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About Philll

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. Funny isn't it. Probably figured some pretty pre release screenshots would earn them some quick $$$$ after release. That's the only redeeming quality about the game at the moment, it looks good.
  2. 1. You ask for help blaming something. 2. Someone comes here and agrees. 3. Someone comes here and disagrees, saying it works fine for them, its your fault, then they get fired up. 4. 10 pages later an admin/mod locks your topic with no official support offered. 5. The cycle continues.
  3. Yeh, no point in buying high end machines if a card I had 2 years ago runs it better. I'm sure someone will pop in blaming it on nVidia instead, but like I've said before, BIS had something to work with (current or older drivers) whereas nVidia didn't. Even with a hack to get SLI going the performance is still terrible. Completely lower everything to its minimum and it still has slow downs, massive FPS drops, crashes or choppy frame rates after fresh installs, installing many drivers etc.
  4. Philll

    Anyone else found the Gold AK?

    Boooo! I found it completely by accident. Thought it was cool.
  5. Seem to be popping up in all shooters these days, sorry if a thread exists I couldn't find it. http://www.coflash.com/stuff/goldak01.jpg http://www.coflash.com/stuff/goldak02.jpg http://www.coflash.com/stuff/goldak03.jpg
  6. lol, this is very similar to what happened to me in the 2nd scenario mission. At the end when you're getting picked up, hot on the heels from being shot in the ass, I get in the truck and he goes here, there and everywhere. Eventually we all got shot and the mission failed. That's what you get when you can't even shoot from the truck as he was driving like a spastic. The driving has always been terrible with this engine and after this many years I wouldn't hold my breathe waiting for it to improve to a good standard.
  7. Makes no difference. When I went to Vista x64 I tried stock clocks, I wouldn't say it got better or worse. Just more of the same.
  8. Alright then, please explain to me how Hyper threading on SQL Server and Citrix Terminal Server installations being enabled or disabled, from PC gear back in 2005, 4 years ago relates to PC gaming systems, with gear from 2009 running Armed Assault 2? Moron.
  9. Technically it doesn't make sense so I'm unsure of that. Did you disable anything else?
  10. First of all, I didn't lecture anybody about HT, genius. Second of all, I have HT turned off as stated previously in the thread. Perhaps if your comprehension skills were a bit better you would know that.
  11. Guys... so much misinformation, if you don't know what your talking about please stay out of the thread. There's 5 or so posts there that are completely false. You just posted a link to an article from 2005 about performance on servers for HT, it has nothing to do with gaming desktops or the exact game in question, it is totally irrelevant. Again, if you don't know what you're posting, don't post it.
  12. Philll

    For gtx 295 users

    All mine were in the high 40's, with the last test only hitting 13. Overall score 3937. IMO the test is pointless though, I only experience lag and stuttering on missions with lots of scripting whilst being in or near buildings. i7 @ 3.8ghz GTX295 6GB DDR3 1333mhz X58 P6TD Windows Vista x64 Using crysis64.exe language="German"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=-4194304; Resolution_Bpp=32; Resolution_W=1920; Resolution_H=1200; refresh=60; Render_W=1920; Render_H=1200; FSAA=0; postFX=0; HDRPrecision=8; lastDeviceId=""; localVRAM=1750458369; nonlocalVRAM=2147483647; With those settings I am good for SP missions 1 and 2 (so far) but not 3, campaign missions 1, 2 and 4 but not 3 (so far).
  13. Yeh, but you don't need crysis installed for it to work, it loads the nVidia profile that comes with nVidia drivers.
  14. If you have an nVidia card, it will pick up on the profile. Most game have profiles, and if you call it arma.exe it will load the settings that would work best for that game. Hence why I use crysis64.exe, because it enables SLI.
  15. Philll

    Point of Venom transport?

    Yes I see now. How come they don't get you to do this as part of the tutorial though? It would be much much clearer. I mean, I knew how to find the menu but it wasn't very intuitive, I had no idea I needed it to say 'active' before I could tell it where to go.