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About Yandar

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  1. From what I can understand its not possible to save games in MP Co-op of the main campaign at will, but only at certain checkpoints. Now it seems that sometimes the game will load it, othertime it will ignore it and start all over again. Is there a trick to get this to work? If the game does succesfully load a game, it will only do it once pr. save file before deleting the saved game. When it saves a game it stores it in Saved\ca\missions\campaign under filename mpautosave.ArmA2Save but sometimes its randomly delete these files and thus forces one to start form scratch again? Am I missing some setting or what is the trick to get saving/loading to work in MP Co-op. Ive tried taking backup of a folder after a save is made and place it after it deletes but it just auto-deletes the created save file again.
  2. Yandar

    Issues creating MP games

    Go into the singleplayer campaign and instead of clicking continue click Host. That will create a single player campaign. Not sure why they hid it away under singleplayer :)