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Everything posted by Murklor

  1. Unfortunetly, the AI vehicle to vehicle targeting is just plain broken. It makes playing against it quite hard. You cant even make tank battles, they wont work :(
  2. Perhaps, but IMO running them both (ie combined ops) opens up a can of worms in terms of map editing and mod support, unless EVERYONE have it. I have both Arma2 and OA, but I have chosen NOT to combine them.
  3. Murklor

    controller of choice for flying aircraft?

    XBox360 controller with aircraft. Works great with helos, not so good with jets. But that may be because jets are allergic to me or something, as soon as I get in one it explode within seconds due to... mysterious reasons... Totally unrelated to my skill...
  4. Murklor

    Fying cars is now reality

    In the future we're all millionaires and have community runways next to our homes!
  5. Yes there is, except when there isnt. See the addon forum for working mods. Many mods rely on Arma2 content which obviously have to be changed if its supposed to work in OA.
  6. Murklor

    ARMA 2 OA 1.52 :Bugs

    Oh yeah, I noticed that. The M240 is just the only scoped weapon I used during the night. None of the scoped weapons (including ACOG) have NVG enabled, which make them all pointless during the night. Yes I would consider that a bug. If its a feature, its a rather pointless one. In a mission where you get the options to use either ironsight, scoped or thermal during the night you're probably going to pick thermal since ironsighted will be much weaker and scoped dont work - not much of a choice to me. In a mission where you have specific weapons, mission designers will be forced to give you thermal or ironsight. Why would BIS ruin an entire segment of weaponry by limiting it to day, when it is after all mission designers that determine whether you can use it?
  7. Murklor

    ARMA 2 OA 1.52 :Bugs

    Bugs I've noticed, though I havent played that much: - The M240 scope disables nightvision, making the weapon completely useless during night missions. - AI driving is incredibly poor. I ordered them to move forwards by placing the waypoint on a road, which was fairly straight. The AI zigzagged all the way +-10m on each side of the road when they could have just driven forward. Its so bad I would call it a damn bug. On a lighter note, the vehicle trackmarks looked incredibly funny. - AI unable to use the main gun of tanks, apparently. On the campaign convoy mission, I had two T55 tanks drive straight into my group. They never fired. And I was out of ammo. So in short it was a 30m distance engagement between an Abrams that had no ammo and two fully loaded T55's. They lost. A travesty is what it is. During the entire mission, I never saw an enemy tank fire once. - FN FAL fire sound changes character every time you reload, making it sound like different rifles alltogether. - Getting wounded and dying by driving in hilly areas when you're inside an armoured vehicle. - Destroyed buildings LOD flicker - Throwing grenades make you stop mid animation and then repeat the toss.
  8. Except that it doesnt work. I've had some great Domination runs and I've had some braindead ones. The trick is to find a decent server with say 8-10 peeps and revive. This often means that while half of them will be zombies, the other half usually sticks well together because of the overwhelming amount of enemies and revival option. Up to 20 players can work, but the amount of people doing little good increase exponentially. Servers with 40 players have a tendancy to be chaos with like 30 of them doing random paradrops and the rest messing around with transport helos that carry 1-2 people. Good if you're looking to play 30 minutes or something, bad if you're after engrossing teamwork. Of course you COULD end up on a server just filled to brim with awesome players but that is rare to say the least.
  9. Notice how Xeno mentioned last stable release for Arma 2... Personally I do not see the point supporting both Arrowhead and Arma2, it'll just end up confusing both developers and users. Why? Because ACE2 devs have the means to add both new weapons/vehicles and islands to the mod. Chernarus is nice and all that, but its really the bulk of the difference - most other things that are in Arma2 are in Arrowhead too.
  10. Murklor

    Arrowhead E08: Benchmark

    Hm, I'm also running Vista x64, GTX280 with 4gb ram... Only difference is an E8200@3ghz. I average 43fps at texture/AF high, AA/PP disabled, the rest normal and 16x10 res. Me thinks you need to ditch that undefined AMD CPU ;)
  11. Oh I remember those joyfull days sitting in Gamespy trying to get the proper amount of players to start a round, then you start the game and half has dropped out... And you need to repeat the procedure to eventually start playing a mission an hour later :p But yeah, its really the continous JIP that's the main draw of the mission. You know can just join, then start playing. If a city is nearly dead then no worries - a new will pop up soon enough. If you quit at any time, you're not missing that much. When joining a mission that you do not know anything about, it can be of any length at any stage. You dont want to join in the middle of a grand hour long mission when you missed half of it. If you only got say one hour and have to play the last half hour of one mission and the first half hour of another mission you wont feel very satisifed. Hey I just figured out a neat idea for the browser: a "progress bar" for the current mission! Based on current finished tasks/total amount of tasks. Well either that or mission designers should put in average length in the mission name, similar to player count/game mode.
  12. Murklor

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Curious question: is it not possible to increase the amount of AI by balancing the load between the server and client (or load balance current amount)? I seem to recall that the unit spawned is local to the machine that spawned it. Similar to AI squadmembers for the player, could an enemy group be added for a player? Network requirement will still increase of course, but processing the AI is on the client. But I got zero MP coding skills, it would have to require the server to know if a player is "real", if that is the case create a group of AI on it rather than on the server. Dunno what would happen if he leaves the server either. Perhaps its a poor idea if we got a game full of AI zombies, lol.
  13. Pff, they should use the Swedish MKS. I mean its the ugliest, most uncomfortable rifle ever designed, but its 5.56mm so what more could you want?
  14. When the devil is mentioned you know you've done something good Xeno :p Unfortunetly, while I do love Dominaton - ALOT - it really is a lagfeast most of the time. And its really no wonder, because for a fairly simple idea (generate a random zone with with enemies and a side task, repeat) the mission resources are massive. There's just so much around it.
  15. Murklor

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Just played my first OA domination game and unfortunetly, it was a barrage of broken revivals (no actions on many people, revived by error: no unit) :( I really think a much more reliable system should be put in place. Revival and healing is one of the best coop features there is and something that brings players on the server together. During 1h of gaming my rpt grew to nearly 1mb by spamming like 30,000 rows of "Unit slot not found". Domination related or Arrowhead?
  16. I did a small test run in the editor and I'd say that in cities, the performance is mediocre (ie like Arma2), but performance in desert/mountain areas is vastly superior to me (frame locked to 60fps, that rarely happened anywhere in Chernarus). For those with poor performance, I suggest you tweak the settings! The Arma engine design is luckily so good you can change everything on the fly. I dont know what I did, but SOMETHING in the settings absolutely DESTROYED framerates while looking at vegetation/cities, even the smaller ones. I mean like 15-20 fps, unplayable. After some tweaking, I got around 50 fps in the same exact spots (while looking roughly the same)!!! Unfortunetly I didnt catch what it was, I just changed a bunch of things around. I know it was not the post process setting - All that does is kill fps in half, make the world a complete blur and adds absolutely nothing for some reason (seriously, I cannot see the quality difference aside from blur between very high/disabled!). The 15-20 fps was with it disabled. 50 fps with it at low, some other setting magically boosted fps. But I suppose the real test is a how Domination mission feel or something, lol.
  17. Murklor

    Arma 2 OA 1.53 Suggestions

    Does heavy tracked vehicles finally has some torque when going up small hills? Judging by above... No. That's what I would suggest. Wanted that in every patch from... uh... OFP release to now.
  18. I really only have one question: How does Collective Rapid Response Forces turn into "KSOR"?
  19. I think ACE changes too many things for that to be possible, it would require redesigns of the missions themselves. At least last time I forgot I was playing ACE and tried the campaign, with the mission where you start on a forrested hillside and have to move up towards Cherno a tunguska or something will instantly kill everything as you open fire. This does not happen in vanilla (probably due to AI changes). It makes the mission impossible.
  20. I would point out that a 2 year old game for $50 is a steal :p Oh wait that's what it cost on Steam. Nevermind. :raisebrow:
  21. But the question wasnt if its acceptable. 10 out of 10 times (for me at least), you pull the coord at 400, or 500, or 600, or 800 or whatever meter - it doesnt matter. Pull it at minimum speed or top speed at any altitude, everything will make the rip cord break. The question is whether we're just idiots doing it wrong (ie ACE is overcomplicating yet again) or if the devs can confirm that its a known/unknown bug.
  22. Murklor

    AI combat behaviour: work in pairs

    Working in pairs? Damn you got some high demands! I'd settle for AI that can say... Crouch walk. That way you can at least imagine friendly fire not being done on purpose because your crouching back wasnt mistaken for an AI that either run, stand still or is laying prone in one spot.
  23. Murklor

    3d resolution or AA

    To be honest I think 125% or low AA look pretty much the same and perform pretty much the same too. So for my box it doesnt even matter, lol.
  24. Murklor

    Question about the laser designator

    Since the laser designator only works for laser designated bombs, I doubt it.
  25. Murklor

    Warfare Balance in Operation Arrowhead

    And another way besides prices to balance it: Simply make the OPFOR have more players than the BLUFOR. There's nothing saying that it *have to be* equal sized teams.