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Everything posted by p75

  1. Quite the job, mate! Looks good! Now for some comments, nothing earth breaking, but still, you asked for some: - Is it possible to loose the mouse pointer? - The zooming seems tad stuttering, any way to fix that? It is probably quite demanding. - I would change the color of the target lock into white and not red in Flir mode. - I would try to make the turning of the camera go in blocks of 90 degree. So, either clock or counterclockwise. I don't know how it is in real for the 117, but that would seem more logical to me. Otherwise great job, well done.
  2. I would say, just enjoy both titles, you can't judge its book by its cover, meaning unless you have a copy right now, all the pros and cons are worthless. You can or can not have all features in the world. It is how they are executed. What I like in OFP2 sofar, as seen in the videos, are the effects like smoke, real FLIR (missing this big time in current ARMA2 built)...., but I'm sure we'll have those in ARMA 2 also. If OFP2 will be less buggy and the editor/mod support is good, we might see a big shift...especially those who have big problems running ARMA2 now. In all I like ARMA2 alot, think it is about as good as any game can get. I think BIS should have a close look at some of the things OFP2 does and ARMA2 doesn't and incorporate them and go beyond. To be ahead the of competion sort to speak.
  3. The budget for call of duty is abit different, mate.
  4. p75

    RH heli sounds 1.01

    Please do add the AH-64ounds, I'll like to have them ingame.
  5. Rock, I have some suggestions: - it's related to the two MFDs for the pilot/gunner seat. It would be nice to bring them up full screen (as seen on the picture) where you'll be able to interact with it and select/prioritize targets. So, first you have your cockpit view (pilot and gunner): And then one would bring up one of the MFDs by hitting a key showing it full screen allowing you to: manipulate the targets, selecting and prioritizing them.....have a look at the dtv/dvo/flir, weapon statuses......just like in real life. Below a selection of screen for the AH-64D: Hitting another key would cycle through the available screens. - for the middle pod/gauge of the gunner, something like below would be nice: - It would be nice if you could make IHADDS slave the gun, meaning that the gun would follow you head movement (which I think would be technically possible) using the alt key. It would also be very interesting to see if we can get this somehow hooked to the TrackIR system. I've already posted a question about it. Still researching if it is possible. The reason I stated to bring the MFDs full screen is that there is no render to picture option (for now) in Arma 2. You could opt to go only full screen on the DTV, DVO and FLIR screens as they would be related to render to picture qualities in the actual cockpit. The other screens would be possible already in cockpit view. I don't know if you could interact with them in cockpit view, although that would be sweet. Or maybe some genius knows how to create render to picture qualities to Arma 2 without having the source code. Model looks very good in my opinion. I hope this will get to be the very best AH-64 MK1 as we already have a very good AH-64A from the HWM boys. PS: Illustrations are from a mod called EECH for a 10 year old game called Enemy Engaged, although graphically abit dated (10 year old engine), the mod team created a hell of a beast. If you're interested, go to their website www.eechcentral.com. The game can be purchased for I believe 6$ online (rerelease of the old game).
  6. The Apache's 30MM in action, rather interesting clip for sound and impact effects. Especially seeing that there will be some addons featuring the Apache. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6413220340467185383&ei=CXV-SoRIn8TbAsLf3N8O&q=apache+weapon+system&hl=en
  7. F... mate, lol, damm you're right, I only looked at the title and ground effects. :p
  8. Can you make this somehow work in Arma 2? I have the same Q.
  9. Hi Lads, I was wondering if one of you scripting gururs can help me out with this. If I want to add an action which would allow to switch from current position (say blue) to locked target view (say red). Preferably 3rd person view, allowing to turn around the object in freelock mode. First person view would be a bonus. Appreciating all the help I can get with this! Thanks!
  10. Hi mate, I would presume the data "locked player" is somewhere stored in the memory (its coordinates) as a variable, how else could a fired missle find the coordinates of the locked target. I'm kind of new to the scripting part, but I'd would like to see this as it will add alot for training purposes in the single player mode. Do you have some pointers how I can find out/where do I need to look if it is possible? Which PBOs? Thanks!
  11. p75

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    Alot cheaper? On Ebay the difference is not soo big.
  12. Hi Lads, I'm looking into the TrackIr 5 system and hoped there was slave support for the onboard gun of Attack Helicopters. It is sadly not. Now, I was wondering if you could be built in by a script? Is that technically possible? As for example, it would be realistic for the AH-64's, which are in several addons. Could some scriptwonder tell me if this is possible? And if it is what needs to be done as it would seem a really nice feature to have.
  13. p75

    Pitch/Roll Rates of Helicopters

    I hear you, mate, it is indeed a nice bird!
  14. p75

    Worth buying a joystick?

    Hey mate, the x52 Pro was released in 2007,.....: http://gear.ign.com/articles/760/760775p1.html I hope they release a new one???
  15. p75

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    He means TrackIR 5
  16. Hi Lads, I was wondering if more people have hanging frames/screens during play - I have them of a duration of 1-4 secs and at regular intervals. With 1.02 I was playing perfectly fine, everything on very high @1440*900, 4000 meter viewdistance, AA on normal at a constant 40fps. It almost becomes unplayable now. I have a 8800GTX, 2GB, x2 6400. Framerate stays about the same around 40fps, expect then for the total pause in the game for 1-4 secs. Does anyone else have this experience after switching to 1.03 from 1.02?
  17. Thanks, can I run this with Arma 2 using the CAA1 to play Arma 1 maps in Arma 2?
  18. Looks great, mate, seriously, I can't wait!!! :yay:
  19. I think the gunner can lock a soldier when the crosshairs pass it. So, with some scripting help or even without and hitting next target should work, not?
  20. p75

    Worth buying a joystick?

    Hey mate, I was in the same situation, so not to spend a shitload I bought the 2009 released Saitek Cyborg X for 35$. And boy is it worth it, I see no need to shell out more for the X52, I'll would advise you to get the Cyborg X and wait for the succesor of the X52.
  21. Hey mate, thank you for your reply, the question would be if you can combine it with freelook? If you would bind the freelook and the aiming (if possible) to the TrackIR, do they then move simultaneously?
  22. p75

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    Hi guys, in relation about my slave question I got a reply from Dwag, my question was: Do you know if one can bind both the looking and the aiming to the TrackIR 5? If not possible, you couldn't fool the TrackIR/Arma 2 keybinding somehow with a script? So that they both follow the Head Movement of the TrackIR. Script really isn't meant for this kind of thing. Handling user input (especially something like TIR input) is too low level for ArmA2 scripting. I would pretty much rule out any use of scripting for this. Now it may be possible to fool the engine through config tricks or (probably your best bet) through control mapping.... but the only real way I can see this working is to either remap TIR to control your aim, or use a mouse emulator. Can someone give a go at this and see if it is possible?
  23. p75

    OFP Addon request thread

    Yes, plenty, use the search to find them....