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Everything posted by yanot

  1. VTN armor and First Aid systems doesn't work in Virtual Aresnal. Test it in Editor.
  2. If we had more DAKs and Aleshes we would add a lot more wheeled armored vehicles :)
  3. yanot

    Forum Errors

    Can't change my avatar for some reason :C
  4. https://skfb.ly/PGCn PS: VTN isn't dead :D
  5. The problem is - if someone decide to share VTN with the "fix" included - it'll totally ruin the impression of VTN. VTN doesn't have any nice uniforms and equipment or tons of different weapons. It only has a few well-done weapons and vehicles. That's it. And THE MAIN idea of VTN is bringing that feeling of a real firefight when u ACTUALLY can not see an NME (or tell if it's friendly or not) on the distance exeeding 200-300m. Y dont u play any other mods then? RHS for example. RHS has TONS of uniforms which has a great quality, RHS has armored, air and wheeled vehicles, tons of weapons AND it has zoom. Y ruin VTN?
  6. Well, do u realize that with adding zoom u're ruining the whole idea of VTN's intentions of creating realistic combat situations? Like suppression fire, need to know the location of friendly units in the area and not just zooming in and looking at uniform and etc.
  7. So u decided to kill one of the very basic and essential ideas of the modification? And i'm not even mentioning that all ironsights now became more effective than all the collimator and optic sights that have less than 4x zoom.
  8. Soon in VTN: Mossberg 500 and its tuned version
  9. Small update: now VTN has camouflaged SVD's
  10. Not shure, but lets hope :) I need to finish texturing and then kasp or DAP or dunno who will do confing work :)
  11. Martin, i truly hope that this "fly" will be busted. It feels really bad to realize that m-fers like Andrey live in Russia. Such a low act is not common for Russian Arma community, and, as [HA]boris said "Do not judge our entire community, one unworthy of man". I know that russian players are not usually behaving kindly on players from abroad, but this is an affect of a Cold War brainwashing machine. Many people (mostly pupils) in Russia really think that western countryes are actually our enemies even in our days. And so on replyes of eng-speaking players u can usually see things like: "F*** you americans!" (and e.t.c). And this "fly" is one of Cold War "victims" (probably. Im not shure, but i think so.) So, let's just think of what we can do on this "dirty" situation. If we'll find the solution - i do my best to make "fly" pay for what he did. Best regards, Jan.
  12. tpm, the idea is good, but sounds... It sounds like .50 BMG, not AK's 5.45. Anyways - keep it up! :)
  13. yanot

    can we shoot while in a vehicles?

    msy, eww, that's disgusting. People must hunt to eat, not for fun. How many lives did he took like this? Even if those lives of pigs. I would like to see how this heli will hunt for this bastard like this. Sry for flood. It's just my point.
  14. yanot

    Customizable Soldier Load ( seriously?? )

    Customization of weapon kit? It's like I can attach EOTech sight, silencer, GL without changing the weapon, like it's happening now? Pretty awesome. And there is one thing I dream about: to be able to write smth on your helmet, like "BORN TO KiLL", or smth else.
  15. yanot

    ArmA 2 island compatibility?

    If the engine of ArmA lll will allow to - that would be awsome to see all old stuff from A2 in A3.
  16. I would like to see ArmA lll like ArmA ll with PhysX and shit. And yeah, futurism sucks.
  17. yanot

    JTD Flies

    DMarkwick, very nice! Love all your works!