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Everything posted by Relemar

  1. Relemar

    Please, Start Fresh.

    i feel sorry for BIS, they bring out an amazing game, i dont think i've never seen a game like it, top of the class, it's got pretty much everything. yes it runs like shit, yes it has bugs, but as you say BIS aren't rich, they've done an amazing job i think. they have like 30 employers (developers) and they've produced a good game, now you are wanting more guys. give them a break :) /rantover
  2. Relemar

    why use .pbo

    sorry i mean .dat i think
  3. hm, you should be getting atleast 25fps, maybe lower your settings. lower your anti-aliasian, and lower the video memory. lower all settings to 'Normal' and try.
  4. lol, ive yhad the game since it game out. dunno what settings to use ;/ i get 23fps..
  5. Relemar

    Switching teammates

    shame coops never issues commands! it sucks, i switch to ohara and coop will never proceed with the mission.
  6. Relemar

    ennemy shooted me right through trees

    i got shooted through vegetables too!!
  7. hi, i got 9800gtx+, 4gb ram, i use xp 64bit and i've got a Q6600 2.4 GHz. I was wondering whats the best settings for me to use, like video memory, AA, etc etc, please advise, thanks
  8. Relemar

    Aircraft HUD

    does it do anything? whats the whole idea of it? i must be missing the point? does it do anything when a target is in sight/range? i know its used as a 'crosshair' but is there anything else its used for, or just their for realism, thanks
  9. Relemar

    UAV: What purpose?

    It's very useful, very.
  10. Relemar

    UAV: What purpose?

    urm, so do the british
  11. Relemar

    UAV: What purpose?

    Unmanned aerial vehicle for reconnosaince, so you dont get killed looking for enemie
  12. Relemar

    help with chopper

    sometimes the helicopter closes his eyes and crashes :P
  13. Relemar

    Why is my gunner going rogue??

    yep, im just about to do a HYDRA strafing run and the idiot changes to mg and starts aiming to the left! :@
  14. pretty sure I just said that happens with me, it's they take off this way -------------> and land <--------- (this being the closest ruwnay from the hangar)
  15. Relemar

    Aircraft HUD

    thank you so much sir!
  16. Relemar

    Aircraft HUD

    Yeah im talking about the heads up display (HUD) likew the green thing, not the lock on. is there any use to the HUD? I dont see how to use it ;/ like in the AV-B
  17. Relemar

    Aircraft HUD

  18. well for my in Chernarus the main runway (the biggest airport like place) they take off ----------------> and land <-----------------
  19. sorry for wrong section, very sorry
  20. why are you so bothered about this? its a little bug, dont get too angry or stressed over it. its fine for me, i aint complaining
  21. hi, how do i; 1. make a aircraft repair section in editor 2. refuel 3. armour and trucks repair point in editor thanks!
  22. Relemar

    how to..

    ok thank you :) sorry i think general is for everthing,sory
  23. make sure they always sue the furtherst wway runway, theres 2 first one is for landing, second is for take off. they take off this way; ----------TAKEOFF------------------> <---------LANDING-------------------
  24. Relemar


    hahah :)