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About TetsuBot

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  1. TetsuBot

    Bitter Chill-help!!

    Whew, finally done with this mission after quite a few hours of trial and error. This will probably be a long post, and ofcourse filled with spoilers. But this thread is beyond spoilers. So yeah, SPOILER WARNING First of all I reported the weapons at Fyodor, as any soldier should. First time around I get in the HMMWV and notice the fuel level, can't find anywhere to refuel, so I drive to a place I recalled from earlier and refueled. I thought I saw the "run away!" deal coming so I wanted to be prepared. I get to the safe house and the documents are gone, then the whole deal at Manhattan plays out. I rush back and kill the guys waiting at the entrance. I head up and get the cut scene with Simmons, talk to the NAPA guys and they tell me about Fyodor, Martin and Michal. Then they say farewell, and I jump into the hummer. What follows is at least an hour of trying to get the Elektrowhatchamacallit. I get to what feels like the home stretch, maybe 3 km to go and then nothing but magic missiles from nowhere. I try again and talk to the NAPA guys and try to get to Fyodor, and I'm met by a tank. I try to get to Martin and Michal, I'm met by a tank. So I read the forums that I'm supposed to go with the NAPA guys to a hatchback and ride that. I restart the mission, go straigt for the documents and blow up the house, go back to Manhattan and do the whole song and dance. Afterwards I follow the NAPA guys for 20 minutes and get to Altar and their hideout, nothing happens, no car to be found. So at altar I try and call in the chopper, which I've been trying to avoid of course. The chopper turns up and I board it, as soon as we take off we're hit by a SAM and you can tell that this is supposed to happen but we didn't have enough altitude so we all died before the scene could fade out. So I realize that the chopper is the key. I order in the pickup right after I talk to the NAPA guys in FOB Manhattan. This time we get to talk and we start our ride back to the rally point. I notice that the chopper isn't heading for the base, it's heading for Altar and even has a drop off point set at the intended crash site.... Turns out there aren't alot of SAMs around, it's just the one at Altar. Queue magic missile and we're shot down. Fine I get to the next checkpoint at least, random rocker tells me I have to get away before the russians get there. Before I can do anything there's a BMP on top of us that shoots us to smaller parts of our selves, casually strewn about. I try it again and teh same thing happens, sometimes even before the random rocker has said anything. I revert again to FOB and scour the corpses and find a M137 and equip that, do the whole thing over and crash, talk to rocker and try to take out the BMP as fast as I can. After two tries I succeed. I decide to go to NAPA and make my way to Martin and Michals whom I've been told about so many times, in spite of the fact that I have a huge NAPA waypoint staring at me up at Altar. I get to them at least and they just tell me to go up into the hills exactly where my waypoint was trying to tell me to go. I revert again and make my way to Altar and I'm finally done with the mission. So for those who did the right thing and reported the weapons at cache, grab an M137 from one of the corpses, call in maddox to seal his fate and then go where the waypoint tells you to go. Think the whole debacle took me about 4-5 hours. I really want to play this game with some friends but how can I in all honesty recommend this game to anyone?
  2. TetsuBot

    distance sound bugs

    1.0.2 Solved it for me. Ty BI.
  3. TetsuBot

    distance sound bugs

    I am experiencing this issue as well. Windows 7, Soundblaster X-Fi using 5.1 headphones. I'm hearing doors creaking like I was carrying the door on my back and birds chirping as if they sat on top of me, tanks in the distance sound as if you're being run over by them. If I set it to quadrophonic as kRush suggested it solves the distance problem but losing center and bass speakers is kind of a drag. Anyone got any ideas to try? @Sniperoc: If you look in Control Panel -> Sound and under the Playback tab. You should see something like Speakers and your soundcard just below it, right click on that and you should have the option "Configure speakers". Should be pretty straight forward from there.