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Everything posted by Shomer

  1. Shomer


    Since WW2 US and Russia are the enemys in all of the games. Right now they have a common enemy. Taliban and the other terrorist organizations are growing. I suggest it's time for ARMA to evolve.... forget about cold war its over. New era is here and we going to lose if US and russians will fight with each others..... in OA u made the taliban as an enemy....nice...but what about Russia is it still the enemy for US by the devs opinion? Or it's only me that bored from this cold war paranoia.
  2. Shomer


    BIS take the real conflict as a base....Takistan-Afganistan.. it's clear to everyone.Allmous every game is based on real events....How it war in Fallout? War...War never change's =) so BIS can take fake names and make a nice addon.... All VS Terrorism....they can imagine the terrorism has a good weapons....and they did =) no need to make the game on REAL conflict in middle east. Right now "infidels" like us is the enemy to the terrorist's the problem that Israel is closest to them =) we got all the pain and u got fake reports on the conflict. U know why? Ur goverment don't what suicide bombers so the LIE =) as the US LIED about conflict in OSETIA =).
  3. Shomer


    Why chalange Us forces with donkeys....Syria...it's a nice country that support terrorist's in Lebanon and Gaza and they have hace firepower =) Why make addons about British and Mercs- they have army that have more combat expiriense then Russian and US army together-IDF.I live 13 years in Holy Land, I am a russian and have seen 3 wars in 1 I was in active duty. Put the Hamas and Suria with many others on opfor....(i know that UN is still don't think some of them is not a terrorists only becouse they dont whant to be nex-but after us the whole wold is next) and other countries on blufor......but after game like this be prepare for gas prices rising up. I'm not agains the arabs and muslims....just some of them got crazy couse some of they leaders are money hungry madmans .....and the best way to make money in world- is war. If the BIS got the balls to make an addon like this i'll myself provide them with pictures and information (they need to know =) ) to make this happen.....i just don't have a team to create the addon missions and addons by myself.