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Everything posted by jack612blue

  1. I have a quad core 2.4ghz, 4gb ram, computer the only thing lacking is my graphics card.
  2. from my monitor "Not optimum mode, recommdned mode 1920x1080 60 hz" So i went to the Nvidia control panel and adjusted to the above settings, relaunched game same error message. I then went to the desktop, right click properties and adjusted screen resolution to the above settings and i still recieve this message. Btw It's a Samsung Lcd Monitor. All help is appreciated.
  3. I have a quad core 2.4 ghz, 4gb ram, and a geforce 8500 gt graphics card. Ive been having some trouble running the demo even on very low settings.
  4. Thanks! I have an Nvidia Geforce 8500 Gt basically a high end 7 series card and im having trouble running the demo on the lowest settings.
  5. jack612blue

    Demo is blurry?

    Any suggestions on the settings?
  6. Still waiting for the demo release.
  7. How was the traffic on the multiplayer servers? Were there hundreds of servers or just a few?
  8. That would be awesome imagine a c-130 parachuting all these soldiers onto the battlefield.
  9. How big is the Arma2 multiplayer community? And are co-op missions in multiplayer common? or is it usually team deathmatch? Thanks