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An Fiach

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Posts posted by An Fiach

  1. Someone with the right skills(Not I :D) could probably make something like that. You have to ba able to incorperate being able to target and indiviual spot on the map(like being GPS guided) or be able to lock onto a laser spot all with the same weapon. I don't know what kind of work-around would have to be used as you wouldn't be able to target vehicles, rather only a stationary point on the map. But, I will leave it at that since we are getting way off topic of the purpose of this thread.

    might be possible since artillery targets a specific point

    ---------- Post added at 02:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:55 AM ----------

    on the bright side the redundant questions about ACE have slowed down :D

  2. Yeah, pretty much, all you can do now is shoot down enemy aircraft. The HUD idea would be a wise fix by the ACE team if they didn't want to give the mrk's guidance. Either way, they removed something and didn't improve upon it. I would actually be happy either by fixing the hud and giving proper symbology for the dumb bombs, or re-introducing the lock feature and making the mrks guided hints the nose and tail fin work which was introduced around the Gulf War era. "Dumb bombs" are not dumb anymore these days. And this is exactly what the creators of the game are trying to get at with that feature.

    They are unguided "dumb bombs" they cannot be guided. The BIS implementation effectively made them laser guided.

  3. Are we talking ARMA versus real life here?

    If so, the post you made is kinda true but more untrue. AV-8's are equiped with a targeting pod yes. But no, freefall or "unguided" bombs are still unguided after release. You cannot "lock" an unguided munition onto anything. The targeting pod on an aircraft when used with unguided bombs is mearly used by the aircrafts computer to assist in calculating a release point for the bomb to make a projected guess as where the point of impact will be. The guidance functions for aircraft within ARMA is extremely simplistic. If you want any kind of somewhat realistic feature, try using Mondo's scripts. The new stuff incorperates a CCIP function on the HUD "somewhat" like the real thing does to give a reference point to where the point of impact will be. I say "somewhat" because it is still very simplistic but it is definetly better.

    And those "unguided" bombs with nose and fin kits that you are referring to that the Marines are using makes them technically a "precision" or "guided" munition. Those are either GBU's(laser guided as on the A-10) or JDAMS(GPS guided weapons). The target pod(some versions) are capable of using laser and slant ranging to generate GPS coordinated that can be passed onto a bombs guidance system. But exactly as I said before, these are no longer "unguided" munitions any more. All the bomb bodies of these weapons start out using the same body, it's the nose(if added) and tail kits added to them that either make them "guided" or "unguided" munitions.

    By them removing the "lock" function, they have not made anything any less realistic. The folks that built ARMA in the first place just did not incorperate the correct HUD symbology and systems to make them resemble how they are employed in the real thing.

    ^^^^^ This. The ARBS is an outdated targeting system that can only give you an estimate of when you should release, assuming you re lined up properly, to maybe hit the target.

  4. My point was that even though these issues are mostly present in other weapons, they cause the most imbalance with this weapon because they come in addition to other too useful stuff, on a weapon that should be quite clumsier than your average assault rifle and not as accurate/powerful as a real sniper rifle. M107 has the same issues, but it's not as overpowered because it doesn't allow for an AT weapon at all - not a "good" way to balance things but it does add to balance (that is, I'd much rather see things balanced by realism, as in have the weapons actually behave realistically).

    Remember that IRL bolt action isn't just more accurate, it's higher velocity and thus higher damage as well. And when you actually have to go prone in a good position to get a good shot off rather than shoot from the standing position from anywhere, the advantage of the semi-auto becomes not nearly as important compared to actually getting that 1 shot kill. There are reasons RL snipers use M24 and not DMR, but those reasons are practically non-existent in the game due to lack of realism.

    At the end, make weapons (and the rest of the game) realistic and leave the rest of the balancing to the mission makers is the way to go, but it just not happening - not even with ACE2 beta. That is rather frustrating considering this is the only game on the market that tries to maintain any kind of realism.

    Having used them in real life the DMR is a dream to use and is not clumsy at all. The higher velocity results in the higher accuracy at range for bolt actions (I mean longer distances) the other factor is the barrel but the DMR uses a match grade barrel, not the standard M1A/M14 barrel. Snipers use many different weapons in the military, depending on the targets they are deployed to engage but yes, the M24 is the standard rifle that they use.

    I fully agree with you, realism must be paramount and makes the game much more enjoyable. I don't know if the ACE guys can correct this or not but I'm sure they would be happy to given that they aim for the realism the game doesn't offer.

  5. DMR allows you to rather easily kill targets up to 800m and even more while standing. IRL as far as I know you shouldn't be able to hit much past 600 while prone with a bipod. It doesn't have the recoil it should have, and the semi-auto disadvantages just aren't simulated (or not simulated well enough), and it is extremely easy to aim while standing. Sure most of these problems are present in other weapons as well, but when added to the fact the weapon has a variable zoom scope, 7.62 rounds and still allows for an AT weapon makes it overpowered - not just compared to other weapons, but also (and more importantly) overpowered compared to the real life DMR.

    The ability to carry an at weapon does not make it overpowered, you can do that with most weapons. Most of what you described effects pretty much every weapon in game. Like I said it can shoot accurately for way too far. I agree about recoil but that isn't much of an issue anyway, just annoying for not being accurate. There isn't any real disadvantage to this weapon having semi auto other than accuracy at long range, which we both have pointed out. I imagine this might be fixable via the magazine configs, not sure though. Seems BIS just copied the mag from the m24/m40.

    The issue I see with range though is that you generally do not engage from more than 5-600m anyway. Especially in PvP maps. Anyway, this is about overall balance and the game is balanced. It would be nice to have more variants on either side but victory and defeat in this game is dependant on so much more than equipment differences.

  6. Concerning MODS

    Ive seen tons of people having trouble launching the game.

    why don't you use a separate launcher ( I use Alpinestars ArmA 2 launcher ) ?

    Six updater is a great for updating the game, and some of the MODs but if i want to use other mods with ACE, like JTD FireandSmoke, War Particle Effects, ect its much simpler to have Alpinestars launcher, and select the MOD you want instead of hassling with the shortcut every time you ad or remove a MOD

    The software you guys made is fantastic sickboy, big props to you and the ACE 2 team.

    Everything worked fine, and the little update errors wer quickly fixed by you.

    A very big THANK you from Switzerland :-)

    You can launch it just like any other mod, the updater just gives you the option to launch.

  7. So even though I used OPTION 1 in the DOS BOX I can just launch the game after it finishes installing using OPTION 23? That sounds easy if so, thanks :yay:.


    ---------- Post added at 08:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:15 AM ----------

    also like I said, the updater makes a shortcut in the arma 2 folder, just drag to desktop and no need to start the updater unless you want to update the mod to the latest version

  8. But it is a semi-automatic weapon and not a bolt action and thus *shouldn't* have just as good performance with the round as the M24. Due to how the game works it does though.

    Really not much difference. I would agree that rapid firing it needs to have a greater impact on the ability to aim. The major difference between the two is reach. I do not know if BIS accurately modeled the difference in accuracy over long ranges, I haven't tested. Inside of 500m though you won't see a significant difference.

    ---------- Post added at 08:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:38 AM ----------

    Just tested with ACE and it seems they both have the same accuracy at range which is wrong (tested at 800m) but if you rapid fire the m21 does disperse a good bit though not quite enough for my personal tastes.
