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Everything posted by Choki

  1. Choki

    Underwater element. What is the point?

    yankee sea boat (no rivers) :p
  2. Choki


    and what is the nvidia work on this?
  3. you need to buy a real pc. the actual games are not for laptops... increase in sales arma 3? WTF? And battlefield 3? sells like crazy and never is going to work on a laptop
  4. Choki


    oh I see. Now I Understend
  5. In the Stratis Showcase Video you can see that the Airplanes fly at much higher speed and more realistic
  6. Choki

    My trip to BIS at Gamescom 2011- Great!

    I hate you PurePassion! You make the wait more interminable! haha nice post! I love your post mate
  7. Choki


    Physx=lag? I played more thant 20 games online whit physx and 0 lag.
  8. Choki

    Underwater element. What is the point?

    I hope It something like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kodNKq0pWx4
  9. Choki

    Underwater element. What is the point?

    basically in one 2 words "more Sandbox" IS a problem from the map editor? Or the engine? streams would be beautiful
  10. Choki

    Aiming Accuracy in Arma 3

    The AI should be able to run and shoot at the same time. In ArmA 2 the AI make one thing at a time
  11. Choki


    Yes I agree that urgently needs to be changed
  12. the anims is one of the most important things in ArmA, or one that needed more work. And now they are doing a good job with ArmA 3
  13. Choki

    music in arma

    is one of the things that concern me less. In all the games from operation flashpoint music has been excellent
  14. Choki

    Aiming Accuracy in Arma 3

    I mean, the AI is very accurate. The real battles take much longer, that is due to the precision. But you cant reduce greatly the accuracy of the AI, because one of the most exciting things in ArmA is that anytime you can be killed. I've shot many times with big guns and I am very precise. :o (untrained) I think the problem is that the AI sees us and points much better than we do in game. Yes I agree on that
  15. Choki

    Aiming Accuracy in Arma 3

    the problem is the AI accuracy
  16. Yes, the last video is great, but more variants in the animations would great
  17. all the soldiers have the same animation in the last Arma 3 video.
  18. combat mission, Idk in spanish is like that.
  19. the combat mission mode is great in arma 2, very dinamyc. Arma 3 have this mode?