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Everything posted by TLove

  1. For some reason, I don't know why, Whenever i start my STEAM version of arma 2 It's stupid slow. like just starting up the fps is about at 3. I'm at a loss of what to do. The only thing i've installed (it worked fine yesterday) is a webcam I had. I don't see how that could effect it but I I'd love to play the game :[
  2. TLove

    In-game voices

    Just time consuming.
  3. I totally agree. I can't tell you how many people I've convinced to buy the game because of his video. Know what would help more though THE DEMO
  4. TLove


    I know this might be a bit off topic, but I figure Military, ehh Arma 2, they go together. I know a very small portion of my friends are in the Navy and I haven't really had the chance to ask them about it. Seems like a huge portion of people on here have done some type of force or know something about it judging on how well people know about the equipment in the game and such. Long story short, Within the next year or so I'll be in the Navy. Is there anything I should look out for? What would you recommend my path for the Navy be? and will I get to wear that cool hat? And actually just to keep this on topic, Will the air craft carriers in Arma 2 be drivable and such? If not I assume their will there be a mod for that probably.
  5. TLove


    Thanks for that :) I'll keep that in mind. All of it.
  6. TLove


    I have a friend whos in the navy and it seems like all he does is take pictures and write about it. He does more sitting around then work itself and STILL gets paid. I'd enjoy doing something like that so I could get off and go do my own thing from time to time. Is that what you're getting at?
  7. TLove


    Thanks for the only legit answer. I actually want to be a Fireman once I'm out but there's a part of me saying I need to stick with computers because that's just what I'm good at.
  8. TLove

    Enemy Accuracy way to good.

    I totally disagree, with you're choice of games, Until they the AI are smart enough to bake me cookies on their own my judgment towards them will stay the same. :)
  9. TLove

    Enemy Accuracy way to good.

    After reading this entire thread I've come to a very plausible explanation when it comes to AI in video games: Unless they are zombies all AI are freaking retarded. I love how people who play L4D say the AI is 'So great' they're zombies. Zombies are naturally stupid. making it easy AI. I challenge you to name three decent games with great AI.
  10. TLove

    There is no demo!

    oh cool thanks ohara <3
  11. Nobody has mention anything about Ventrilo? What happened to awesome quality and performance?
  12. TLove

    There is no demo!

    So noobertos can check to see if they can actually run the game. Also because there was a demo for the first one. omnomnom
  13. TLove

    There is no demo!

    Only Placebo would respond with a simple thing such as a smiley face. Also I sent him a message saying I ate one already. and he hasn't replied back If he does however, I wouldn't be surprised if it was with a smiley face.
  14. TLove

    Mines useful?

    You guys get butt-hurt about every little thing. You're going to take a serious answer from a guy who has the avatar of the parrot from dexter's lab and NOT consider him a troll? you guys need to grow up sshheeeeeeeeiittt
  15. TLove

    Mines useful?

    Mines are banned in Russia and the U.S. they're cheap and mainly used for people in Africa as a cruel joke.
  16. New guy here, I just want to say that I think its awesome that people are arguing wither or not the shot itself is a possible shot. Either way the video was a great example of how great the game is going to turn out here in the states.
  17. Seriously, I just googled my way here and all that I've read in this thread is impatient people. Give it some time. Great things take time. From what all of the people from the US have seen on youtube, this is going to be an awesome game. The more time they work on it, the less likely they'll have to fix the bugs later.