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Everything posted by IndeedPete

  1. Pete's Texture Templates Good evening, over the last year I've gathered quite an amount of templates for A3's vanilla textures, allowing for quick re-texturing of units, vehicles, and gear. I thought I'd share them here for others to use. Please note that they're by no means professional or anything, it's just what I've learned over the year. Hence the quality might differ from template to template, but most of them will at least save you time when cutting out things from the original files. While I do posses files for most vehicles and uniforms, the initial release will only contain a few refined ones (list below). But I plan to update the selection from time to time. If you require anything specific or need config examples, just let me know in this thread and I'll see what I can do. The most interesting are probably the main uniforms of all three sides and the MX family. All files are done with poor people's Photoshop, GIMP 2, and thus come in the .xcf format. Naming conventions closely relate to the originals. Keep in mind that I just copypasted my templates so there's all kinds of stuff flying around in them. Before we head on to the list and the download, these fellow modders have also uploaded a great selection of templates: PSD Templates for NATO Soldiers Nevbox's Texture Resources Community Texture Templates Arma 3 retexture templates by DreamRebel Examples List of Uploaded Templates Air BLUFOR Blackfoot Hummingbird / Pawnee Ghosthawk Huron INDEP Hellcat Mohawk Buzzard Armour BLUFOR Cheetah / Panther Marshall Slammer Scorcher Sandstorm INDEP Mora Kuma Gorgon Autonomous Darter Greyhawk Stomper Backpacks Carryall Assault Pack Kitbag Fieldpack Camos A few... Cars BLUFOR Hunter HEMTT Civ Offroad Quadbike INDEP Strider Flags Flag Headgear Booniehat Military Cap Light Combat Helmet / Combat Helmet / Enhanced Combat Helmet Modular Helmet Ships Speed Boat HMG/GMG Uniforms BLUFOR Combat Fatigues / Recon Fatigues Civ Coveralls INDEP Combat Uniform T-Shirt Dark Shirt + Pants Pullover + Pants Officer Uniform OPFOR Combat Uniform Pilot Suit Officer Uniform Vests BLUFOR Heavy Vest / GL Carrier BULFOR Plate Carrier Press Vest Tactical Vest INDEP Plate Carrier Weapons MX Family Titan TRG-20/21 MK20 MK18 ABR 7.62mm Mk-I EMR 7.62mm Navid 9.3mm Download Google Drive
  2. Heya! A few days ago I was wondering why my modded multi-crew helis (Ghosthawk and Taru at least) would still have vanilla crewmen. The pilots are the correct ones from my mod, just the crewmen (door gunner / cargo lift operator) are wrong. Working my way through the config I believe I have found the root of all evil. In case of the Ghosthawk, this turret config defines one of the gunners: configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "IP_B_Heli_Transport_01_F_EFSnow" >> "Turrets" >> "MainTurret" There's the "gunnerType" property. I've attempted to overwrite it by inheriting the original and just changing that particular property. Here's my first config attempt: class IP_B_Heli_Transport_01_F_EF: B_Heli_Transport_01_F { crew = "IP_B_Helipilot_F_EF"; displayname = "UH-80 Ghost Hawk (EF, Black)"; faction = "IP_EUROFORCE"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\IP_EUROFORCE\air\txt\Heli_Transport_01_ext01_COEFBlack.paa","\IP_EUROFORCE\air\txt\Heli_Transport_01_ext02_COEFBlack.paa"}; typicalCargo[] = {"IP_B_Helipilot_F_EF"}; vehicleClass = "IP_Air_EF"; class Turrets; class Turrets: Turrets { class MainTurret; class MainTurret: MainTurret { gunnerType = "IP_B_helicrew_F_EF"; }; }; }; This however does not work. The turret config just stays vanilla and the crewman is still wrong. I've tried to inherit the Turrets and MainTurret classes on the top level as well: class CfgVehicles { class Turrets; class MainTurret; ... }; This only resulted in errors. I'll just paste the first one here, there are tons of them about missing different properties: 23:31:21 Warning Message: No entry 'config.bin/CfgVehicles/Turrets.scope'. Would love if someone could get me out of this. It's late here and I've been working all day so it might just be my mind giving up. Am I missing something?
  3. Arma 2 Cutscene Animations in Arma 3 Good day! I was always fond of having some of Arma 2's original animations in Arma 3 as I loved Harvest Red's atmospheric cutscenes. I recently picked up porting a few animations for an SP project of mine using BI's licensed data packages and was surprised how well they work in Arma 3. Thus, I've ported a few dozen cutscene animations by now and would just like to share these ports as a resource for other fellow mission makers and cutscene lovers. Note that they're incomplete, action sets are not defined yet and some might not work as intended. As I feel this is kind of an open source project and I don't want to dedicate too much effort to this stand-alone release I will also publish my sources for anyone to extend or re-use in other work. If your favourite A2 animation is missing provide me with the classname and I'll see what I can do. Version: 1.03 Overview This addon ports a bunch of cutscene animations from Arma 2 to Arma 3. It is not complete yet but it already provides mission creators with more variety for their cutscenes. Note that most ported Arma 2 cutscenes show up under Cutscene or Unknown categories in the animation viewer. Media Requirements None. How to Install Standard mod procedure. Just unpack the @A2C folder to your Arma 3 dir and launch it with BI's or a custom launcher. Changelog 1.03 - 17.08.2018 FIXED: Reload bug thanks to Undeceived. 1.02 - 24.03.2016 ADDED: Over 65 new animations thanks to Undeceived. 1.01 - 05.07.2015 ADDED: Over 60 new animations (suicide, dancing, training, talking, beating and other). 1.00 - 04.07.2015 Initial Release Known Issues Action sets are not properly defined yet. Some animations might not work as intended or do not work at all. License Animations sources are taken from Bohemia Interactive Studios' official licensed data packages. Content created by IndeedPete is published under the "Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA)". You are free to take or change anything you can use, just give me a mention in the credits. Credits & Thanks BIS for their tutorials and licensed data packages. Undeceived for contributing to the project by adding new animations. Download Arma3.de v1.01 Armaholic v1.03 Dropbox v1.03 PlayWithSix v1.02 Steam Workshop v1.03 (Addon Only, No Sources)
  4. Good morning to you, fellow armaholics! I'm currently working on some stuff and figured that part of it might be useful to others though it's all still WIP. Today's spin-off is a simple conversation system which supports single sentences as well as full multiple choice conversations with multiple layers. First of all I want to give some credit and my thanks to dwringer, who released a smiliar system not too long ago. I found it inspiring, especially the "live-cam", and as I needed something like that for my purposes I decided to build my own, including some of his ideas. Our approaches and the "back-end" might be different though. Anyway, let's get to the interesting part. Features Single sentence radio / direct conversations with live-cam or avatar picture. Full multiple choice conversations with multiple layers. Custom code excecution. Config based, easy to set up. Exclude choices based on user-defined conditions. Support for music, sounds and kbTell. (Latter is still a bit clunky.) MP compatible. Limitations Live-cam is not suited for units in vehicles yet. The function wil automatically switch to the avatar picture. Conversations with three or more participants are not possible yet. For full conversations, both participants NEED a variable name. (It's necessary for a workaround to make the MC work.) Too long conversations should be splitted because they can't fit into the RscStructuredText as it seems that this control doesn't support scrollbars. :/ Setup Download v1.07 example mission. Copy conv folder to your mission. Create description.ext and add:#include "conv\cfg\defines.hpp" #include "conv\cfg\dialogs.hpp" class CfgFunctions { #include "conv\cfg\functions.hpp" }; (Optional) Create "missionConversations.hpp", fill it with conversations and add to your desciption.ext:#include "missionConversations.hpp" . (Optional, needed for kbTell) Create "sentences.bikb", fill it with sentences and add to your desciption.ext:#include "sentences.bikb" . (Optional) Set "IP_Avatar", "IP_LiveFeed", "IP_ConvSpecial", "IP_AmbientChatter" and "IP_AmbientSentences" variables on units. The "missionConversations.hpp" is the central config file you need in order to create full multiple choice conversations. In its current state it should look like this: The Variables There are currently five variables that can be set on units by: unit setVariable ["VarName", value, isPublic]; "IP_LiveFeed" - True: shows live cam when saying simpleSentence and not in a vehicle. - False: Shows avatar always. "IP_Avatar" - Path to avatar picture, should be roughly 4:3 format. Default avatar picture is used if variable is nil. "IP_ConvSpecial" - Will show user defined text below the avatar in a conversation. "IP_AmbientChatter" - True: Unit will be in the pool of ambient NPCs if Ip_fnc_ambientChatter is running. False: Unit won't be in the pool of units who can throw a random sentence when the player walks by. "IP_IP_AmbientSentences" - Array, overrides the passed sentence(s) (classes) of IP_fnc_ambientChatter(KB) for a certain unit. The Functions This system is based on functions defined via CfgFunctions. Below are the headers of all current functions. Check them for parameter explanation. Examples Screenshots Changelog v1.07 - Fixed a bug with the argument feature. v1.06 - Added support for kbTell, music and sounds. Added ambient chatter function. v1.05 - Talking to dead guys is not possible anymore. v1.04 - Added IP_fnc_simpleConversation. Changed folder structure. Changed defines to not interfere with other script packages. Added / changed some minor stuff. v1.03 - Hotfixed wrong defaultAvatar.jpg path error. v1.02 - Conversations can now have arguments passed to the sentences. All attributes apart from "sentences[]" are optional now and don't need to be set, not even empty (""). Functions will now create a conversation log accessible in the map screen. v1.01 - Conversations can now have conditions. v1.00 - Inital Release Download v1.07 Feel free to use, abuse or change this system and don't hesitate to ask if you have additional questions. Please note that this is still work in progress and may contain errors or lack certain features. Oh, and don't be too confused by the conversations in the example mission. Those are incomplete, part of another WIP project and are containing some story stuff - I was just too lazy to make up another full example for this small spin-off. :D v1.06 notice: Before messing around with the new functions ambientChatterKB, simpleConversationKB and simpleSentenceKB please familiarise yourself with the kbTell system (keywords "kbTell", "kbAddTopic", "kbWasSaid"). Cheers!
  5. M.E.R.C.S. - Mercenary Expendable Ruthless Covert Selfish Version: 1.11 Overview M.E.R.C.S. is a story-driven singleplayer campaign for Arma 3, revolving around the exploits of a private military company on Altis. You assume the role of Raif Salih, a Sudanese refugee and ex-soldier, coerced into fighting alongside a mysterious, mercenary organisation. From a first person view, you will strive to escape a world of violence for private gain, where nothing but greed is sacred. In achieving your mission objectives, you are afforded complete freedom – there are few boundaries and every decision you make entails a consequence. Through a dynamic economic system, you can purchase or sell equipment, hire new recruits, or accept contracts to gain rewards and further your own, unique narrative. On the way, you must engage and interact with an assortment of different characters, each desperate to exploit you for their own ends. Whether you embrace or betray these powers is up to you... Raif's Story Global Background Story Features Story-Driven Single-Player Campaign First / Third Person Cutscenes Infantry / Light Vehicle / Aircraft Gameplay Large Variety of Mission Types Decisions have Vast Impact on Story / Current Mission Small Side Stories within a Mission(-set) Custom Conversation System Custom Shop System Custom Textures Custom Hud Enhancements 35 Missions In Total (Hubs / Connecting Missions Included) Mod Support for Several Weapon Packs How to Install Non-Steam Addon Version: Copy the @MERCS folder to your Arma 3 dir ("...\steam\steamApps\common\Arma 3\") and launch it as addon with a launcher of your choice or start the game with the parameter "-mod=@MERCS". Steam Addon Version: Subscribe to the steam workshop entry and launch it as addon with the BIS launcher. Changelog 1.11 - Hotfix - 04.05.2020 FIXED: Logical error on shop opening script. Known Issues Development Roadmap - Scopes & Features Contact You can reach me on the BI-Forums: https://forums.bohemia.net/profile/756849-indeedpete/ Or on twitter: https://twitter.com/IndeedPete Or feel free to add me on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/IndeedPete/ License Content created by IndeedPete is published under the "Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA)". You are free to take or change anything you can use, just give me a mention in the credits. All authors of third party content gave me permissions to use their works in the MANW Contest. Credits & Thanks Bohemia Interactive Studios for this great game! aeroson for his get/set loadout and repetitive clean up scripts! cobra4v320 for his HALO/parachuting scripts! Kydoimos for cross-reading and improving some of the dialogues and texts! mrflay for his explosion detector! Shuko for his SHKPos script! Surfer for his help regarding the awesome M.E.R.C.S. logo and way too many textures and images! tpw for his ambient civilian script package! And all the great people on the BI-Forums who helped out with answers and feedback to so many questions! Download Dropbox v1.11 Steam Workshop v1.11
  6. IndeedPete

    Pete's Texture Templates

    Could be the one under cars / BLUFOR / turret_co.
  7. IndeedPete

    Pete's Texture Templates

    I've updated the link after Google decided to disable it for some reason. Download should work again.
  8. Yes, there seems to be an odd bug where missions show up in the shop that shouldn't. This one you're referring to should not be accessible anymore at this stage. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to reproduce the issue on my end yet.
  9. Thanks! Well, it's probably buggy. Whenever there's AI tasked to do anything, expect things to go wrong. I'm afraid, you have to attack head-on.
  10. Well, yes that's possible. There is the expression config property in the missionConversations.hpp where you can run any code you want. It is executed once the response is selected and the dialog opened. Check the first page for an example.
  11. Apparently, I did. Check sample below. class IP_B_KSK_Heli_Transport_01_Base_F: B_Heli_Transport_01_F { displayName = "KSK Heli Transport 01 Base"; scope = 0; class Turrets; }; class IP_B_KSK_Heli_Transport_01_Base_H: IP_B_KSK_Heli_Transport_01_Base_F { class Turrets: Turrets { class CopilotTurret; class MainTurret; class RightDoorGun; }; }; class IP_B_KSK_Heli_Transport_01_F: IP_B_KSK_Heli_Transport_01_Base_H { crew = "IP_B_KSK_Heli_Pilot_F"; // Yadda, yadda... typicalCargo[] = {"IP_B_KSK_Soldier_F"}; class Turrets: Turrets { class CopilotTurret: CopilotTurret { gunnerType = "IP_B_KSK_Heli_Pilot_F"; }; class MainTurret: MainTurret { gunnerType = "IP_B_KSK_Heli_Pilot_F"; }; class RightDoorGun: RightDoorGun { gunnerType = "IP_B_KSK_Heli_Pilot_F"; }; }; };
  12. Thank you. Not sure that is possible. But if it is, it would probably some event script set in dialogs.hpp.
  13. It was always trial and error for me as well. Some only work with certain commands and for others, you have to disableAI "ANIM" first.
  14. Oh well, that happens. No worries!
  15. It might be BI changed something and now it doesn't work anymore. I'm personally only using the multiple choice dialog version these days.
  16. Okay, what does the error message say?
  17. In the last line of your script, you refer to a hostager while you probably meant to write hostage.
  18. IndeedPete

    Pete's Texture Templates

    Basically, yes. You could manually cut out or cover the empty parts that aren't applied to the model but there's no difference in-game. However, camo patterns are tricky. You probably need to adjust them so they seamlessly fit the model and don't break up. This process of cutting, moving, turning, and retrying in-game is quite time-consuming and no template can do that for you. Also, you might need to tweek the colours, dirt, filter opacity etc. Sometimes you get weird artifacts with certain colours. It's trial and error. At least for me.
  19. IndeedPete

    Pete's Texture Templates

    Well, put your colour as top layer in that group.
  20. IndeedPete

    Pete's Texture Templates

    There should be a colour layer in there or not?
  21. IndeedPete

    Pete's Texture Templates

    I'm not able to spot any Contact textures on the screenshots. There are some Apex ones which I never bothered with though. Like the CSAT Viper gear.
  22. IndeedPete

    Pete's Texture Templates

    What Contact vest? I don't know if the Contact stuff is decrypted already, probably not.
  23. Any mods running? And could you screenshot your position maybe?
  24. Ah damn, that was a stupid logical bug. Thanks for noticing! Only happens when you come into the hub from the first mission. Anyway, hotfix is up. Sorry for the inconvenience. M.E.R.C.S. - Mercenary Expendable Ruthless Covert Selfish Version: 1.11 How to Install Non-Steam Addon Version: Copy the @MERCS folder to your Arma 3 dir ("...\steam\steamApps\common\Arma 3\") and launch it as addon with a launcher of your choice or start the game with the parameter "-mod=@MERCS". Steam Addon Version: Subscribe to the steam workshop entry and launch it as addon with the BIS launcher. Changelog 1.11 - Hotfix - 04.05.2020 - FIXED: Logical error on shop opening script. Known Issues Contact You can reach me on the BI-Forums: https://forums.bohemia.net/profile/756849-indeedpete/ Or on twitter: https://twitter.com/IndeedPete Or feel free to add me on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/IndeedPete/ License Content created by IndeedPete is published under the "Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA)". You are free to take or change anything you can use, just give me a mention in the credits. All authors of third party content gave me permissions to use their works in the MANW Contest. Credits & Thanks Bohemia Interactive Studios for this great game! aeroson for his get/set loadout and repetitive clean up scripts! cobra4v320 for his HALO/parachuting scripts! Kydoimos for cross-reading and improving some of the dialogues and texts! mrflay for his explosion detector! Shuko for his SHKPos script! Surfer for his help regarding the awesome M.E.R.C.S. logo and way too many textures and images! tpw for his ambient civilian script package! And all the great people on the BI-Forums who helped out with answers and feedback to so many questions! Download Dropbox v1.11 Steam Workshop v1.11
  25. IndeedPete

    [SP-Campaign] Codename Phalanx

    I've update M.E.R.C.S.. Feel free to try it (again):