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Everything posted by IndeedPete

  1. Ah, this sounds a bit more reasonable. Good start, great to see our feedback was read and considered.
  2. IndeedPete

    Germany General

    I just loved to read about the shortage of gas masks in the 90s because some stupid Germans thought Saddam Hussein could shoot gas rockets to central Europe. :D Same for flu shots, natrium, whatever type of panic is popular right now.
  3. IndeedPete

    Eden Objects

    I can feel the pain already, aligning that thing in Eden so it's perfectly plugged in into a laptop. :D
  4. IndeedPete

    Germany General

    Well, the last time this concept was updated was in 1989 so it makes sense to review these recommendations from time to time. Plus the order to do so was issued four years ago already: http://www.berliner-zeitung.de/politik/hamsterkaeufe-warum-erneuert-die-regierung-ihr-konzept-zur-zivilverteidigung--24622558 So what we hear right now is not really panicmongering on the government's side but more the presentation of the results of four years of "work". It's just that the media and some conspiracy theorists did their panic dance over it.^^
  5. IndeedPete

    Germany General

    The hysteria about this is hillarious. This recommendation has been in place for decades: http://www.bbk.bund.de/DE/Ratgeber/VorsorgefuerdenKat-fall/VorsorgefuerdenKat-fall.html Tinfoil haaaats - off!
  6. IndeedPete

    [SP/Coop 04] Contention Zone

    Wow, thank you, Gelus! Always nice to get that kind of feedback! As for the ambience, sounds, and alterations of the map, that's solely on Surfer. ;) Now, this project desperately needs an update (as pretty much all of my existing work, duh) so bugs are unfortunately a big think at the moment. These dead bodies should actually lie on the ground. If they're not there for some reason, try this from debug console: {_x setVariable ['IP_InTuck', true]} forEach IP_M03_DeadBodies;
  7. IndeedPete

    KSK 2035

    Yup, still waiting for the Apex templates that were "just around the corner" three weeks ago. :D To be fair though, the texture of the stealth uniforms might have some differences, i.e. that triangle imprint put into it already. I don't actually know. But the layout is the same.
  8. IndeedPete

    KSK 2035

    Thanks, I do that already to a certain degree. The camo for the BLUFOR uniform for example is put together in three layers in various rotations (~38 layers for the whole texture). While I know it's not realistic, I actually prefer the pockets and straps blending in with the other camo. I feel it makes even more sense from a camouflage point of view even if in the real world, the need for cost saving probably forces producers to patch together their clothes. I don't know, I might do some tests. I didn't. It's the same texture as the basic BLUFOR uniform, just with different normal and specular maps.
  9. IndeedPete

    Co-op Campaign: APEX PROTOCOL

    So, I finally had a Co-op take on this one with a few clan mates on our dedicated server. We managed to play the first three missions before we (probably indefinitely) discontinued. Unfortunately, my solo impressions were confirmed. Even on the highest difficulty settings, it was a repetitive cakewalk. It felt like some sort of shooting range with voice acting attached to it where time and time again, one has to mow down hordes of cardboard soldiers. We even ran into a few technical issues like duplicated voice acting and triggers not firing - small stuff overall. The only big problem we had was that the game wouldn't continue when the first mission ended. There was a blackscreen and some music playing but nothing happening for minutes. (Probably because one player dropped out at the end of the mission? I don't know.) I logged in as admin and used #missions to load the second one which worked but broke this fancy mission selection lobby screen. After every completed mission we were thrown back to the first one and I had to apply the same fix again. Only that it stopped working from within the lobby after the third mission and kept kicking me from my server. Well, that's where we resigned and called it a day. Another criticism I might add to my ealier impressions would be the replayability. The missions played exactly the same and I even remembered some enemy positions from my earlier playthrough. For example, I've played the first mission three times by now. One time solo when it was on DevBranch, one time solo post release, and one time in Co-op yesterday. The locations were the same and both the amount of enemies and their positions were the same as well. I can't tell if that scaling component worked properly, I didn't see any major difference to my earlier playthrough.
  10. I've already found a solution (https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/185413-feedback-do-you-use-bis-fnc-xxxxx-functions-if-you-do/page-6#entry3081070) but in order to make it work with the module, you'd have to create a mod that overwrites the original module config. Thus, leaving this one to BI seems the better option.
  11. Hey there, I'm experiencing a strange thing. I have synchronised an ORBAT Group module to a group leader in order to get the ORBAT marker to follow the group around on the map. It works fine though synchronising it seems to overwrite the actual group ID (callsign) set in the group leader's init. To make it worse, it doesn't even take the textShort attribute for the new callsign, it uses the full text. So instead of a fancy callsign like "Crossroads", you'll get "3rd Mechanised Platoon" showing up in side chats and radio conversations. I've tried to re-assign the old group ID via script in-game but unfortunately, this doesn't seem to have any effect. Can anyone confirm this behaviour or even has a fix to offer? (Other than just not synchronising the module which is what I'll temporarily go for.)
  12. Found the root of the problem and set-up an FT task for this one: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120008
  13. Not exactly a function I use in that sense but one that is triggered through the ORBAT group module. When sync'ing the module to a unit, the ORBAT icon will follow it on the map. However, this also overwrites the given groupID with the content of the "text" attribute in the ORBAT entry. (Note that it is the "text" attribute, not the "textShort" one which would make much more sense IMO.) Untested suggestion to fix it, two altered lines marked in red: Grr, it overwrites my text formatting. Altered lines are 27 and 40. BIS_fnc_moduleStrategicMapORBAT Will also spam the FT soon. Edit: FT Ticket - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120008
  14. Yes, this is an error due to BIS moving these smal videos. Can't do anything without a proper update. Just skip it with the debug console: [] call IP_fnc_cheatEndMission;
  15. That's true, a sort of Turing test, just for games. I wonder though, instead of creating an algorithm that just combines different objects from a pool based on given rules, if anyone has ever tried simulating real wolrd landscaping - or some sort of terrain evolution in short. Genetic algorithms are a thing already in Operations Research. Creating partly random solutions through countless iterations while the most fitting ones get passed from generation to generation. It should be viable for terrain shaping - in theory.
  16. IndeedPete

    [SP/Coop 04] Contention Zone

    No, it runs in proper SP. *Snarking* This is not Apex Protocol. :D
  17. IndeedPete

    [SP/Coop 04] Contention Zone

    Strange, might be a bug. Can't test that at the moment as I'm not at home.
  18. IndeedPete

    KSK 2035

    I'll have to see. Went a bit out of scope already.^^
  19. Yes, I was very happy when Mack reviewed Apex. I'd have expected more criticism on the controls though. Still, his way of reviewing games is just brilliant.^^
  20. IndeedPete

    [SP/Coop 04] Contention Zone

    Go from the Scrapyard to the big solar power plant, then turn right and walk slowly towards the transformer station.
  21. IndeedPete

    KSK 2035

    Thanks, yes, the Ghosthawk is planned as shared CTRG-KSK air asset.
  22. Uh, no, I haven't bought Horizons (yet). I felt it was way too overpriced, it's cheaper now I guess. But at the moment I'm not really interest in playing Elite. It's a fine game though, I probably got out more than 20 hours playtime. Flying is fun, but it's very repetetive and a bit too relaxing. I used to read newspapers or books while doing long distance travels to keep myself entertained. Not really what I want from a game.
  23. True. And what does it matter if there are trillions of planets which a. you will never be able to visit in your life time b. look all the same, just in different colours? I found that Jim Sterling thing disgusting where some mindless fanboys DDos'd his site just because he expressed some criticism towards the game. That's exactly that kind of oppression one would expect from religious cults.
  24. IndeedPete

    Co-op Campaign: APEX PROTOCOL

    While I like to dig in BI code when I can to learn all sorts of new things and about best practices, I'm not that interested in proving anything.^^ It's just that the forced MP sounds more like a concious design decision than a solution to an actual technical problem.
  25. IndeedPete

    Co-op Campaign: APEX PROTOCOL

    There are two fundamentally different editors so I can get behind that. But there's just one campaign that already runs fine on a single host machine. I'm doing a long shot here, but based on my modest editing experiences I'd assume it's very hard to create something that runs on a local host server with just one player but at the same time doesn't work in regular SP. From what I can see (which is very limited because I don't have access to the source code), they only need the MP environment for respawn and CO-OP drop in/out. Both features that mean absolutely nothing to SP players.