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mikie boy

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Everything posted by mikie boy

  1. in continuation of this question.... how would you name each person spawned in order to allow them each individually to have an add action. ive used the call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup method - but no joy. ive created a single unit at each marker via - _terrorhelpers = createAgent [_bossmantype, getMarkerPos format ["helperSpot%1",_i], [], 0, "NONE"]; for "_i" from 0 to 9 do { call compile format[' _terrorhelper setVehicleInit " this setVehicleVarName ""terrorhelper%1""; terrorhelper%1 = this; "; ', _i]; }; and called the add action with... _interroraction = terrorhelper addAction ["Interrogate","interror.sqf",[true],1,false]; my markers appear - the above civies appear at location - but no add action. thus no joy. any takers - taken me hours to get nowhere
  2. mikie boy

    Playaction and stop it ?

    Ive just posted something about mp animation - use this link http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=82474&page=4 hope it helps
  3. hey chaps - just for info a while ago i built a similar script for capturing suspects etc based on kylania's idea - but on a dedi i had issues with everyone seeing the animations - so just in case anyone has that issue - ive posted the work around... apologise if this is of no use... init file place if (isServer) then { "terrorsurrender" addPublicVariableEventHandler { ((_this select 1) select 0) playActionNow ((_this select 1) select 1); }; }; and whatever file the actions is scripted paste... _movement = "Surrender"; if (isServer) then { _civil playActionNow _movement; // for hosted environment } else { terrorsurrender = [_civil, _movement]; publicVariable "terrorsurrender"; }; sleep 2;
  4. mikie boy

    Help on Script to delete Marker

    markers the bane of my life!!!! lol. Im still trying to rip apart insurgency markers - this is what ive worked out so far without complicating it. not sure if this is of any use or what you are exactly trying to achieve but... anyprobs creating the marker - Possibly change this to markerpad = FORMAT ["marker%1", _dest]; or markerpad = FORMAT ["%1marker",_dest]; or mrkscud1 = createMarker [format ["%1marker", _dest], getpos _vehicleambush]; As for deleting it - _markerpad is local to that script - change to markerpad (global)- this will delete the last markerpad marker u make, if its running from another script. same if you choose the third option, remove the _ from mrkscud1. Note - For those making several markers if the script is running over and over again if you add markerpaddy = markerpad; when deleting markerpaddy - this will delete the first marker placed. Still trying to figure out the insurgency delete marker issue as mentioned by Pelham. hope this is of some use.
  5. if op arrow is the gaming platform use codisabler to test it - best device ive found for ironing out issues like this. usually find its an ammo box or something similar.. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=102380&highlight=codisabler hope this helps
  6. glad that helped - bit of an odd one for something that would appear in concept to be a simple task - happy to help [FOCK] Mikie j http://fockers.moonfruit.com/#
  7. Hello all, i have been unable to finalise the below script, which is for the ammobox placed in game. I have a ranking system and i wanted the ammo box to only show locally the guns for which rank that player currently is. However it would appear that when one player gets promoted the other players can see the same list of weapons. Ive tried !isdedicated no joy - in fact ive tried a load of things that i cant remember - but no joy. Ive also tried addweaponscargo instead of global, but you cant take the guns. thus, my question is..how do i get the weapons to show up for each player to match their rank only. Any help would be really appreciated guys. the below is called within the box init line - _null = [this,this] execVM "weaponsfiller.sqf"; ive tried it without _null and calling it _ammobox - again no joy. Think my knowledge of locality is seriously lacking... _unit = _this select 0; _ammostuff = _this select 1; _playrank = rank player; _privweapons = [ "FN_FAL", "LeeEnfield", "M4A1", "m136", "M9" ]; _corpweapons = [ "M16A2GL", "G36C_camo", "G36A_camo", "G36K_camo","M14_EP1","BAF_L85A2_RIS_Holo", "M60A4_EP1", "STINGER", "M9SD", "revolver_EP1" ]; _sergweapons = [ ]; while {alive _ammostuff} do { if (_playrank == "PRIVATE") then { clearMagazineCargoglobal _ammostuff; clearWeaponCargoglobal _ammostuff; { _ammostuff addWeaponCargoglobal [_x,10]; } foreach _privweapons; }; if (_playrank == "CORPORAL") then { clearMagazineCargoglobal _ammostuff; clearWeaponCargoglobal _ammostuff; { _ammostuff addWeaponCargoglobal [_x,10]; } foreach _privweapons; { _ammostuff addWeaponCargoglobal [_x,10]; } foreach _corpweapons; }; sleep 20; }; // linked to While do again cheers for any help [FOCK] Mikie J http://fockers.moonfruit.com/#
  8. chucking in my 2 pennies worth... Not sure if this helps - but you can create an invisible H object, call it Spawn_aircraft players init - this addAction ["spawn stuff","aircraftspawn.sqf"]; script - aircraftspawn.sqf _vec = "A10_US_EP1" createVehicle (Spawn_aircraft modelToWorld [0,0,0]); _vec setPosASL [getPosASL Spawn_aircraft select 0, (getPosASL Spawn_aircraft select 1), (getPosASL Spawn_aircraft select 2)+10]; seems to work for me. hope this of some use [FOCK] Mikie J http://fockers.moonfruit.com/#
  9. cheers chaps, blakeace - unfortunately the addweaponcargo needs to be synchronised across the network in order for you to take the weapons. galzohar and the above are correct with the createvehicle local. i have spent a good solid week, with the help of PELHAM, trying to work it out, and we both concluded that it was a locality issue. addweaponcargo doesnt allow you to take to weapons but does displays them in the box. So for anyone else reading this.... Createvehiclelocal - for a ranked ammo box is the simplest way. cheers though for all the advice [FOCK] Mikie J http://fockers.moonfruit.com/#
  10. Chaps, thanks so much - knew it was a locality issue but getting there just wasnt gona happen. Huge thanks to you both. Just for your info - tried it without trigger created in game - placed execVM "Rank\jip.sqf" straight into init file. worked no problem. Oh, and for anyone reading this - the ammo box needs to be changed for OP Arrow. As for the ranking structure with the guns i have already made that. Once this is all complete ill be chucking it out in the forums. Again thanks for the assistance [FOCK] Mikie J http://fockers.moonfruit.com/#
  11. mikie boy

    Recieving while playing

    just to let you know - have vista 64 and was getting major receiving bug - however read through threads and realised that for the last year or so hadnt installed sp1 or 2 - tool i know, just assumed windows update would do it. anyhow - since installed sp1 and 2 - no more receiving bug issues using patch 1.02 :)