or "chatter" and you should find it.
The latest beta patch is meant to address a lot of the online issues (connection issues and such) but I haven't tested it myself yet, and it looks like interacting with buildings has been reworked a lot for OA, as well the terrain should improve performance in OA (but won't know til we fully test it). Let's just hope there's some good PvP support. I think this thread holds some of the most informative feedback, and as you notice, BIS are watching this thread. It would be good if all the junk was filtered out so we could all see the useful information people have posted and maybe add some tweaks to it.
This is my thoughts on it. If you set up scenarios with the AI commanding themselves around it's actually quite brilliant to watch, and most of the time they won't do anything to stupid, but put a player in the mix and suddenly the AI have their brains removed. If you're just a member in a squad then it's actually pretty good, except for the AI constantly running through your LOS causing friendly fire. Then if you put yourself in command of the squad suddenly it's a case of a removed brain. Sure they're smart enough to hit the dirt, but unless you tell them to stay down, the moment the fire stops you'll often have them stand up and look the opposite direction while they take a shot to the back of the head. I've always said that what Arma 2 squad control is lacking is the ability to tell the AI to operate on their own as if they still had an AI squad leader, but they still respond to your command. It's basic AI management without the need for micro-management (Target that man, go prone, danger, etc). Other than that, the bounding overwatch the AI does with the buddy system is excellent, if you didn't have to hear about it every 2 seconds, "Go! I'm covering", (thank god for ACE)
Missed all that but since my post was deleted just want to say sorry if I inflamed anyone, but doubt I did, more likely it was just deleted with the rest. Anyways, back to it. Why is this game not more popular... Or have we been over every reason?
It's a reaccuring theme. "I have bad performance with ArmA 2, ergo everyone has bad performance with ArmA 2" Which kind of ignores the fact that many people don't have performance issues. I was able to run everything on med-high (anti-aliasing disabled) on a 9800 GT, with an e7300 at acceptable frame rates (60 fps in low detailed areas, 45 in medium areas, 22 in high detailed/heavy AI areas), but I still upgraded to a Q9400 and a 5850 and now I run perfect maxxed out in almost any situation (can't run fine with 1200 AI fighting in one spot, wonder why :j:) In other words, not saying the problem doesn't exist, also not saying that the problem isn't due to a bad engine, or optimisation, or whatever way you want to sell it, just saying that not everyone suffers.
ARMA2 does not use my 4 cores
Bulldogs replied to Tracker74's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - TROUBLESHOOTING
There's no use for the game to use 4 cores all the time, it's like working in an office and sprinting everywhere when you could be walking. You end up expending more energy than you have to. There's also a common mistake people seem to see. When you use -cpucount=2 as oppose to -cpucount=4 you get 1 or 2 more FPS in the benchmarks. Because of this people automatically think that using 2 cores is better than 4 but in other areas when the game attempts to use 4 cores and only has 2 then it loses performance. -
Why am I getting such crap performance?
Bulldogs replied to azbo87's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - TROUBLESHOOTING
Most games will take a massive performance hit when enabling Anti-Aliasing without crossfire/sli. Arma takes the least hit of any game I know of as long as it's kept on MSAA (performance) -
A large majority of addons are incompatible with BIS missions. The first thing to do is to disable all addons/mods
I don't disagree at all. My point on the addiction thing is that activists will try to sell it as games being an addiction, heck, the Chinese have addiction clinics for gaming (one was recently closed down when a kid was beaten to death by the doctors/care givers). Fact is that gaming in this case was a level of addiction, being that gaming would have most likely been increasing his dopamine release, and the lack of sleep would have prevented a full recovery of dopamine levels so it would have acted like a weaker version of taking something like ICE. At his point of complete and utter exhaustion his mind would only have been thinking that games equal pleasure, a lack of that stimulation would equal anger, frustration and high levels of stress. But most people under that pressure would snap verbally, throw fits, etc, unfortunately this kid seems to have had the markers for succeptability to mental illness and as such he handled the stress the way he thought was right, hence why he just went back to gaming like nothing happened. When something like that happens it usually means that there's no longer a link to the inhibition section of his frontal lobes, or at leas the message isn't getting there. What I'm saying is that the cause is because of exhaustion and susceptability, unfortunately activitists will hear "Gaming" and "murder" and ignore anything else. Happened many times in the past. Any crime that takes place, if there's a hint of the criminal playing computer games then every piece of psychological evidence is ignored by anti-gaming activists so they can force their belief of "all violent gaming causes crime"
I don't usually play with -winxp, my command line (without mods) is just : -cpucount=4 I usually play without mods as unless the mission is designed for the mods then there's usually a lot of issues (in many cases they'll bug out altogether, some funny ones with WDF and ACE) Mods also lower my FPS, but I live with it when I want to play some ACE games. When I get more time I'll play some WDF and see if I get a mass memory increase.
Psychologically the kid would have been prone to the trigger (taking the keyboard away) from a mixture of sleep deprevation and addiction. He would also most likely have had some condition with a misdevelopment in his frontal lobes (through damage or possibly hereditory) that shut down his control over right and wrong. Regardless of his pre-succeptability (meaning that anything could have conditioned and triggered him) it still gives a good arguement for anti-violent games activists. Fact is that the kid wouldn't have killed if he wasn't A) addicted to the video games (games as a drug) and B) Sleep deprived due to this addiction. The kid most likely would have found something later in life that lead him to trigger but the fact that it was game related gives the activists fuel.
As I said, I haven't seen it outside xp myself but I'm sure there would be as they're based on the same system. if you're using -winxp then I'd suggest removing it or maybe try it if you haven't yet, I've also heard that people using older drivers solved the problem under xp (I have the issue myself under xp but setting video memory to high fixes it and I usually run under win 7 anyways) @maverick : I'm running; windows 7 32bit q9400 (used to run an e7300 before that) 5850 (had a 9800 before that) 4gb of ram sata hdd's I usually run the server but sometimes the others do. We don't often play online though (usually a LAN) but I sometimes play online on random servers myself.
@dontknowhow : yeah, we play everything we can. Only place we get issues is coop and that's the odd bug now and then @Maverick : what you're describing is a known bug with windows xp. Not sure if it affects everyone but it affects the few people I play with that use xp. Haven't seen it outside of xp though.
This is a lie, there's no people on the internet, you're all just figments of my imagination.
Unless you live in Australia...
I think they're having trouble locating the problem. From what I've seen it's obviously a video memory issue, but no idea where the problem starts before it cascades into a video memory issue, and even then the problem may be different for different systems. The other main location issue being that from everyone who has posted the crash issue there doesn't seem to be any common configuration to give a common standpoint to what's causing the crash for these people, or why other people are unaffected. So best bet is to make sure you have nothing overclocked (set everything to stock) then provide as much information as possible (with some level of balance, and anything that will spam the thread should be put in spoiler tags) and hopefully BIS can find the cause of the problem. I have to admit that I'd been looking forward to trying to find a solution to this problem but none of my friends that play have the problem and I've never had it myself so I can't figure it out.
Arma 2 running really strange...
Bulldogs replied to fooflinger's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - TROUBLESHOOTING
Go into ATI Catalyst control center and force V-Sync to "Always off" -
It's all in the time and money. I really wish they would put more time and money into QA testing but it's a very expensive process and if they can't afford it then the best they can do is get it as close as possible. That said there's still a number of bugs that were there on release that could have easily been picked up on 20 mins of play in the campaign by anyone. But yoiu also have to take into account for the conflict bugs. In the process of fixing some other bug or issue it can often create a bug elsewhere (more than often, without proper time and calculation it's almost 100% chance, with proper time and calculation there's still a 50% chance). When finding a series of bugs you'll compile a list and then correct those bugs then do a quick QA session and correct anything else you find. Problem being that each time you fix something you can break something else that doesn't get picked up in testing. With a linear shooter that isn't as likely as another couple of plays through the game will find those issues. With ArmA 2, even with 20 people testing through the campaign alone they still can't possibly account for even 50% of the variables. This is why open beta testing is great, and why it works for the Arma 2 beta patches as well. Larger QA group without too much extra money involved.
I saved them. Didn't notice much human hatred throughout the game, with the only thing really noteable I guess being
Yarr, the combat shotgun is useless. The first play through I made the mistake of shooting away all my money before I realized I had it loaded.
Can high CPU temperature affect the game
Bulldogs replied to nikiforos's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - TROUBLESHOOTING
I think there's an error somewhere there. The first row : "CPU temperature CPU 80 °C (176 °F)" should read : "CPU temperature threshold CPU 80 °C (176 °F)" Meaning that it will warn, alarm or reset once it hits 80, but the other temp counts are your actual temp. Check under Everest settings and it should have something about changing the threshold or alarm temp. -
You mean you "weren't" low on ammo at some point... what game have I been playing then?