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--Bp-- Ron!n

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About --Bp-- Ron!n

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. --Bp-- Ron!n

    getting this msg

    im running the 1.02 patch on the server and have added a couple extra missions but keep getting this when i try to load them YOU CAN NOT PLAY/EDIT THIS MISSION IT IS DEPENDENT ON DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT THAT HAS BEEN DELETED. CAWEAPONS2_RPG18 is this because of the update or is there a file missing from my serve files .thats the msg i get from the aircav and theres another i get for one of the other missions.
  2. phenom|| x4 940 black edition 3ghz asus m3n72-D mobo 4 gig dom ram ati 4870 1 gig what do you think ?
  3. --Bp-- Ron!n

    co50 Air Cav A2

    when i try to load the aircav mission up on the server i get this msg YOU CAN NOT PLAY/EDIT THIS MISSION IT IS DEPENDENT ON DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT THAT HAS BEEN DELETED. CAWEAPONS2_RPG18 i dl from your link and my server is running the latest 1.02 patch can ya help me with this please.
  4. --Bp-- Ron!n

    cant play mission

    bump please
  5. hi im compleatly new to the game and was wonder if you guys could give me some tips on how to get the most from what im running atm im getting 30fps on mp alltho it plays fine with no lag or glitches im sure i could get more. my setup is phenom|| x4 940 black edition running at stock 3ghz ati 4870 1gig 4 gig dominator ram i lowered my game setting a little but didnt see any inprovment .
  6. --Bp-- Ron!n

    cant play mission

    i uploaded the air cav but when i go to load it up it says cant play due to download ...... i have no idea whats going on is it server or client side ?
  7. --Bp-- Ron!n

    co50 Air Cav A2

    ah ok ty i thort they might go in there but as i didnt see anything else in there just wanted to make sure ty
  8. --Bp-- Ron!n

    co50 Air Cav A2

    hi peeps sry for this but i want to install this on my server but im new to arma and dont have a clue where to pit the files could someone tell me how or point me to a thread that can . thanks wayne
  9. --Bp-- Ron!n


    bump :)
  10. --Bp-- Ron!n


    what ever your standard setting are try putting them down a little lower
  11. --Bp-- Ron!n


    ive noticed that a couple of people have tricked gametracker into thinking that there arma2 server is an armer server was wondering if some could tell me how this is done please . even when i tell it it is a arma server is still cant find it .
  12. --Bp-- Ron!n

    server was hacked

    lo guys was on my server today and all of a suddun everyones guns got taken away and there was a popup in the top right corner of the screen saying the server had been hacked and a web address buy the time i went to screen shot it it had gone . has this happened to anyone else ? if so is there any sercurity that can be added to the servers to stop this .
  13. --Bp-- Ron!n

    UK servers?

    hi there we have a uk server and its vary popular Uk BulletProof | ArmA2 | www.bpclan.co.uk it has 40 slots and is just about full all the time . see you on