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Everything posted by arma2mods

  1. arma2mods

    Little things count

    So we can expect some mountain climbing mod to A2? There were so many unreachable peaks/summits in A1 that I missed some equipments to get over big rocks.
  2. BIS better make engine allow underground tunnels, any Afghanistan type terrain really request them. Very narrow mountain roads would be make great ambush missions. And bring us some Apaches with FLIR abilities.
  3. Keep everything in game, add more options to ppl do what they want.
  4. I would like savannah of Sudan or Jungle in Columbia. I would like nuclear war beetween India and China as campaign though..
  5. arma2mods

    Please end evo and dom

    Every mission is alright out there, there should be more to come from people who doesnt have game and not from existing player group, which is small like 2000on peak time. So request BIS implement more options to A2 making it favor bigger population. Spam email descripting all necessary addition improvement to game engine and then wait when ppl can start to begin pvp.
  6. arma2mods

    FOR B.I. Please read

    Language is rules of agreement beetween people who use it, as is law. There is no problem to me seing spelling mistakes as long as we understand it is the same thing you can easily understand: inglesh taxt whore avery songle werd hove arrors ks logn teh syntox us szme.
  7. Its bit odd but if you really are into PvP there would never be really actually equal settings. I am not liking any competition where you dont directly see the opponent and they are completely unvisible to you. If there would be like LAN system where every single PC unit is exatcly same and game run with same settings then I would only consider personal key/mouse settings being only thigns to being able to change to be fair. Some sport like 100m dash running I would think to be equal due everybody just have same change, but PC gaming is technical and so you are never having same system than somebody else and therefore its not 100% player skill, how much some people try to denied it.
  8. arma2mods

    So few PvP serves?

    To me personally I have always avoided doing anything that involve competition with other human beings, without being certain that I could always beat them. So if I dont master on something and be recognizing my odds to never die/lose/get defeaded and let anybodye else get score to doing so for me. I hate dyinng in any games even to AIs but its almost like self destruction world end if I would lose to real human opponent so thats why PvP has been big nono to me. Simple I made convention to making sure in my life I wont get beated.
  9. arma2mods

    Mouse movement in ArmA II

    Mouse movement is done to some gamepads too, not exclusively to pc mouses. Whole episode of that Mi machine, which first stole good development time of G2 in 2003-05,when BIS made Elite which didnt sold, although there were some general progress what ve been mentioned earlier, but BIS hassled too much whit CM. They should have broken immediately after OFP 01 release when they got some cash to get independence. There is plenty of files in A2 in configs Which all have name XBOX_something... I am pretty disappointed that how much our PC game have suffered throught years whit have to carry on things not 100% to made considered about us. I am only critizing ppl who get paid of this games and the rest of community is though excellent what has carried us so long.
  10. You cant have any special addons models,config included to mission.pbo they wont load I am afraid to answer this due might it be wrong though there is little bit change to get something to work but the structure isnt supported by inside Mission file. Mission file size whit any bigger than 10Mb file size would be too much to casual people and server. There is automatic adtools such as Yoma autodownload supporting dwl by server addon database to letting ppl get right addons.
  11. arma2mods

    Petition for mouse fix ~!

    Arma2 should scale it playability to option customizable letting player decide how he want it to be played. Even though the game is combat sim it still can keep all it hardcore aspect while adding more options to game play and some other FPS fans that want immediately responsive unrealistic weapon movement, would play this game. So far in OFP-A1 we have only one basic mandatory of anims/physics/speed, and great thing now we have option bar to adjust gun death zone, but there is need to much more. It should be established that we should have different modules like now we have 4 difficulty levels ,but to playing game play. "looking down the sight" transitions Every module have they own scaled animation/controllabity input and infantry(any other) physics. 1. In OFP2001 -module we make it just as it was done in oOFP and when you jump from that game to A2 you do exactly same amount ofp movement when forward and gun control is 100% similar etc. So you shouldnt not feel any difference when you swap beetween games. (Why didnt you made already this system in A1 would have made current situation much easier) 2. In A2 BASIC NORMAL module keep everything we have in 1.02 and a2 GP players will stay happy 3. Make it even slower some other modules making it appealing to ACE fans. 4. IN general FPS options module looking down the sight transitions is immediate without any delay, there is no weight or slow down movement and anything to distract quick shooter fans. shooting is precise while running, in general it work like any other fast paced FPS and you can enjoy the world of A2 with that game play. 5. You can have any amount of this systems and nothing is removed from game just added, and let mods make so many they own custom they want. Give us at least 4 different modes/profiles of this. I guess it wouldnt be that vast amount of time to code it working, so compared to huge amount spend to some landscape design which in the end do not bring that many new people to game, if the gameplay isnt intuative to them, they say its broken and so the rest of game how good it is does not matter. When it come to design how to player want it to be played we should drop this current restriction to force every player of Arma2 play it without any alternative options and not only without extra modding which never going to bring any new players . In the time I ve readed thousands peoples post in various FPS forums letting this games away, when not able to enjoy it. Simple you can just imagine how many people have gave up due they cant play it way they wish. Most of FPS players certainly are adjusted and familiarized to easy game play their character with smooth unrealistic approach. This issue is one of three things critical making A2 less appealing to general masses and meaning huge amount of potential buyers not buying it. Yes this community would get much more CS/BF/COD and what else fans and but the money they will bring is worth of it to everybody else here and can guarantee much more stable release from future, just ignore them any time they would encounter you HC fans. DONT MAKE THE GAME AND PLAYER TO BE FORCED TO PLAY ONLY ONE AND GENERAL WAY BUT THE CUSTOMIZABLE via options not BALANCE we currently have it and half arent happy! No-one in this community lose therefore anything and we dont need to waste so much time to adjusting this values all the time to trying to satisfied the concensus. BIS can easily make a leap over bigger share of PC games total sales by expanding game to cater many other game types in one engine. Yeah keep realistic community the most important, but all your ignorance has cost the latest games being so much less they could be due low amount of work by BIS (there is some need to 10000 coders to coorect and get all things we want) . They need much money to hire more employees to able to pull of sim which can have all the features suggested by community and it wont happend until/whitout getting more sales and this is why so much of potential is lost. I would see everything being in one game and not separeted ones, all you people promoting here other games, so players never pay anything to BIS in here, well done you have success in it for so long. Whit better work and cooperation we can conquest some pretty market out there. We can get as good game than the team behind is able developing it , could have been able to make it produce, whit small team it is much more unlikely to be come happend . I am certainly enjoying to play A2 as many any others on this forums, even whit its shortcomings, but as said it feel little annoying get worser treatment. I am sorry of my bad presentation but I hope you understand what I mean.
  12. arma2 should scale it playability to option customizable letting player decide how he want it to be played. Even though the game is combat sim it still can keep all it hardcore aspect while adding more options to game play and some other FPS fans that want immediately responsive unrealistic weapon movement, would play this game. So far in OFP-A1 we have only one basic mandatory of anims/physics/speed, and great thing now we have option bar to adjust gun death zone, but there is need to much more. It should be established that we should have different modules like now we have 4 difficulty levels ,but to playing game play. "looking down the sight" transitions Every module have they own animation and infantry physics. 1. In OFP2001 -module we make it just as it was done in oOFP and when you jump from that game to A2 you do exactly same amount ofp movement when forward and gun control is 100% similar etc. So you shouldnt not feel any difference when you swap beetween games. (Why didnt you made already this system in A1 would have made current situation much easier) 2. In A2 BASIC NORMAL module keep everything we have in 1.02 and a2 GP players will stay happy 3. Make it even slower some other modules making it appealing to ACE fans. 4. IN general FPS options module looking down the sight transitions is immediate without any delay, there is no weight or slow down movement and anything to distract quick shooter fans. shooting is precise while running, in general it work like any other fast paced FPS and you can enjoy the world of A2 with that game play. 5. You can have any amount of this systems and nothing is removed from game just added, and let mods make so many they own custom they want. Give us at least 4 diffent modes/profiles of this. I guess it wouldnt be that vast amount of time to code it working, so compared to huge amount spend to some landscape design which in the end do not bring that many new people to game, if the gameplay isnt intuative to them, they say its broken and so the rest of game how good it is does not matter. When it come to design how to player want it to be played we should drop this current restriction to force every player of Arma2 play it without any alternative options and not only without extra modding which never going to bring any new players . In the time I ve readed thousands peoples post in various FPS forums letting this games away, when not able to enjoy it. Simple you can just imagine how many people have gave up due they cant play it way they wish. Most of FPS players certainly are adjusted and familiarized to easy game play their character with smooth unrealistic approach. This issue is one of three things critical making A2 less appealing to general masses and meaning huge amount of potential buyers not buying it. Yes this community would get much more CS/BF/COD and what else fans and but the money they will bring is worth of it to everybody else here and can guarantee much more stable release from future, just ignore them any time they would encounter you HC fans. DONT MAKE THE GAME AND PLAYER TO BE FORCED TO PLAY ONLY ONE AND GENERAL WAY BUT THE CUSTOMIZABLE via options not BALANCE we currently have it and half arent happy! No-one in this community lose therefore anything and we dont need to waste so much time to adjusting this values all the time to trying to satisfied the concensus. I am sorry of my bad presentation but I hope you understand what I mean.
  13. arma2mods

    ArmA II is #1!

    Would be great to know exact numbers to every unit sold to OFP version,RH, resistance expansion too xb elite and arma 1/2. BIS could sell something else alongisde whit their games whit this ability to attract buyers. Howabout some Ice Cream in summer warm, They self made aerobic exercise guide DVD etc.. Yeah hope that will spend all profit (if there is any) to long time patching to both ArmAs and futher development next instalment whit all killer features. We want much more still. Though this is fine start.
  14. arma2mods

    Graphics engine improvement

    The native game engine have never supported mirrors in lakes and on cars this is almost few things in hardcode missing preventing any mods introducting them, is there any spoken words why they have not yet implemented? There where dirx mod to OFP which allowed sea mirror the environment around, but then no mirrors have been seen in A1-2.
  15. arma2mods

    ArmA II is #1!

    I guess they get enought cash to purchase now some brand ne physics engine and hire much more programmers to next projects. Maybe some of work should be outsourced to get the work be done much quicker. Whit bigger percentage royalty from the sales they will surely make much more money from single unit than by selling same amount of OFP games, Perhaps new studio location? or at least new department of developing. Developing take much further amount of men power this days to making final product as much complete as possible so expansion is needed. Keep though our PC community in primary, but there is plenty of money to be made in combining so many other gametypes such of hunting/submarine/navy/tank sims in to one product not to separated games, which hasnt been so much done in few years and expanding the business model . As it was said in 2001 the potential is just been there but reason or others, perhaps by not the most calculated/evaluated business choices they havent yet reached that point, that some of us have seen it been possible to get.
  16. arma2mods

    Proper damage models?

    There is plenty of people who would be liked A2 better if it had kept OFP GFX and instead focussing of audio visual aspect would much more enchanced the functional/simulational part of engine. With time I would recommend that BIS will envelope special branch/entity/team of developers just concenterating of making game much more further progress on those issues. There certainly isnt that many modern war sims with having FPS aspect too and I am looking for all-in-one packet, not separated games of subsims that 80-90s were very full of. I would be on line first if your looking for any advisors although my inconsistency on syntax.
  17. arma2mods

    Arma 2 from a new person's perspective.

    This game has been out just one month so it yet hasnt get it final defined . Currently it seems that the MP playing composition mode keep the Arma1 trend, meaning 68% is Coop against AI, 30% PvP is assisted by AI in in WF and CTI and the very small portion of only PvP, and missions basically are port over from A1 counterparts. Usually in this case in release time of new game the players are less aware all the oppurtunities game can give and then the randomness is on it maximum. More the game have similarity with it predecessors more it will benefit the players who remains loyal to saga, so A2 gaming expirience is bit complex to newcomers. More ppl in one server less help and teamplay in general, so looking for few people manned servers might have more of it , if going to some random server in public.
  18. arma2mods

    Destroyed vehicles should burn longer..

    It seems that this one too fall to categore "the mods/addons will fix it soon".
  19. BIS is trying to keep that to prevent gore exploitation aka SOF2. We demand guts and brains out of dead corpses (even alive ones).
  20. arma2mods


    You might be looking for some button scripts which allows any key toggled any pediod of time but they are out of arma2 game made to general pc using.
  21. arma2mods

    ArmA 2 Demo feedback

    Isnt the point of demo is that keep the amount of content very limited to keep you just wanting for that very reason the priced full version? I dunno how legal in this forums is helping people get extra content to demo if it have some restriction to preventing that. Thought the pbo and bin. so files are veryeasy open to edit and therefore you have good change add anything even to demo version. I mean how many other demos there are having this vast amount of content not counting some shareware of full versions and such? I certainly have seen so many full priced games having less playability with 50$ you can get free with ARma2 demo.
  22. arma2mods

    ArmA II is #1!

    If BIS did A2 to catering it wider range of gamers making game more customizable to difference audiences it would sell much more even than it does now. Dont take anything out, add more options and gameplay ways to everybody enjoy it the way they like.
  23. arma2mods

    I bet OFP runs great now

    I could hardly get satisfied frames in normal setting in OFP when I can run A2 well in normal settings . I still have in my HD the install from 2001 but in same folder 80 Gb of mods that I still play throught when ever I got change. OFP doesnt seems to play any better with HW from 2009 than 2005 so it seems that its all about the code which could not utilize and use all multi core CPUs and SLI systems at all. The best way to count the FPS have been to me my self made Omaha beach invasion map. I have test the mission almost montly over 6 years period, it include 400 German defending and 1000 Allies offending coming on crafts and planes. The stuttering always begin when the combat begin and never have managed in this pediod have over 10 FPS no matter what settings the AI take too much calculations. I dont know how ppl have managed to put 500 AI battle with reasonable FPS in OFP in real time I have played certainly thousands time trying to get it work but not yet managed so I guess it wont work for me till the time of the end.
  24. As anything else whole Arma 2 OST is uploaded to youtube , isnt BIS going to demand some copyrights to this sounds it wont be long process to block all identical content over there? but its not so much going to make any extra buck to BIS so they might not be interested.
  25. arma2mods

    ArmA 2 Demo Mission Repository?

    There isnt save option in demo editor. I really dont know but I guess you cant have any extra addond or mission added to demo altough there is plenty games I have modified to demos extra content.