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Posts posted by nkenny

  1. 8LDpAlf.png
    LAMBS Danger.fsm

    Current version 2.6.0



    -- Changelog --



    Added visibility check to determine rooms secured #317

    Added anti-armor routines to tactics #318

    Added simplified Chinese Translation #319 ~ Thanks Augustakit 

    Added Italian translations translation #297 ~ Thanks to Nilia119

    Added fleeing info to debug draw banner #299

    Added artillery and mortars turning towards the target for increased feedback #300

    Added error check when loading LAMBS only on clients but not on the server #331

    Added improved Chinese translation #326

    Added forced stance change on doGroupHide #338 

    Added distance in meters to debugDraw #337

    Added flag for the 'isHidden' state #337

    Added reload check before group assaults

    Added debug markers to various Contact states

    Added visibility checks to many room-clearing routines

    Added prioritization of enemies on the same floor to many clearing routines

    Added forced stance change to tacticsAssault

    Added forced movement state to contact state


    Improved CQB reaction speed by removing doWatch from many functions

    Improved tacticsAssault building selection criteria

    Improved FSM exit condition when the group has active memory of enemy positions

    Improved FSM timings in many aspects

    Improved infantry fighting vehicle tactics by having them drop ground troops more consistently. #335

    Improved German and English translations #297

    Improved artillery markers by showing spotter location #300

    Improved doGroupHide and tacticsContact timings #303

    Improved groups never suppressing as a group #304

    Improved AI dodging evaluation (less dodge locking) #305

    Improved assault memory handling* #306

    Improved units will no longer suppress quickly moving vehicles, such as aircraft #306

    Improved Garrison group tactics #307

    Improved Assault group tactics #308

    Improved tactics assess ~ more intelligent sorting of targets #309

    Improved verbosity of tactics debug markers #311

    Improved contact state with suppression option and better use of buildings  #316

    Improved Individual AI small arms engagement #317

    Improved individual AI attempting to suppress targets above-ground #317

    Improved group and Individual AI clearing room logic

    Improved tacticsAssess ~ the "HOLD" waypoint will have them remain static


    Fixed unnecessary FSM reset when AI is forced

    Fixed fleeing AI quitting FSM before the fleeing function is called

    Fixed groups attempting to suppress targets as contact response at short ranges

    Fixed wrong variable being checked when throwing smoke grenades

    Fixed crew dismounting vehicles to conduct tacticsFlanks. VERY silly with APCs…

    Fixed prevent sensor data to be requested on Remote units when Debug Draw is enabled #330

    Fixed rogue white space in taticsHold function #323

    Fixed instances where doWatch allowed ground-based vehicles “unearned” knowledge of enemies

    Fixed units using binoculars indoors

    Fixed missing Polish translation #310 ~ Thanks MiszczuZPolski

    Fixed failed to reinsert leader into available units when finding static weapons #312

    Fixed missing explosionEH Header #315

    Fixed use of LookAt, which sometimes caused the AI to have knowledge it should not! #317

    Fixed params type for the position argument in taskPatrol #320 ~ Thanks Keithenneu

    Fixed mechanized infantry shooting friendly units that start firing their weapons #321 ~ Thanks blake8090

    Fixed taskReset resetting animations for unconscious or mounted units #301

    Fixed taskCamp forcing animations on units in vehicles and turrets  #302


    -- Changelog end --

    LAMBS Danger.fsm 2.6.0 improves many aspects of the mod. One significant enhancement is to the group memory feature used when assaulting buildings. Essentially groups will register and share suspected positions of enemies. This improves how the AI conducts itself in close-quarter battles. Another area of focus has been streamlining many low-level actions, such as cover-to-cover movement, building prioritization, and introducing many breakout patterns to prevent the AI from becoming target-locked.


    LAMBS Danger.fsm 2.6.0 comes with a ton of feature enhancements and fixes which many of you have experienced on the Dev version. Hence the changelog, despite our attempts at zipping it, reaches into the sun. Other changes include improvements to vehicle AI. Specifically, a few cases of perfect knowledge have been removed, and infantry-to-armoured vehicle interplay has been made better. APC and IFV class vehicles will now unload troops when threats are nearby. 


    As always, the team would like to thank our contributors and players who enjoy our mods. Thanks, everyone!




    STEAM Workshop





    From the team

    diwako / joko / nkenny



    • Like 16
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  2. LAMBS Danger.fsm

    Current version 2.5.3



    -- Changelog --



    Added smoke grenade usage as a setting by @Couls #284
    Added Czech translations by @YetheSamartaka #286


    Improved Suppression utilisation #295


    Fixed Combat mode units failing to leave combat mode #294
    Fixed Units entering danger-mode due to friendly fire #294
    Fixed Task hunt module flare issue #289
    Fixed Units failing to forget their previous attack target #293


    -- Changelog end --


    Wololo! This hotfix improves a few core features:


    Lowered AI paranoia, allowing them to return to Aware state. Improved danger evaluation, AI will no longer enter combat mode due to friendlies firing their guns. Smarter suppression utilisation, both individual and tactical, has been improved to make suppression function more efficiently in combat. Reintroduced the setting for disabling smoke grenades usage.


    Special thanks to Couls and YetheSamartaka for code and feature additions.





    STEAM Workshop





    From the team

    diwako / joko / nkenny

    • Like 8
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  3. LAMBS Danger.fsm

    Current version 2.5.2



    -- Changelog --



    Added SQFC Support

    Added Setting for Advanced Obstacle Proximity Detection for Suppression

    Added vehicles main gun switch to HE or AP when engaging targets (#261)

    Added Range PBO (allowing units to spot and engage targets at longer ranges)  (#246)

    Added greatly enhanced suppression check (#249)

    Added unified doGroupHide action (#258)

    Added ‘suppress’ option to taskGarrison as an exit clause

    Added variable to block auto artillery registration


    Improved taskCamp, taskHunt, taskGarrison and taskReset with eventhandlers (#259)

    Improved taskCamp by using ‘suppression’ event handler.

    Improved stance usage in taskCamp.

    Improved cleanup system of eventhandlers in taskReset

    Improved Polish Translations

    Improved Task Hunt with settings for Flares

    Improved vehicle brain by accounting for Air vehicles

    Improved doDodge function


    Fixed taskHunt module not working in Zeus (#252)

    Fixed taskAssault Zeus module opening when no dynamic target is created (#250)

    Fixed civilian.fsm exit conditions (#253)

    Fixed units attacking SuppressTarget (#256)

    Fixed issues that artillery guns did not get readded in certain cases (#264)

    Fixed assault/garrison issue with taskAssess (Units would fail to assault new buildings!)  (#255)

    Fixed wrong eventhandlers being selected in the garrison module.

    Fixed vehicles spamming shareInformation

    Fixed the 3den Artillery Register Checkbox

    Fixed Zen Action for TaskPatrol calling the wrong Event 

    Fixed duplicate vehicle suppression calls 

    Fixed doSelectWarhead errors  when gunner dismounts or is not assigned a gun

    Fixed doUGL would throw an error if a player was in the array


    Changed WP Strings now using Stringtables (#247)

    Changed to using native hashes for artillery system (#263)

    Changed findClosestTarget function added to main (#265)


    -- Changelog end --


    The long-awaited 2.5.2 is now here. It comes with a number of very interesting features. 


    A considerably smarter system for evaluating suppression, armoured vehicles changing ammunition based on targets, the Ranged PBO, and we’ve implemented the SQFC standard for this and future releases. What does this mean?


    The enhanced suppression selection system lets units more intelligently choose whether or not to suppress potential targets. Each unit will evaluate its own position and that of the enemy, visibility, cover and concealment, before committing. Units will still suppress potential or assumed enemy positions, but are less likely to shoot at pointless positions. The new system greatly reduces instances of uselessly shooting at walls in towns. 


    Armoured, turreted vehicles will now switch ammunition type based on available targets. Soft-skinned vehicles and infantry will be hit with HE, while AP and APDS will be used to engage enemy armour. This much-requested feature will greatly enhance the deadliness of enemy armour. Consider yourself warned!


    LAMBS Danger will also tweak AI sensitivity. This makes AI infantry much more able to spot enemies moving across open fields. Expect engagement ranges to be increased by 100-200 meters in favourable conditions. The use of cover and concealment to break visibility is more important than ever. AI ability to see at night, or to spot targets from vehicles, is unchanged.


    SQFC makes code work more gooder. In more technical terms it is SQF code precompiled which the engine can load faster. Code execution time is faster due to compile-time optimizations. In practical terms, it offers performance enhancements to the AI. The full extent of which we’re still mapping out. SQFC is already in use by major mods in the Arma3 community with more to follow. We’re part of that gang. 


    As usual, there are a slew of bug fixes and minor enhancements. The ‘Suppressed’ eventhandler has been added to garrisoned and camped units, which will make them more responsive to enemy fire. We’ve also cleaned up and improved the performance of many other modules. 


    NOTE: This version changes (and fixes) garrison modules. For mission makers that have set particular exit conditions will want to re-check Garrison modules in their missions. Previously the garrison module would not apply the selected exit condition consistently. That has been fixed.


    The team would like to thank our contributors:  Floyd as video editor from Gruppe W, @veteran29 for code and translations, and @MiszczuZPolski for translations. 


    Shout out to our Discord crew. The team always enjoys the lively banter of feature requests, bug reports and after-action reports (particularly when you all die or get suppressed through bushes, Muahahaha). 




    STEAM Workshop





    From the team

    diwako / joko / nkenny





    Video exploring the new suppression logic. Video made by @Floyd from Gruppe W

    • Like 12
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    Updated LAMBS RPG
    Mods available on Steam workshop





    LAMBS RPG series mods add simple config tweaks to shoulder fired rockets, particularly the RPG7, and it makes the AI shoot rockets at infantry and other soft targets. On my youtube channel are a few examples of the mod in action. While standalone, it works great with LAMBS Danger.fsm.  Enjoy! 



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  5. Glad you like it @redarmy

    You bring out many good points. Touching the medical system is a little bit outside our scope, but I wonder if you are running ACE3 medical? ACE3 adds AI that sets up healing routines and we specifically cater for it in lambs danger.fsm. I would love to see a video of AI falling to death, haha. It would help us tune the settings to fit modded content a bit better 🙂


  6. I don't think enough praise has been given for the pseudo-interiors added to some of the armoured vehicles in GM. It is a super smart system that I wish more mods adopted. Essentially, what you get are the portholes with the interior itself being blacked out.  This gives the crew both a sense of space and adds useful viewpoints to look through.An excellent compromise between the immense effort of redoing vehicle interiors universally for a mod, and the simple, actual gameplay utility 3D-interiors are meant to give. 




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  7. Quick review

    First thing that strikes me is that all vehicles and weapons look outstanding. Especially the Armalite variants and Huey helicopters have clearly had good work put into them. Overall there is a nice selection of kit without overwhelming the arsenal/eden with useless variants. Especially like the inclusion of tripod mounted MMGs, which are sorely missing in vanilla Arma3. The big stand out feature to me is the  weapon animations which are fantastic. With the one exception of the oddly slowed AK/type-56 reload animation, all weapons handle wonderfully. These are probably the best I've seen out of any Arma3 content. As others have noted, the inclusion of melee is cool. Again, one of the best implementations I've seen in an Arma mod. I would have preferred to see this be handled by binding a button rather than relying on cycling fire-modes, but I haven't really tried it in practice. Perhaps it works better than anticipated.


    For the bad. I am no audiophile, but I found the sounds to a be a little samey. Shooting a AK sounds about as violent as shooting a tank cannon. On the issue of sameness, the terrain is quite big and has generous stretches of jungle, but some of the towns seem a little off. Perhaps it is the mixture of too familiar Arma assets or some other X factor.  There are definitely better jungle terrains created for Arma3. What I do appreciate is the generous use of furniture throughout the terrain. This brings back fond memories of Takistan and is quite immersive. This is something I wish other mod packs did too. Creating more missions on the terrain may bring more positive experiences.


    Overall this is a pretty decent mod pack. Erm, I mean CDLC. I am sure it will generate new interest in Arma3. Already youtubers are gushing over the potential. The presentation of it is certainly very well done and the use of well known and respected military advisers is also a selling point. It is interesting that this CDLC seems to have generated more positive interest than Global Mobilization did. It might be timing. It might simply be that the Vietnam era is cooler and more high-speed. 



    + Cool setting and assets
    + Amazing weapon handling animations

    - Weapon sounds

    - Terrain 


    Buy it to support the content creators and Bohemia and to have some cool missions to play. 🙂




    • Like 5

  8. LAMBS Danger.fsm

    Current version 2.5.1



    -- Changelog --



    Added new lambs_formations config tweaks/enhancements to formations and pathfinding

    Added ZEN Context Actions for Reinforcement

    Added custom share information handlers (by mjc4wilton)

    Added artillery crew will disembark when threatened by near enemies

    Added debug marker for artillery spotter

    Added more robust stance changes and forceMove to tacticsFlank to induce more movement

    Added findNearbyVehicles (standardised function to find ready vehicles)

    Added stricter handling of flanking units (forcing them to not board transports)

    Added exit condition on 'lambs_danger_forceMove' in brainForced

    Added 'forceMove' variable to hiding to increase reliability

    Added unified callout and share information

    Added units will act more intelligently to "hold fire" commands (by setting combatMode to "BLUE" or "GREEN". I.e., ordering units to hold fire)

    Added checkbox to disable Dynamic reinforcement system for Task Waypoints


    Fixed artillery check round barrages (these were always one round)

    Fixed artillery debug markers were occasionally not removed when the spotter died

    Fixed flanking units chose more intelligent spots

    Fixed allowed suppressing units to suppress outdoor spots (performance)

    Fixed doGroupFlank set wrong forceMove variable

    Fixed doVehicleAssault visibility check

    Fixes doGroupFlanks tendency to not do anything!

    Fixes doGroupAssault tendency to cause AI to rotate uselessly

    Fixes doAssault building sorting distance to more reliably assault salient buildings

    Fixed doSuppress ignoring the positions of friendlies

    Fixed units standing up at inopportune times in assault/assaultMemory

    Fixed groups rarely utilising 'aggressive' contact state

    Fixed groups failing to use hand signals and callouts

    Fixed units spamming 'Negative' (due to inability of providing suppressive fire)

    Fixed armoured vehicles suppressing useless positions

    Fixed issue with taskAssault calling taskArtillery

    Fixed reduced use of suppression when an enemy is detected but not easy to see.

    Fixed height over sea effect in getShareInformationParams

    Fixed units playing walking animations  when retreat option is enabled in taskAssault

    Fixed missing taskAssault Retreat mode waypoint text

    Fixed player-led groups would occasionally fail to return to formation


    Changed Renamed DisableGroupAI Module to Configure Group AI

    Changed taskPatrol and taskHunt groups are no longer set to reinforce by default

    Changed player-led groups no longer receive shared information

    Changed artillery debug markers now uses a colour not used by a faction

    Changed static weapon crew will disembark when threatened (instead of only the effective commander)

    Changed timing for isLeader checks. Non-leaders will now only check 5% rather than 10% of the time

    Changed minimum suppression range from 25 to 50 meters


    Improved isNight performance by use of getEnvSound Controllers (by RCA3)

    Improved taskGarrison to only seek cover positions when necessary

    Improved doShareInformation performance

    Improved getShareInformationParams performance

    Improved performance of findNearbyFriendlies

    Improved performance of isAlive checks

    Improved performance doGroupSuppress

    Improved performance of doSuppress

    Improved performance of doVehicleSuppress

    Improved Converted remoteExec/remoteExecCall to CBA Target Events

    Improved performance of brainEngage by having zero-time exit variables

    Improved FSM performance by removing unnecessary checks

    Improved brainReact handling of doCover state

    Improved doDodge performance

    Improved doHide performance

    Improved findReadyUnits handling of ‘attacking’ units.

    Improved sorting of ready artillery

    Improved skipCheckRounds option will also skip main strike delay

    Improved Render Positions of DebugDraw

    Improved brainEngage handling of speed change when engaging

    Improved FSM performance by using simper params array

    Improved prevent script errors with TaskArtillery when no artillery is defined

    Improved reduced use of AI smoke

    Improved debug draw (performance and settings)

    Improved entries in taskModule configs

    Improved group assessments of close combat situations

    Improved groups set to WHITE combat mode are less likely to enter group suppression mode

    Improved Polish translations (by MiszczuZPolski and SzwedzikPL)

    Improved various tooltips

    Improved consistency of suppression function with shorter ranged weapons


    -- Changelog end --


    This is going to knock your socks off. The big focus of this release has been refining existing features under three general headers: frames, flow and friction.


    Frames. For this version, we have improved and streamlined many of the most common AI- functions. The net result is an overall performance increase of some 5-10 FPS depending on your system.  


    Flow. With the introduction of the new lambs_formations.pbo you will see increased combat ability from the enemy AI. Infantry will be faster to move into and through buildings. You will also see more compact infantry formations that will in turn be quicker to react.


    Friction. Through an active process of feedback and development, we’ve also removed many issues related to group-level tactics. Infantry performing group actions will act with increased authority and aggression. Group use of suppression will select targets more intelligently. Vehicles will use their weapons more sensibly, as it pertains to suppressing and facing enemies. Overall, you will meet a much more dangerous enemy. 


    The team would like to extend special thanks to the people that provided commands and questions on the development version on steam and discord and in particular the developers that contributed content to the project: mjc4wilton, RCA3, MiszczuZPolski, and SzwedzikPL. 


    STEAM Workshop





    From the team

    diwako / joko / nkenny

    • Like 8
    • Thanks 6

  9. Regarding suppression

    This is an interesting issue with a lot of features to untangle. The first thing to understand is that the AI lacks the contextual intelligence of a human. The AI does not read the briefing. It has no conception of historical or social contextual clues . It is also a product of computational compromises. In other words. The evaluations which humans find ridiculously obvious are fully invisible to the AI.  Evaluations which for humans would be second nature, are extremely CPU intensive if done by the AI. All of this his fairly obvious  for anyone who has thought about AI. But I think it bears repeating. 


    Regarding LAMBS Danger. Our approach is to emulate human behaviour while presenting a seemingly intelligent and actually dangerous opponent. The flip side of this is that sometimes our algorithms fail to capture the context-rich environment in which the AI acts. An environment which is related to, but different from what humans experience. So why the lengthy essay? To contextualise how we've approached building the AI and some of the choices we are forced to make. 


    Settings and 2.5.1

    The next full release will bring considerable improvements to how and when the AI chooses suppression targets as a group. You can try it yourself on the Steam Workshop.  You can already greatly customise some of the suppression level features. Here are three ways in which you can directly tweak suppression behaviours to your liking: 

    - Increasing the minimum suppression range (it is by default 28 meters) to 50+ meters will greatly reduce both individual and group suppression in towns. We've chosen 28 meters as a default as a compromise.  As of 2.5.1 50m is default.

    - Checking 'Disable autonomous Group manoeuvres' will remove all group level tactics. Which will basically remove all high level suppression events from AI opponents

    - Disabling group AI variable on relevant units:   <group> setVariable ["lambs_danger_disableGroupAI", true];


    Ammunition conservation

    As mentioned suppression selection is vastly improved in 2.5.1, but the question of ammunition conservation is an interesting one. As I wrote above. The AI has no contextual understanding about the presumed length of an engagement or even the length of a mission. No knowledge of when, how, or if there will be resupplies. It is hard to make these things actionable.  Our core philosophy is that it is better to spend a bullet, than have the AI spend its life. That doesn't always mesh with the goal of a longer lasting AI. 


    Note that the AI will shoot less if the target is distant. It will chose not to suppress if its speedmode is set to FULL. Or if ordered to hold fire. Or line of sight is limited. So it isn't as if there is no contextual information being passed, but expecting the AI to understand the nuanced briefing text. Well. We're not there yet 🙂



    • Like 9

  10. On 5/2/2021 at 2:29 PM, cooked auto said:

    To deal with an earlier issue with cars bypassing the roadblock I added 

    	_stoplambs = _grp setVariable ["lambs_danger_disableGroupAI",true];

    to the main spawn loop, but that doesn't seem to have done anything.


    Ahh, what we're dealing with here is a misunderstanding of the variables. The variable you are changing will only prevent the group from performing GROUP TACTICAL ACTIONS. As civilians never do those. It will have no effect on them. What you'll want to do is to toggle the FSM variable on each individual civilian. Thusly: 

      _x setVariable ["lambs_danger_disableAI", true, true];
    } foreach (units _grp);
    // UNIT FSM ~ conceivably this should also have a very similar effect. 
      _x disableAI "FSM";
    } foreach (units _grp);


  11. On 4/25/2021 at 7:00 AM, jarrad96 said:

    How does the AI use of flares at night work? It would be really handy for AI to use flares during night missions, but it seems really inconsistent on who uses them, like for example some of the CFP factions use them while others don't, and I haven't seen any of the IFA3 WW2 or Hanson's CUP Vietnam factions using them- do they require the unit to have a grenade launcher or something for them to use them?


    The relevant function is found in /main/unit/  and is called lambs_main_fnc_doUGL

    Here is how it works. Every leader assessment state, which will occur around every 60-180 seconds, depending on contact and current tactic, will make the AI potentially shoot flares.  To shoot a flare it needs to be nighttime. The unit must not be wearing NVGs. One unit in the group must be equipped with a UGL launcher and have a flare in its inventory.  As the function name suggests, it has to be an underbarrel grenade launcher. At the moment we do not support grenade launchers in secondary or primary weapon slots ala. M79 or HK320.  Recently I have sometimes seen RHS units not shooting flares. This might be because they are configured differently than vanilla ones are. I might look into that in the future. 

    The lambs_main_fnc_dotUGL is quite interesting, as it can also be used to make the AI shoot other things. Such as smoke. 

    // assuming bob is the unit you want to shoot and angryBob is your target. 
    // this will launch a smoke shell towards his location
    [units bob, getPos angryBob, "shotSmokeX"] call lambs_main_fnc_doUGL;

    Those are interesting options. 

    • Like 2

  12. DwV1HCA.png
    Development Version LAMBS Danger.fsm

    The team recently established a Development Version of LAMBS Danger.fsm on the Steam Workshop.  That version has just been updated with another sneak peek at what 2.5.1 will bring. 



    Changelog wrapped within


    Version 2.5.1 Dev Release 2
    Added new pathfinding/formations module*
    Added ZEN Context Actions for Reinforcement

    Fixed units standing up at inopportune times in assault/assaultMemory
    Fixed groups rarely utilising 'aggressive' contact state
    Fixed groups failing to use hand signals and callouts
    Fixed units spamming 'Negative'
    Fixed armoured vehicles suppressing useless positions
    Fixed issue with taskAssault calling taskArtillery

    Changed Renamed DisableGroupAI Module to Configure Group AI

    Improved Render Positions of DebugDraw
    Improved brainEngage handling of speed change when engaging
    Improved brainEngage exit clause by better balanced ammunition check
    Improved simplified params array in danger fsm
    Improved prevent Script Errors with TaskArtillery when no Artillery is defined

    Version 2.5.1 Dev Release
    Added custom share information handlers (by mjc4wilton)
    Added artillery crew will disembark when threatened by near enemies
    Added skipCheckRounds will also skip main strike delay
    Added debug marker for spotter
    Added more robust stance changes and forceMove to tacticsFlank to induce more movement
    Added reset for 'ATTACK'-locked units in findReadyUnits (fixes reporting units which are not ready)
    Added findNearbyVehicles ~ standardised function to find ready vehicles
    Added stricter handling of flanking units (forcing them to not board transports)
    Added exit condition on 'lambs_danger_forceMove' in brainForced
    Added 'forceMove' variable to hiding to increase reliability
    Added unified callout and share information

    Fixed check round barrages nearly always be one round
    Fixed debug markers were occasionally not removed when caller died
    Fixed flanking units choosing spots too close
    Fixed allowed suppressing units to suppress outdoor spots (performance)
    Fixed doGroupFlank set wrong forceMove variable
    Fixed doVehicleAssault visibility check
    Fixes doGroupFlanks tendency to not do anything!
    Fixes doGroupAssault tendency to cause AI to look in circles!
    Fixes doAssault building sorting distance to more reliably assault buildings
    Fixed doGroupFlanks tendency to not do anything!
    Fixed doGroupAssault tendency to cause AI to look in circles!
    Fixed doAssault building sorting distance to more reliably assault buildings
    Fixed doSuppress ignoring position of friendlies on last check

    Changed artillery debug markers uses a colour not used by a faction
    Changed static weapon crew will disembark when threatened (instead of only effective commander)
    Changed timing for isLeader check. Non-leaders will now only check 5% rather than 10% of the time (for performance)
    Changed minimum suppression range from 25 to 28 meters

    Improved isNight.sqf performance by use of getEnvSound Controllers (by RCA3)
    Improved taskGarrison to only seek cover positions when necessary
    Improved doShareInformation performance
    Improved getShareInformationParams performance
    Improved performance of findNearbyFriendlies
    Improved performance of isAlive check
    Improved performance doGroupSuppress (simpler position)
    Improved performance of doSuppress (adjust order of checks, simpler lineIntersectSurface test)
    Improved performance of doVehicleSuppress (adjusted order of checks)
    Improved Convert remoteExec/remoteExecCall to CBA Target Events
    Improved performance of brainEngage by having zero-time exit variables
    Improved performance by skipping unnecessary vector additions to suppression
    Improved performance by removing unnecessary checks
    Improved brainReact handling of doCover state
    Improved doDodge performance -- removing unnecessary checks*
    Improved doHide performance -- added earlier exit
    Improved sorting of ready artillery


    Changelog end



    A key focus area for 2.5.1 was performance. Both in the sense of AI flow and frames. Already, the development version has added massive performance improvements in both categories.  You can try it right now on the steam workshop. 


    LAMBS Formations

    This version sees the inclusion of an internal path and formation mod into LAMBS Danger.fsm. What to look for:

    1. Infantry will be faster to move into and through buildings

    2. Infantry formations will be slightly more compact, but also quicker to react

    3. Stress and outright horror at being flanked and destroyed in urban areas.


    From the team
    diwako / joko / nkenny


    • Like 4
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  13. I really like this mod. 

    The concept is nice, small and compact. It plays well with existing assets and slots right into the Arma3 metaverse. It looks, performs and shoots good too!  The FIA retextured variants are particularly beautiful. 


    Because I snuck a peek into the backend I did notice two small things:
    1. It seems like the SCAR mechanical rate of fire should be slightly lower.  Most sources list it at 550-650. The version on steam workshop has a reloadTime of 0.07  ~ 857RPM  Where it should be closer to 0.092   (adding or subtracting whatever makes it feel nice). 
    2. EGLM variant rifles do not have reduced handling characteristics through Inertia and dexterity settings


    I really like this mod concept and hope to see more of it in the future! Particularly some drop-in Machine guns or other support weapons would be a god send  for light-weight joint ops.






    • Like 2

  14. @Devastator_cm
    Your confusion is understandable.  The CQB waypoint remains the same. The CQB formations  (configured by default to be "FILE" and "DELTA/DIAMOND") no longer have specific behaviours attached to them.  That functionality having been supplanted by the new group memory system.  The old functionality has just been commented out and might reappear in the future. 



    • Like 2

  15. BMFDaM6.png
    LAMBS Danger.fsm

    Current version 2.5.0 - Turing



    Added new FSM with greatly streamlined performance and functionality

    Added Group Memory layer for CQB

    Added infantry cover seeking function

    Added infantry ability to reposition within buildings

    Added better checks to skip out FSM if AI behaviour is forced

    Added new leadership assessment, contact, and tactics state

    Added Group Attack -- making the entire group attack a single target

    Added Group Garrison -- letting groups temporarily garrison buildings

    Added Group Hold – groups without clear sight of enemies or when overwhelmed by enemy fire will reassess while hiding and manning nearby static weapons

    Added group ability to respond to distant snipers by suppression or garrisoning or counter-attacking

    Added Dynamic Reinforcement framework with a reinforcement event handler*

    Added Eden settings to toggle group AI and reinforcement option

    Added improvements to taskAssault waypoint (reliability and tactical proficiency)

    Add two different ‘contact states**

    Added ability for vehicles to call artillery fires

    Added more refined support for ACE3 medical AI. (Fewer instances of AI attempting first aid while engaging or under fire).

    Added friendly fire check to AI called artillery

    Added units set to ‘FULL’ speedMode will not choose slow or defensive tactical options.

    Added improved handling of mechanized/armoured infantry working in conjunction with tanks. Tanks will cover while infantry attack

    Added post-contact behaviour. Units with active groupMemory will continue clearing suspected enemy locations.

    Added more active use of ‘enableAttack’ in contact and group actions to more tightly control AI.

    Added and improved player UI elements

    Added Polish Localisation

    Added Russian Localisation

    Added many performance fixes and enhancements


    Improved mod file structure for easier maintenance

    Improved FSM priorities for added dynamism

    Improved vehicle AI performance and speed

    Improved infantry group AI in scope and intelligence

    Improved CQB ability by increasing aggression and movement speeds

    Improved infantry dodging and seeking cover

    Improved group flanking

    Improved group hiding

    Improved group assaults in speed and consistency

    Improved check body routines by differentiating between allies and enemies and adding a shared communications and group memory layer

    Improved fleeing state in speed and cover seeking ability by assessing enemies within line of sight or current suppression states

    Improved and fixed various aspects of civilian AI

    Improved armed trucks will continuously suppress targets and will attempt to shift location if threatened.

    Improved  handling and threat management of armoured vehicles shifting locations

    Improved FSM timings

    Improved many debug markers and system messages

    Improved group assessment state with better performance and more intelligent responses to enemy presence

    Improved AI will attempt to suppress targets at longer ranges

    Improved AI will use ‘hide’ and ‘garrison’ tactics in smarter, less intrusive manners.

    Improved debug information with more salient content in Debug UI

    Improved debug draw performance


    Fixed Debug UI not resetting on Single player Restart

    Fixed Debug UI not removing old and unused controls correctly

    Fixed group hiding from being too invasive

    Fixed Infantry fighting vehicles and tanks unwillingness to destroy buildings held by enemies.

    Fixed AI units becoming stuck in ‘ATTACK’ pattern when an enemy is incapacitated with ACE3 enabled.

    Fixed civilian AI running in place

    Fixed Static artillery (mortars and modded guns) not resetting after a fire mission.

    Fixed AI less likely to drop prone away from cover

    Fixed packing and unpacking static weapons. Occasionally modded weapons would fail to register. Function more reliable overall.

    Fixed units that have gone through a contact state will always re-assess.

    Fixed units without ready weapons attempting to assault into CQB!

    Fixed friendly fire issue with contact state


    Changed lambs_wp_fnc_taskReset now returns a group instead of boolean.


    Removed CQB formations***


    Version 2.5.0
    This is the long-awaited full structural improvement and rewrite of the mod. It comes with a

    fresh new FSM and reorganised and improved functions. In truth, the listed changelog does

    not do it justice as nearly every function has been improved or expanded. Listing all changes

    would add page upon page.


    Tactically, the AI is smarter than ever. Individually, the new FSM brings an entirely new

    experience in fighting AI. Responsiveness has been much improved, and the AI is more

    likely to apply suppressive fire to known and suspected enemy positions. Group assessment

    stages have been equally improved and the group tactics have been painstakingly tested and

    tried and expanded.


    Units engaged in CQB will share targets and building information within their own group.

    This adds a group memory layer, which means units will try to search through and attack

    suspected enemy positions in a coordinated manner. Units that are out of range will

    contribute suppressive fire.



    This version also adds a simple, yet potent reinforcement system connected directly to the

    information sharing feature. Reinforcing groups will make simple pre-battle assessments and

    may deploy or pack static weapons, change formations, or other acts of reorganisation. As

    always, it is non-invasive and is only activated on groups set by the mission maker.


    Use is easy. Set a variable on the group, and this unit will now respond when allies within

    radio communication range call for help. Setting the variable can be done in multiple ways:

    Either through Zeus modules, Eden settings, or writing it directly to the group.


    <group> setVariable [“lambs_danger_enableGroupReinforce”, true, true];


    With an entirely new FSM framework and reorganised file structure, we’re expecting some

    trouble. Though rigorously tested internally, in many large scale games, there will

    unquestionably be some hiccups. We will be on the ball to fix these as they come.


    The new FSM brought with it some changes in functionality. Among those features which have

    been temporarily disabled are the CQB Formations module. The functionality exists in the

    back end, but the group memory feature is set to do a better job. We will listen to feedback in regards

    to re-implementing this in the future. Many of the internal functions have been moved from

    the lambs_danger to the lambs_main module. This is part of the mod restructure, which makes

    the mod easier to maintain, more portable, and more customizable for the end-user. It comes

    with the unfortunate price of having to re-check your settings.


    Finally, the team would like to give thanks to: DarkWanderer for excellent feedback on the civilian.fsm.

    MiszczuZPolski and Veteran29 for Polish translations and FoxnotMulder and Necrossin for Russian translations.


    From the team

    diwako / joko / nkenny


    STEAM Workshop









    1. REINFORCEMENT. The reinforcement feature could do with a few more words.

    Groups with the reinforcement variable set will respond to friendly information sharing events. If the enemy is known, they will move towards that location. If not, they will move to the unit calling for help.

    - Groups will act with increased autonomy. Based on the distance and visibility of the enemy they will: Adopt formation changes. Shoot flares. Pack and unpack carried static weapons. More types of behaviour will be added in the future. Be aware that the reinforcement feature may override existing waypoints based on the context of the situation.

    - The level of emergent play can be enhanced by attaching more checks to the eventhandler: “lambs_main_onReinforce”. As per our design philosophy, the default implementation remains seamless. You won’t see AI randomly stealing cars or wandering away from their assigned tasks!


    2. CONTACT. On first spotting, the enemy or being fired at the unit will enter a contact state. This version expands the previous behaviour by introducing an aggressive Push-through response to units that, though threatened, are not both suppressed and surprised. In the aggressive response, the enemy will suppress known or likely enemy locations and attempt to move into and through them.

    All in all the AI is quicker to respond to contacts and less likely to become stuck. Getting the drop on the enemy is more important than ever!


    3. CQB formations removed for this version. Their old functionality is better handled by the group memory feature. The old framework has been updated and will be re-implemented under a different guise at a future time

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  16. Indoor Movement Chance

    The latest version of LAMBS Danger fsm has sliding option to adjust the chance that units inside will move.  This comes to play in two types based on context: (1) The AI may sometimes abandon buildings in order to assault exposed enemies.  (2) The AI will actively reposition inside buildings to find better (closer) shooting positions.   Increasing the movement slider will appropriately make the AI more willing to move within buildings.  That it reads 0 to 1 is a bug to be fixed in the actual release. 

    Spotting range

    This is a tough one. Our goal is to make a seamless enhancement capable of functioning off any and all types of terrains and environments. There are also in-engine considerations to be made. For reasons best known to Bohemia, the spotting range was reduced in previous versions.  There are however ways to increase it. I'll offer four options. 

    Mission design

    This is my preferred option. Good use of patrols, sentries and Quick Reaction Forces on Guard waypoints will mitigate the AI's limited vision. When I make missions, I make sure there are overlapping bubbles of protection and defense.  Essentially, trip wire forces will call more powerful reinforcements.  In combination with the LAMBS Reinforcement system (coming in 2.5.0) you get rather dynamic fire fights!  



    While I do not use the mod myself, and cannot therefore give more than a healthy recommendation, many people do. The mod works by dynamically adjusting skills and (I believe) adding active spotting measures to units. The code is also available on gitHub and is rather clever indeed. Steam Workshop: LINK


    Runs By Us

    A lightweight and staggeringly effective mod to set up organic patrols and reinforcements.  Updated by our very own Joko, it makes the AI actively send patrols to investigate heard gunshots. The mod is available on gitHub.  Steam Workshop: LINK


    Spotlight Reveal Trigger System

    A recent entry into the field.  The Spotlight system adds easy-to-use triggers by which the mission maker can add contextually salient positions that will reveal enemy forces at predefined accuracy and intervals. It is possible to do the same with editor placed triggers-- but the mod adds a easy to use interface to get the same effect. The mod is made by Ziehpopel (of Gruppe W I believe) and the code is available on their gitLab.  Steam Workshop:  LINK



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