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Everything posted by Murklor

  1. Murklor

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    I'm sure I will have "accidentally" tossed grenades at all players with the name Xeno and been kicked way before that ;) Sidenote: Is saving/restoring of OA backpack items fixed in 2.19? I'm still being driven insane when it reset to default.
  2. Murklor

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    I would assume that its not just shots with a weapon or Domination would break down, lol. In OA they seem far more rabid in attacking the base than they ever did in A2. I've seen armor columns move in and paradrops rights above the spawn...
  3. That's too complicated. I prefer it if all enemies just shouted "HALT! HALT! HALT! HALT! HALT! HALT! HALT! HALT! HALT! HALT! HALT! HALT!" while shooting at you. I dont think its anywhere near perfection, but yes shouting would be nice. Compare with Bad Company 2. It may be an action-arcade game when it comes to gameplay, but if there's something it does right its audio. Its just amazing hearing people shout all around you, instead of the incredibly stiff coms system that's been with us since OFP.
  4. You can edit it all you like, I havent even used it in a mission lol. I dont really know why the unit would spawn when prob is set to 0 - the unit should be skipped by the mission loading sequence and not even load the init, obviously. It was a long time since I worked on it, so I dont really remember all its quirks. As I'm on OA only at the time, I cannot check it either - my single script file weighing in at a whooping 12kb spits out over 80,000 error lines into a 5mb rpt (clean). Apparently Arrowhead does not even like the comments. Comments are evil. I am impressed.
  5. Murklor

    Resolution/3D problem

    Restarted the game? Sounds like it just freaked out and pseudo-crashed on you. It happens. Otherwise reset the resolution in your config file.
  6. I eont really care how the zeroing is accomplished, as long as we can aim the grenade launchers in ironsighted mode rather than guessing. Hell the M32 has a complicated electronic sight, its reputed to be able to headshot at 150m!
  7. Well at least the M203 has a primary weapon to go with it... For the M32 you spend half your precious ammo just to do a visual zeroing and you only got a secondary pistol/smg.
  8. Murklor

    Close quarter AI

    Or fanatisicm, a rather realistic concept? Arma2 isnt a simulator. Its a game. A very extensive and one of the most realistcally scaled games perhaps, but a game nonetheless. When the core of the game is war, I expect the AI to fight you at every turn... Which they do. When their code isnt lobotomized mid-mission.
  9. Murklor

    Close quarter AI

    Problem is, it can break missions... Lets face fact: A realistic AI is a poor AI in many ways. Imagine if you where playing Domination and had to capture the last zone, only to realize that the AI units themselves have realized that they cant possibly win this battle so they've all fled, gone into hiding and made it impossible for players to claim victory :p IMO the core AI should always try to kill the player to its last breath, unless otherwise instructed by mission design.
  10. Murklor

    ARMA 2 OA 1.52 :Bugs

    This is actually a feature introduced by an Arma2 patch, not a bug. It simulates concealment beyond vegetation rendering range when a character is proned. Of course it made a little more sense on Chernarus with grass everywhere, but still ;)
  11. Murklor

    Dam when will DI optimize towns and cities

    Even Fallout3/Oblivion is nowhere near as buggy as the OA AI is. In those games it has a tendancy to belly-up due to player behaviour (ie overpowering sneak, or similar). In OA it bugs out simply because... it bugs out. AI in vehicles cannot target enemy vehicles, soldiers stand around and stare, improper handling of weapons, inability to drive, etc. Its all part of the core AI and its broken. Imagine if in Fallout 3 you found a Deathclaw, it charge you, then stop 5m in front and slowly spin 360 degrees without attacking you. Every time you encounter one.
  12. Murklor

    Working Revive script for OA

    Tried the R3F one? Was a fairly simple script last time I checked, not much that can go wrong. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8938
  13. Murklor

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Is there plans to fix the saving/restoring of backpacks or is it a technical issue? Having to reload my backpack every time I die is getting on my nerves, to the point of not even using it. No use in dying with 4-5 satchels on your back as you play the demolitions expert - you can no longer get them from the gears menu because you've already taken them, but they're not in the backpack as that has reset to class default (ie completely useless items).
  14. What I'm guessing is that you want this: houseClasses = <array>; - List of building classes. Example: this setvariable ["houseclasses, ["Land_House_C_2","Land_House_C_3","Land_House_C_3_dam"]]; Default value: Majority of expansion buildings http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Town_Generator Just need to know the config names for the larger buildings and you should be able to make a town limited to them. You probably want to have several smaller cities surrounding the large building one in order to make it look like the "downtown" of a large town.
  15. Murklor

    ARMA 2 OA 1.52 :Bugs

    Yet another AI bug: Anti-aircraft tanks will charge infantry and apparently try to scare them by spinning the turret constantly (or something), but wont fire their guns, even if there's infantry 10m in front plonking at its armor with a machinegun. Seen the same behaviour in regular armoured vehicles like the BMP2 too, but not that quite as often.
  16. Actually there is a very simple workaround to this, already built into Arma vehicles: onboard gear. I dont find it alltogether illogical that vehicles (hell, even tanks, helicopters and airplanes) have emergency medpacks that you can take. This of course becomes much better with a single medpack you quickly grab rather than spending 30 minutes rummaging through needles, bandages, bloodpacks littering the trunk of your hummer and probably coming out of the ordeal with needles in your face, covered in blood and rolled up in bandages.
  17. I believe this is right about the time when you give up on SP and focus on MP.
  18. Well that's why only respawn at base should be possible (in Domination, I dont even see the point of respawning at the MHQ). This base should be kilometers away from the objective and a smart designer place the spawn a little bit away from the possible teleports (could easy replace a pointless 15s timer that is in many missions). If you want long "respawn", then simply dont allow teleports of any kind. Realism solved without an artificial delay.
  19. Murklor

    Tank speed

    To be honest, I just think that BIS havent bothered fixing anything on the old Arma 2 vehicles, yet they could do it if they wanted to. The Stryker artillery will go like 60km/h+ on a hill where an Abrams go backwards due to the incline, for some reason.
  20. Why throw in long respawn time? An integral part of the BF2/BC2 conquest mode is actually encountering enemies. Long respawn times on an all PvP server goes completely against this principle and IMO would destroy it. Think on it. Even with a "small" count of say 2 towns (compared to all island warfare), that's 40 peep per town if its an 80 peep server. 20 peep per team. Now, assume that not everyone is alive, 3/4 is effective in the zone. That's just 15 players fighting another 15 players over an entire town - in a rather perfect situation. All it takes is a couple of fully manned vehicle to reduce infantry count to far less than 10. Throw in "long respawn times" and you kill the gameplay, because there will be no one to fight. Dont even dare trying to use 3 towns, lol. If you want to implement features like wreck repair or resupply of friendly vehicles, that's even more players that are removed from combat. Plus, it assumes an instantly full server. Remember, this all PvP mission have to scale well from 2-80 peeps. If its just say 20 in total... Ugh. I cant imagine what "long respawn times" would do to it. I'm not finding the idea of fighting ONE or maybe TWO other guys appealing, only to wait a long time if I die. A much nicer idea - revival or instant reinforcement at base. Make the players decide whether to give up waiting. They do have brains. Well, a little.
  21. Well you got to wonder why an Abrams need a loader to begin with. Enemy tanks dont fire at it anyway so no need to return fire. He could be... Say the bartender instead? Even commanders need to drink.
  22. True, it might lead to unintended actions, but its the most fluent way to do it IMO. Which leads to immersion. Suddenly loosing control of your character and having a mouse cursor appear is as bad as having a gigantic ammo counter that take up half your screen or something. Its a necessary evil in many situations, but not when it can be avoided. Besides, I think that a single default game action which says "Interaction" (or similar) which then leads to a mouse cursor ACE meny consisting of two self/other buttons would be a decent compromise. This will completely eliminate difficulties with keybindings, even if the name still need to be set. Regarding the ACE wounding system, I agree that something like it should be active at all times. Unfortunetly I do not like its rather severe complexity... Would it be THAT strange to have an equipable special medpack with all the stuff rather than packing needles and bandages and whatnot seperatly? Ideal thing to me would be a small medpack which can heal/bandage a limited amount of times (ie having the basic stuff) and then a large medic backpack which can revive units and fix severe wounds, at the cost of not being able to equip launchers, heavy weapons or snipers. Simple and efficient.
  23. So while we're all here drooling over the possibility of an OA ACE, I might as well ask a question to the devs: Is ACE OA going to see any changes to the interaction keys? I mean its a nice idea in theory, but in practice its a very cumbersome feature that probably more than half the players miss exist (every game I played I saw people requesting help about putting on items). Is there technical issues with using the action menu for this? I remember an earlier version where if you put for example earplugs into your inventory, you got an action to put them on. Worked like a charm and was much, much more intuitive. At the very least, could we not get an action option to activate the ACE menu rather than having to fiddle with the .hpp (default keybindings have never worked for me anyway, the windows keys dont do anything)?
  24. Murklor

    What's the sign you play too much ArmA?

    You keep zigzagging across the road in order to keep formation.
  25. Just want to blurt out a suggestion... Patch in Arma2 map statics for OA! I mean grass, buildings, trees, minor objects and the like. Leave some out, rename them, whatever it doesnt have to be 100% complete. Maybe 75%? The reason? Quite simple: Custom map support with woodland (ie Chernarussian) statics in OA - without needing Arma2. Would this really be so bad for BIS? I do not see much of a negative impact, except maybe a few more OA sales for those not wanting to make the jump from Arma2. Meh, probably never gonna happen...