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mikie boy

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Everything posted by mikie boy

  1. mikie boy

    Dog barking possible?

    if you cant find one can always use playsound (download a dog sound) and trigger around the dog that way
  2. Simply edit the specific unit file. Each soldier type has their own file. Starts with create... located in the gui folder. If you cant find it let me know.
  3. Chopper transport and touchdown getpos SupplyPad; // h pad _distances = [1500,2500] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _ang = random 360; _dis = _distances; _dx = sin(_ang)*_dis; _dy = cos(_ang)*_dis; _loc = [((getpos SupplyPad) select 0) + _dx, ((getpos SupplyPad) select 1) + _dy, 0]; SupplyChopperGrp = createGroup west; SupplyChopper = createVehicle ["I_Heli_Transport_02_F ", _loc, [],75, "FLY"]; //update to new A3 models //create pilot and move in CHopper _SupPilot = SupplyChopperGrp createUnit ["US_Soldier_Pilot_EP1", [0,0,1], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; //update to new A3 models //add gunner _SupGun1 = SupplyChopperGrp createUnit ["US_Soldier_Crew_EP1", [0,0,1], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; //update to new A3 models _SupPilot moveInDriver SupplyChopper; _SupPilot = driver SupplyChopper; _SupGun1 moveInGunner SupplyChopper; _SupGun1 = gunner SupplyChopper; _SupPilot setskill 1; _SupPilot allowDamage False; SupGun1 allowDamage False; SupplyChopper allowDamage False; clearWeaponCargo SupplyChopper; //empties ammo and weapons from chopper clearMagazineCargo SupplyChopper; SupplyChopper lock true; // Create waypoints _reswp = SupplyChopperGrp addwaypoint [(getPos SupplyPad), 0]; _reswp setwaypointspeed "FULL"; _reswp setwaypointtype "MOVE"; _reswp setWaypointCombatMode "BLUE"; _reswp setWaypointStatements ["true", "SupplyChopper land ""LAND"";"]; sleep 5; waituntil {((speed SupplyChopper) == 0)}; Hint "Supply Chopper has landed and is unloading"; sleep 2; execVM "SupplyUnloadCtrl.sqf"; //execute here unload and load of boxes SupplyChopper addEventHandler ["Killed", { (_this select 0) spawn SupplyChopperdeath; }]; //should never really die but just in case the code for the SupplyUnloadCtrl.sqf - should be to either count the type/class of ammoboxes on the ground you wish to increase - or an automatic update of the ammobox load script in which you will wipe the whole crate inventory and then resupply it - various ways to do it i suppose. Best google ranked/custom ammo boxes (best create ammo boxes locally to have custom kit if its for individual players etc). Once all has been loaded or unloaded from chopper - add something like the following... SupChopperComplete = { deleteVehicle SupplyChopper; deleteVehicle SupPilot; deletegroup SupplyChopperGrp; Sleep 2; HINT "Supply Chopper complete"; }; HINT,"Supply complete - Chopper returning to HQ"; SupplyChopper land "NONE"; SupplyChopper flyinheight 85; SupplyChopper domove getpos gamelogicHQ; //can change this for a H pad at the FOB for reupply there. waituntil {(position SupplyChopper distance gamelogicHQ <500)}; //need to have game logic on the map called gamelogicHQ [] spawn SupChopperComplete; };
  4. cheap and cheerful way - use the respawn marker to respawn everyone initially- then use eventhandler 'respawn' to then teleport different units to different locations - can use the blackout effect to make it look like they have respawn directly in their final location.
  5. A2/OA Version. Although this has been made for A3, I have converted it to A2 - Reason i have made a new post in A2 editing was due to this being a whole new entity and a step away from a cheap and cheerful AI recruitment process. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17725328/BIS_forum/A2GroupMenuNew.jpg (151 kB) Download link https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17725328/BIS_forum/A2OAFock_Recruit_GrpMan.rar New version… This version has the added extra of Group management (concept taken from Zuff’s Group management). This version contains the following… • AI recruitment process – selection of 6 types of soldiers. Automatically identifies which side you are on so no fiddling with sides. • AI deletion from group, if group leader. • Whole AI squad deletion, if group leader. • New – Group Management. • Leave current group. • Join a new group from a selection of groups (AI groups, Human Groups, and Mixed groups). • View other groups, for AI players. • Specifically view human players within a group to assist with locating friends. • Identification of your own group. • Step down as leader. • Become leader – MP compatible. • Options to turn off/on the menu. • Option to turn off/on just AI recruitment. • Option to increase/decrease Amount of AI to recruit. • Option to turn off/on Deletion AI when leaving a group with no Humans in it. • Option to turn off/on Group clear up of empty groups. Anyway - hope this is useful. Installation ------- Simply copy the code below into your init.sqf waitUntil { isServer ||!isNull player }; ExecVM "FOCKRecruitAI\RecruitInit.sqf"; and copy across the Description file - ensure any Existing parameters are changed accordingly Copy across the two folders to you mission folder
  6. mikie boy


    alternative - and easy to use http://sourceforge.net/projects/xampp/
  7. mikie boy

    Side marker visibility

    you create them local to begin with - createmarker command makes then visible to all - i.e the effects of that command are global and broadcasted to everyone createmarkerlocal only creates the marker locally - not broadcasted to everyone since you are not running this script on the server and making one marker which is broadcasted, you are running it on all computers so they all make the said markers locally on their computers - if that makes sense
  8. the description.ext looks ok to me - any more clue as to where the origin of the error is?
  9. close off your brackets };
  10. probably as kylania said - not been added back in
  11. in the vehicle you want to burn in its init in the editor - type [this,5,time,false,true] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn; failing that type burn = [this] execvm "burnVehicle.sqf"; make a sqf file called burnVehicle in that file type _vhBurn = _this select 0; [_vhBurn,5,time,false,true] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn;
  12. [nameofyour vehicle,5,time,false,true] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn; have you tried that
  13. _groups = {side _x == playerside} count allGroups; player sidechat format["There are %1 groups left", _groups]; use this to ensure the groups are actually removed - you may not need the nil part of the script cant remember
  14. must admit im not too great when it comes to using the editor trigs - but place one down - activate with bluefor - type none - present - condition this - on act you could have hint format ["%1: entered trig", thislist]; (thislist select 0) addaction ["Say hello",{hint "hello"}]; - on dea - have hint "you left"; if that works - then you have a start - but this depends on what you want to do with the addaction - if you dont want him to keep it then you will have to remove it regardless if he uses it or not.
  15. ARTY_SmokeShellWhite - i used this and it was still poor
  16. couple of ways - could do it by way of a trigger - or you could have it attached to the object in the area, or attach it to the player and use the conditions part of the code - "condition: String - (optional, Arma 2 only, default:true) Code that must return true for action to be shown. Special variables "_target" (unit to which action is attached to) and "_this" (caller/executing unit) can be used in the evaluation."
  17. for deletion - could try something like... while {true} do { _grpNr = 0; _mrk = []; { if( side _x == playerSide ) then { _grpNr = _grpNr + 1; if ( _x == group player ) then { _mrk = format ["respawn_west%1",_grpNr] } else { _mrk = format ["mrk_grp%1",_grpNr]; _mrk setMarkerSizeLocal [0.8,0.8] }; if ((getMarkerType _mrk) == "" ) then { createMarkerLocal [_mrk, getPosASL leader _x]; _mrk setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _mrk setMarkerTypeLocal _icon; _mrk setMarkerColorLocal _color; _mrk setMarkerTextLocal (groupID _x); } else { _mrk setMarkerPosLocal (getPosASL leader _x) }; [color="#FF0000"] if ((count (units _x)) == 0) then { deletemarker _mrk; deleteGroup _x; _x = grpNull; _x = nil; };[/color] }; } forEach allGroups; sleep 2; };
  18. Not sure if this still works used it in A2/OA //How to use //[unit,intensity,time,lifecheck,fade] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn //unit: the name of the object that the fire will be attached to //intensity: the intensity of the fire. Recommended to use values between 0.7 and 10, higher values may be used if desired though. //time: the time that the fire started. use global variable "time". this is used to keep effects synced for JIP players //lifecheck: if this is true then the unit will only burn as ling as it is dead (!alive unit). set to false to burn things like buildings and gamelogics //fade: if true then the fire will die down over time, eventually dying out. set to false if you want it to keep burning. (affected by rain too). //If you want to kill a fire you can delete the object it is attached to. //hint: you can attach a gamelogic to a moving object via the attachto command, and then make the gamelogic burn. //that way you can kill the fire without deleting the object. //examples: //To make a gamelogic named mygamelogic burn forever with a big fire: //[mygamelogic,10,time,false,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn //same with medium sized fire: //[mygamelogic,5,time,false,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn //To make a gamelogic burn and have the fire fade over time: //[mygamelogic,10,time,false,true] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn //To make it smoke, with no visible flame you can use an intensity of 3 or lower: //[mygamelogic,3,time,false,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn //BIS_Effects_Burn=compile preprocessFile "\ca\Data\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\destruction\burn.sqf"; e.g [downedchopper,5,time,false,true] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn;
  19. woohhoo - glad that dumb ass idea has been thrown out - amount of times ive crashed from this is crazy - especially with a push to talk mouse button
  20. managed to work it with removal of cba on players side - and it saves/loads on connect and disconnect - server does it all - player is not allowed access - once i get it up to scratch and a little bit tidier ill send you the file
  21. [FOCK] ARTY System Guys i've updated an old A2 arty script - thought it may be useful to somebody - slowly updating it for myself - fairly basic at the mo https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17725328/BIS_forum/ARTY.jpg (205 kB) Dialog driven!!! Works in MP, dedicated, and SP Two systems - Map click or Coordinates based (define at startup). Two types of arty - Large and small (still working on the smoke system). The system also has a cost to player option on/off - (reduces score on each call - incentive to stop people using it too much. Todo - add parameter to set cost) Only one person can call the arty - once in use it cant be used by others. WEST USAGE ONLY AT PRESENT - will amend shortly The arty system counts all dead from the effects of the arty - adds or subtracts score depending on Friendly fire and general kills (Side Independent has not been added - Todo) You can set up the arty system (parameters) to either accept map click or enter the longitude and latitude coordinates. You can also set the timer between uses. Anyone on West can use it - either leave the Fock_arty folder init.sqf as it is or comment out the line [] execVM "FOCK_Arty\ArtyCaller.sqf"; and then you can place the line arty = [] execVM "FOCK_Arty\ArtyCaller.sqf"; inside those players that you want to give this to. if you leave the system as is, The current system can filter for ranks and you can set the rank for using this system (ArtyCaller.sqf). Working on parameters for rank, player type. DOWNLOAD Direct - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17725328/BIS_forum/Fock_Arty.Stratis.rar Installation : - copy all files over from this example mission to you mission folder (except mission file); Ensure the things in description are copied over to you description (or just copy the file) and the line from the init.sqf - execvm "FOCK_Arty\init.sqf"; is copied over (or just copy the init over).
  22. lol me being lazy - that is the norm - i was just pissing around with it and didnt change them to global variables - when i do the update for all sides ill add it then Desrat. sorry dude
  23. mikie boy

    error missing {

    looking at it - its possible that at the point of death your player is no longer assigned to INDEPENDENT - hes a CIV. The faction seems to stay the same but side changes depending on whether you are alive or not. Try hinting to find out what side is showing... players init - this addEventHandler ["killed", {_this call fnc_killed}]; _unit = _this select 0; _killer = _this select 1; if (side _killer == EAST) then { hint format ["Faction player: %1, Side: %2", (faction _unit), (side _unit)]; };
  24. works for me dude - tried it on the DB as well
  25. mikie boy

    Is OFPEC.com Down?

    ah glad im not the only one getting this problem - still down for me