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Everything posted by IndeedPete

  1. IndeedPete

    Apex Weapon Feedback

    I have found inheriting from vestItem, headgearItem, uniformItem, and so on instead helps avoiding that message. But then I have to configure all that stuff I've inherited before, like HitpointsProtectionInfo for example, myself which is a bit annoying.
  2. IndeedPete

    What Makes a Good Arma Campaign?

    That's interesting. Though I'd be careful as this might just be the backlash of the recent disappointment with Apex Protocol. From what I got, many expected Harvest Red well done. In any case, the sample size is probably too small and it's just leading by one or two votes. That's true. I might add that, while I also enjoyed it and actually voted for it as best campaign here, the whole thing didn't make any sense. In reality, the story could have ended after mission two or three. AAF had air planes with bombs equipped - and all NATO survivors came together in one place. If my name was Akhanteros, I'd have Miller and the NATO survivors fried in their camp by noon of the first day.^^ But even if the survivors made it to Altis, there was still CSAT with drones, tanks, and even more planes. And the resistance is again bunching up in camps with fancy shooting ranges and lights everywhere. It's just a campaign designed around the mechanics of 1985 instead of 2035. Arma 3's fault to implement actual futuristic mechanics is an entirely different story though...
  3. IndeedPete

    What Makes a Good Arma Campaign?

    It really is not the size that makes the campaign. And one can always make a sequel to add content later on. Just don't try to artificially stretch the experience by adding unnecessary tedious and/or repetetive tasks. And generally, I prefer multiple smaller over a few longer missions. From a development point of view, I found it to be more rewarding to create smaller pieces of content and in return publish things more frequently. A constant flow of feedback keeps up the motivation and your project(s) stay(s) alive.
  4. Did they provide any reasoning as to why Manhatten was so bad that it made it on the no-go list? I thought it was one of the best missions in Harvest Red. If it worked that is, the bugs have been atrocious. How many hours were spent just waiting for this one girl to go to the fucking church to arrest her and she never showed up? :D
  5. IndeedPete

    Eden Objects

    Great to hear! Don't feel yourself pressured, like I have time to do that anyway! :D
  6. IndeedPete

    Eden Objects

    Heya! Good stuff, thanks for sharing. Say, would you be able to publish the .PSDs for the GCS units as well? I'd love to craft a custom version for my KSK faction.
  7. IndeedPete

    Co-op Campaign: APEX PROTOCOL

    Well, technically a campaign is a collection of missions played in a defined order. The length is irrelevant, I believe. Some community-made campaigns are just as short or even shorter than Apex Protocol. They are still proper campaigns to me.
  8. IndeedPete

    France General

    Pretty much.^^ I'm sick and tired of this debate. If we don't change the way we do things, we will not get any less incidents and attacks.
  9. IndeedPete

    France General

    Well, there are many ways to get into Europe. Well-funded organisations like ISIS will find a way to get people into the EU if they want to. That said, we obviously need to check who's crossing our borders but it's not like extremists carry their ISIS gold membership card with them. But for the people that come here, we need to make sure they follow the law. I don't give a shit when someone doesn't eat pork or wears weird clothes. I give a shit when someone tries to force some belief on me. Be it left or right, Muslim or Christian. I think a lot of these backwards nutjobs, which also harrass their own peaceful countrymen I might add, could be dealt with within existing law. It's just not applied because police forces and courts have been going through severe budget cuts over the last decades. To get back on topic, this guy in Nice was a known and convicted criminal - who was (or has been) on probation. If our authorities for whatever reason - might be too little resources, might be incompetence - fail on this "difficulty level" already, I'm not convinced they can prevent professionally planned and executed attacks.
  10. IndeedPete

    France General

    What? I was just being pragmatic.^^ I'm all for jailing or expelling violent extremists of all kinds. It's just that this is a thing we can only do after they exposed themselves. If we don't want that shit to continue, we have to prevent people from developing that kind of violent extremism. And that is nothing a mindless concrete wall can do.
  11. IndeedPete

    France General

    Yes, the guys in Paris and Brussels were home-grown idiots for the most part. Nothing a wall could protect you from. Decades of failed integration politics, ignorance, and - in some cases - a false interpretation of tolerance brought this to us. Even in this recent case, we're not talking about a refugee who came here recently, I believe. Not to say there are no idiots among asylum seekers. But just closing the door will not get rid of the problem.
  12. IndeedPete

    KSK 2035

    Alright, update's here guys! No showcase yet as I thought the audience for that would be too little to justify a delay. Anyway, enjoy! Version v1.20 Requirements Arma 3 Marksmen DLC Arma 3 Apex (Stable) Additional Requirements for the Optional 6094 Vests (Tropic) KSK 2035 (Tropic) (Included in this Mod.) Road Runners LBT 6094 (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30912) Additional Requirements for the Optional Diplomatic Corps (Tropic) KSK 2035 (Tropic) (Included in this Mod.) 6094 Vests (Tropic) (Included in this Mod.) How to Install Standard mod procedure. Just subscribe on steam or manually download and unpack the @KSK_TROPIC folder to your Arma 3 directory. Copy and paste the optional PBOs you wish to use from the "optional" sub-folder to the "addons" sub-folder. Then launch it with BI's or a custom launcher. Changelog 1.20 - 16.07.2016 FIXED: Suppressed Protector SMG of the recon units had a flashlight attached instead of a laser pointer. FIXED: Powler LSVs still had vanilla loadouts. CHANGED: Mod is now developed on Stable branch, not on DevBranch anymore. CHANGED: Tweaked headgear, vest, and backpack textures. CHANGED: Heavy Gunner and Recon Heavy Gunner now have ERCO instead of RCO optics mounted. ADDED: KSK Flag (Germany) ADDED: Optional 6094 Vests (Tropic), models by Road Runner. ADDED: Optional Diplomatic Corps (Tropic) irregulars based on 6094 Vests (Tropic). 6094 Vests (Tropic) ADDED: KSK 6094 [01 - 10] (Green) ADDED: KSK 6094 [01 - 10] (Crystallised Flecktarn Tropic) Diplomatic Corps (Tropic) ADDED: KSK Assault Pack (Green) ADDED: Instructor ADDED: Guard ADDED: Guard Sergeant ADDED: Protector ADDED: Protector Sergeant ADDED: Saboteur ADDED: Assassin ADDED: Agent ADDED: KSK Booniehat (Green) ADDED: KSK Booniehat (Green, Headset) ADDED: KSK Military Cap (Green) ADDED: KSK Instructor Suit ADDED: KSK Green Cargo Pants & Black Shirt ADDED: KSK Black Cargo Pants & Green Shirt ADDED: KSK Green Cargo Pants & Chequered Shirt ADDED: KSK Black Cargo Pants & Chequered Shirt ADDED: KSK Green Combat Pants & Black Shirt ADDED: KSK Tropic Combat Pants & Green Shirt ADDED: KSK Green Combat Pants & Black Pullover ADDED: Embassy Guard Team ADDED: Embassy Guard Patrol ADDED: Protection Detail ADDED: Covert Team Known Issues The thermal-imaging-proof facewear clips through soft headgear such as booniehats and caps. Download Dropbox v1.20 Steam Workshop v1.20 Credits Road Runner for allowing me to re-texture his awesome 6094 vests! Bohemia for the splendid game that is Arma 3!
  13. IndeedPete

    Co-op Campaign: APEX PROTOCOL

    Exactly. Which is why my original impression was that they just didn't have enough time or budget to do it properly.
  14. IndeedPete

    Apex Weapon Feedback

    Yes, I tend to agree. Even though I wouldn't know if something sounds realistic, it's just so obvious with the LIM. It sounds like the Mk-I EMR in full auto. My brain doesn't seem to like that, it's very confusing. And just yesterday I've noticed that the Protector 9mm has much more "punch" in terms of sound than the SPARs. I've had AI firing both simultaneously on the firing range and the Protector was actually dominating the SPAR sound-wise. I'm not sure it should be that way. Certainly feels wrong.
  15. IndeedPete

    France General

    It's even worse if you hear that this guy was again known to the police, not a French citizen, and a convicted, violent criminal. I'm sorry, I'm all for tolerating a lot, but why on earth was this guy not banned from the country before? We're not talking about petty crimes here, not about an immigrant stealing from a local shop or anything. It was a guy involved in illegal firearms and violence. This is not tolerable in a democratic state with a rule of law.
  16. IndeedPete

    Co-op Campaign: APEX PROTOCOL

    I don't think it's accessibility vs. difficulty per se. There are a lot of deep games with steep learning curves. It's just that the good ones have a decent tutorial, a good introduction to the mechanics - while gradually increasing the difficulty over time. I don't mind providing tutorial missions where the player cannot fail. (Like Arma 2 did for example.) It's just that Apex Protocol stays on this diffculty level and never evolves into a proper game.
  17. IndeedPete

    Co-op Campaign: APEX PROTOCOL

    Or the design flaw that there were four NATO UAV terminals in a CSAT drone at one point so players could use them.^^
  18. IndeedPete

    Co-op Campaign: APEX PROTOCOL

    The problem is that BIS campaigns were always there to showcase the game. To represent it in some way. Apex Protocol doesn't really do that in my opinion. Its seven scenarios play identically. Go to X and kill Y number of enemies to progress. I know, many games do that - but they're much better at hiding it. Apex Protocol doesn't even try to. "Clear the Island"-task anyone? Or these way too obvious failsafe mechanics. Need to destroy an enemy convoy? Don't worry, we'll just place a scripted demo charge at the bridge so no matter how stupid you act, you will still win the mission. Need to protect the other team for Miller's extraction? Don't worry, we'll just make them all invincible so you don't have to worry about failing that task. Fighting off CSAT to protect Miller in the end? Don't worry, we'll just make him captive and invincible, and add a respawn point directly next to him. Duh. As for showcasing the new assets and features: new VTOLs with VIV system? Yeah, we're not going to use them. New LSVs? Ugh, let's just add this one tiny section where the player can drive one for 500 metres with nothing happening. That new BLUFOR helicopter drone? Nope, not gonna use it, mate! There was so much potential to create fun missions around these assets which remains completely unused. CO-OP drop in / out? Yes, other games have it and while I personally don't care for it, other people might benefit, so why not? But other games allowing that like Far Cry 4 also have an autosave every time you go through a door or exit the game. No, Arma's implementation is having a permanent local server online while playing. Who thought adding this feature at the cost of abandoning the perfectly fine save system was a good idea? It's like buying a new 500 HP engine for a car that doesn't even have wheels yet. This trade-off doesn't make any sense to me. For me, BIS campaigns were always done in a professional manner. Showing what the game was capable of while delivering a fun experience. It has nothing to do with being realistic. I would accept aliens vs. Go Karts if it's fun. But this is just very lazy and uninspired design. It gets even worse if you watch the launch trailer. I've said it in another thread already: what they're advertising is an entirely different game. You will not find most of these scripted scenes with fancy animations that are in the trailer in actual playable content. These design decisions around Apex just keep boggling my mind.
  19. IndeedPete

    Turkey Coup D'Etat

    Wow, I'm a bit confused. I mean we're talking about a NATO member here. That's a bit. I strongly wish this won't turn into another civil war. That's really the last thing the Middle East needs right now. By the way, some of the German media reports Erdogan's actually fleeing from the country and should be on the way to Germany. To request asylum. Not sure if that is actually true or just really good satire. In case of the former, this wannabe dictator can fuck right off if you ask me.
  20. IndeedPete

    Apex Weapon Feedback

    What still botheres me (probably more than it should) is the fact that the LIM / M249 still uses this sped-up DMR sound. It sounds really weird. I originally assumed this was just a placeholder, will it be replaced some time?
  21. Yes, East Wind had its flaws but I feel they did a lot just right. It wasn't as narrow as Arma 2's campaigns and also not as antique as the old OFP / Resistance ones. It was very enjoyable modern content. At least up until Win when they started going the cheap way again and basically just laid out go to X and kill Y number of enemies missions. I was expecting them to build on East Wind's strengths - the hub-based system to some extent, gear persistence, a narrative that isn't too special but blends in well, good infantry-centered combat, and a decent portion of immersion and challenge. And to expand on that by including a bit more vehicular action which East Wind lacked for me. Yet the VTOLs remain unused - what awesome looking missions they could've pulled off by actually using the CAS version of the Blackfish! The LSVs remain unused - you get to drive one for like 500 metres with no enemy contact. Who thought designing Apex Protocol this way was a good idea? They had these awesome new assets and yet they basically created seven identical missions. So many wasted opportunities. And that has nothing to do with it being CO-OP or SP - it is just terrible, lazy, and uninspired design. Honestly, that's the type of garbage I expect from AAA but not from Bohemia. For me, their community-driven approach and very fair pricing model was always something that made me respect and trust them to a great degree. In fact, Apex is the only game I've ever pre-ordered. In my entire gaming life. Now, getting back to the trailer, what they do is pissing on this established consumer trust by blatantly lying and advertising a product that is just not existent in this form. It's even more absurd considering that the product that is actually there, is a really, really good one after all. It boggles my mind as to why they thought it was a good idea to sort of "hide" the existent and overall well-done game just to advertise some imaginary cinematic AAA garbage instead. Combine that with the dumbed-down campaign and my trust in the company took a decent hit. I still value Tanoa and the assets it brought us. But future buying decisions will be made with a lot more care and patience.
  22. I think it's not the futuristic setting per se. It is its implemenation. The game looks like near-future but its mechanics in terms of how battles are fought still represent the 80s OFP style of combat. And that discrepancy destroys the immersion at times. Anyway, going a bit off-topic.
  23. IndeedPete

    Co-op Campaign: APEX PROTOCOL

    What? oO So if I can die and reload instead of respawning, the campaign suddenly doesn't work anymore? :huh: What connection am I missing here? It would alter the experience, obviously, but that is exactly what people are after. We criticise it because of the way it was designed.
  24. IndeedPete

    Apex Weapon Feedback

    @road runner: he used different weapons (Mk-1 and SPAR-16s).
  25. IndeedPete

    Co-op Campaign: APEX PROTOCOL

    What arguments? It's technically feasible to add parameters to MP missions in Arma 3. (And with a bit of dialog scripting it's also feasible to re-create this feature in SP.) From a design perspective, default values can be set for all parameters so the experience for people like you, who like the current state, will not be affected in any way. There is no rational argument to be made against more customisability other than "it would cost a bit of money".