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Everything posted by p75

  1. It is defenitely playable and fun. Some bugs, yes, but all are complaining, because even with bugs it is such a good experience. Running a stable 30-40fps, everything on very high except AA on normal, viewdistance 4000 @1440*900. Grtz
  2. Because I'd like to have it completely dark for use with the FLIR script. Now the FLIR script highlights every f...... star. That is why :D
  3. That is not an easy way...it involves alot of work.
  4. Poll states differently!
  5. Those are mid nighties conflicts. Nothing really current is it? As to Georgia, that is some small terrorist work (shoot a guard or police men or two). In my view a placement in an Afghanistan like setting would have made much more sense. And if you think how VBS 2 is promoted you may think they would have the brain to do the same for ARMA 2. Different target group? Too realistic?
  6. Any update on this people? Maybe have a chat with the fokes at the digital combat simulator forums (guys from Black Shark). There are alot of aviator freaks and they can probably help you out better.
  7. Some interesting commands, but I really need someone who can stich it all together. It must be possible. I only don't know how. And I'm sure alot of people would like such a script for the community. Grtz
  8. Hi, I'd like to be able to be play as gunner and direct my pilot to a certain spot on the map (without him engaging) and simply hover above the spot with the helicopters nose pointed to the direction I want. I can't figure out how to do this without the use of waypoints. I'd like to use a script which allows me to order my pilot to a certain spot and simply hover. For that matter I've tried team switching and as soon as I switch from the pilot to gunners seat the damn pilot either engages or lands :( In that case how do I prevent a pilot to land or engage without using waypoints?
  9. Well, could you explain how to implement it? AutoHover Description: Toggles auto-hovering on and off. Note that while the auto-hover status can be toggled on an AI crewed or even an empty vehicle, it will only affect a vehicle controlled by a human pilot. Syntax: unit action ["autoHover", targetVehicle] Where unit is any unit (no action animation is performed) and targetVehicle is any vehicle that is capable of hovering. Example: chopperOne action ["autoHover", chopperOne] Grtz
  10. How do I make a helicopter auto-hover when I'm the gunner? Can I attach this somehow that I can put it on or off through the command menu? How would I do that? Thanks!
  11. Yeah, but why does BIS add the modern weaponary then? It is like sticking your head in the sand. You can give it a fictivious (don't know if that is spelled right?) name as long as it represents something more current and realistic. Why do you think COD:Modern Warfare is soo popular? Was BIS sleeping? Or can we expect an addon? Which from a marketing perpective would make sense.
  12. They are not fully working in Arma 2 (missing textures), besides being a Bitch to set up, maybe when propperly converted. But to be honest, I'm not too impressed by those. I'm talking about an Afghan moutain area, realistically modelled. I really think they missed out on an oppurtunity here. ---------- Post added at 06:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:42 AM ---------- Lol, I'm being fed up of the monotome woods and russians (we are not living in the eighties anymore!)
  13. Hey mate, thanks. Ifigured it out last night :-). I have one problem remaining with the script and that is that when one switches within the team (teamswitching), the FLIR option disappears. How can I make it so every member of my team has the option? Appreciating your input!
  14. R key. The question I have is how to allow everyone: pilot or gunner to have flir? Or any vehicle for that matter?
  15. Just put the extracted folder here: C:\Documents and Settings\User\My Documents\ArmA 2\missions ---------- Post added at 06:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:41 PM ---------- Please provide info how to apply the script to any vehicle, driver or gunner. Thanks!
  16. All I can say is WOW, you wanted FLIR, you got it. Please provide detailed data how to use this script as alot of persons are new. Binding the FLIR to the Q, E and R key doesn't seem ideal..., any option to change. This is one hell of an Addon!!! Great work!!! Please provide the info to apply it to any vehicle being the driver or gunner, thanks!
  17. What I do, I get between a steady 30-40fps @1440*900, is turn everything to very high except AA, which I leave on normal. After long tweaking I noticed that their is not much fps difference between low and very high settings. These drivers however make all the difference in the world. Before that I was hovering around a steady 15-20 fps. Running x86 (normal xp) here. You should get abit higher fps as you have a better cpu, I have an AMD x2 6400 (3.2 GHZ dual core). But our 8800GTX outperforms a GTX295 in this game ;-) PS: viewdistance 4000
  18. Use Nvidia drivers 180.48, they are old but run the game the best for the 8800GTX. Trust me, they are worth their weight in gold. I tweaked the game for days (talking about a 40% increase in fps with very high settings).
  19. p75

    Did Anyone Buy Arma 2 From Nexway?

    No, I reinstalled many times.
  20. Nice idea, or PIP (picture in picture) menu which you can switch on or off by the action menu would be cool.
  21. p75

    Did Anyone Buy Arma 2 From Nexway?

    Works great here
  22. Isn't there a great cockpit from the EECH central mod for Enemy Engaged? Have a look there: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRrHg7FttcE See the beginning of the thread. www.eechcentral.com