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Everything posted by The.Yield

  1. The.Yield

    Warfare Proton Mods

    Sounds great Proton! Can't wait to test the arty (wonder if it's going to be real arty or not!).
  2. The.Yield

    Warfare Proton Mods

    Confirming that the trucks now work! Hilarious as their pathing is =P Even in safe mode they get all funky and off-road it.
  3. The.Yield

    Warfare Proton Mods

    Ok, quick update on the supply trucks. Now instead of heading to the center town building and driving around it, they just sit there... http://img.photobucket.com/bf-analyze/albums/v96/WaTTz/ZieTrucks.png?t=1248116029 Mine is the truck on the left, sat there for about 5 minutes. The other belongs to the AI... and was there since the town was capped and never moved an inch (in excess of 15 minutes I believe). How long does it take to delivery usually? Am I just being impatient?
  4. The.Yield

    Warfare Proton Mods

    Awesome job Proton! Ill be putting it through the wringer today and tomorrow and I'll let you know what I find! Your work is very much appreciated! And for the guy who mentioned my logic of game scale to exclude/include things. I do this because arty is used from as safe a location as possible. If you could have your MLRS squad 25 to 32km away, why wouldn't you? And I've long held jets as inappropriate for this scale of land mass (in a player controlled fashion), so don't throw that particular example at me! :D But of course that view point is very unpopular as everyone loves their pseudo top-gun fantasies.
  5. The.Yield

    Warfare Proton Mods

    Just a quick arty update. Assuming that the MLRS is using the standard M-26 unguided rockets... it should have a max range of 32km. Not sure how that factors into the game world size, but just thought I mention that before and possible decisions are made on whether or not it should be a magic spawn shell device from off of map or not. UPDATE: Had a nerd do some quick maths for me, lol. According to him, the game word is something to the tune of 21km across diagonally... So yes the MLRS shouldn't even really be a spawnable vehicle in any sort of authentic-minded mod. You could have it sitting well outside the map (figuratively) and hit... anywhere inside the map... lol :D But as for the howitzers and mortars... those need to be real and player controlled (with the new system for aiming) + AI controlled (ala ARMA1's T-menu). But perhaps not allow MLRS "call-ins" without some sort of "artillery command" building. And make Howitzers and Mortars have low-ish ammo counts and very long reload/resupply times to reduce their potential overpowered-ness in a warfare match. Thoughts?
  6. The.Yield

    Warfare Proton Mods

    I do see what you are saying, Proton - and I agree. Now that you've brought it to my attention, namely with the MLRS, the ranges are sort of crazy. In an authentic situation, an MLRS could be WELL outside the limits of the map and bring the pain down anywhere in Cherarus. With that in mind I would fully support MLRS to not even be a purchasable vehicle at all! Combine that with a special building needed to order Arty strike, as you mentioned... Great idea! But as for Mortars and Howitzers... Mortars clearly have a small enough range to justify "real" implementation with player controllability (with the new system) and AI use (like in Arma 1, when you could build some arty at a camp somewhere, man the guns with AI, then call arty missions with the T menu). Howitzers (like the 119) have a max range of about 13-14km if I remember correctly... Not sure how that calculates into the Chernarus game world, but I think that sort of max range would justify a player/AI controllable system like mortars. Let me know what you think.
  7. The.Yield

    Warfare Proton Mods

    It likely does have less impact on performance, but I'd imagine very little. And if it can be done realistically... why not? If you're thinking of putting in the system as you describe - then the victim of the arty wont have any way of disabling the arty that is attacking them (because the squad leader would be simply calling for it and *poof* it falls on their heads). With an authentic system for arty, the victim of the arty could hunt down where the mortars, howitzers, MLRS, etc are... and destroy them. And in doing so, destroy a very significant investment that his enemy made in building all the arty pieces, etc. That said, there would have to be limits put it place as I mentioned before. The whole artillery shells magically appearing in the sky thing bothers me when I'm playing a supposed mil sim :rolleyes:
  8. The.Yield

    Warfare Proton Mods

    Wow, great! I've been chomping at the bit for new Warfare mods! Does this mod feature the player controlled artillery interface? That's really the number 1 thing I'm wishing for in Warfare. Full arty support (the real kind, not spawn shell crap). And a logical counter to it and/or nerfing of it to make it sane (like arty radar to identify the approximate origin of the arty, long resupply times, slower rates of fire, not being able to use arty near your main base - as to counter turtling, etc).
  9. Hollywood very rarely gets it right =P
  10. The.Yield

    CTF-2-30 Road to Rogovo v1.0

    Going to give this a try right now!
  11. I too am running dual 4870's. Even with the new 9.7 cats that have been leaked out... Scaling is terrible. And we STILL have to use the -winxp flag to get Xfire working. BIS needs to get on the phone with AMD and get this figured out, on the pronto. Send AMD's driver team a few free copy's of ARMA2 for science's sake! :D EDIT: Wow at all the CPU comments. "Those threaded cores can't go above 50%..." LOL, Noob Kuchen is being served.
  12. The.Yield

    ArmAII: Hard drive activity

    There is no such thing as an "outer platter". You have to create a partition on the outer edge of the platter... I do this simply and lazily with the windows 7 disk manager thingy' in admin tools > comp management (It's also in Vista). You can shrink a volume by a certain amount, which it takes from the outside of the platter. EDIT: And it doesn't matter which goes first (Game or Swap). Once you get both on there, you should end up with a solid consistent block of data that will never fragment until you write something to it (like a patch or adding a mod, etc). In which case you just defrag afterwards.
  13. The.Yield

    ArmAII: Hard drive activity

    Oh sorry, lol. The result is a night-n-day difference in the reduction of the "Load Lag" I was experiencing with ARMA2. Moving at high-speeds in helo's close to the ground used to be unpleasant (to say the least). Now, while it's certainly not 100% buttery-smooth, it is very much improved.
  14. The.Yield

    ArmAII: Hard drive activity

    Interesting I should find this thread. I recently went to a bit of an extreme to conquer ARMAII's HDD pounding behavior. This behavior is not unlike that of MMORPG's as they have game worlds that constantly stream into memory as ARMAII does. I remembered back to my old Everquest 2 days, and the things I did back then to get the HDD activity as quick and snappy as possible. Long story short: I now have my Win7 x64 on it's own HDD. And my ARMAII is on it's own HDD as well, alongside my windows pagefile (which is configured to be solid size - That is to say that it starts as large and it ends, this prevents fragmentation of data by quite a bit). What this does is greatly reduce the effects of "load lag". The drops and interrupts in frame rate that occur when the game caches info from the HDD into memory (which is ALL the time, while playing). You can even take it one step further, like me, and put ARMA in a partition on the outside edge of the disc of that HDD. Why? Because data on the outside edge of a HDD's platter is much narrower than it would be at the front of the platter. When you move all the game's data and your systems pagefile to outside of the platter, it reduces the mechanical arm movement needed to read the data on the disk. It also doesn't hurt that my dedicated ARMAII HDD is in fact two 10,000RPM HDD's in a Raid0 configuration, lol :cool:
  15. So, my fellow ATI/AMD peeps: Have we found any way of enabling crossfire without the use of the -winxp tag? Everything I read on the subject seems to hint towards the -winxp tag lowering overall game performance. I haven't done much testing with EXE renaming (crysis, etc) - Mostly because renaming the EXE with the steam version is sketchy. Any information is great appreciated, thanks in advance.
  16. I've been wishing for a way to keep motion blur and get rid of everything else. Even better would be keeping a just a bit of bloom. Right now, even on low post processing, the bloom is completely ridiculous. Need to be reduced by something on the order of 80 to 90% ... Way, way, WAY too much bloom right now.
  17. The.Yield

    Just upgraded to a GTX 275...

    For the record, as an absolute hardware nut myself, the AMD 4890 series of cards trades blows with GTX285's depending on the game in question. That said, GTX285's are nothing more than a 275 with a wider mem bus and slightly higher clocks. Here is a link to a Guru3D benchmark run of the new GTX275's with the double memory (which as it turns out is completely pointless, oddly enough). But anywho, they run down 4 or so different cards in the VGA perf section. This includes 4890's, 275's, 275's +mems, and 285's. http://www.guru3d.com/article/evga-geforce-gtx-275-1792mb-review/1 You'll clearly see it entirely depends on the game (and the resolution your playing at) - when talking about what is faster/equal to what. GTX285 and a 4890 are in a dead heat at 19x12 resolution in COD5, for example. Yet the 285 takes the higher marks when jumping to 25x16 resolution. Then you move onto HAWX where the exact opposite results are reached at 25x16 res. There is no such thing as "this is 15% faster than that" in modern PC gaming hardware. Blanket statements like that are utterly false. It all boils down to optimization.
  18. Right now I think it's fairly well known that the HDR in Arma2 is messing up for a lot of people. Myself personally, I would get "whiteouts" or "blackouts" where the games HDR would randomly take me on a journey from normal, as expected lighting conditions to either (you guessed it) complete darkness or bright white washouts. Sometimes it can recover and sometimes it just stay that way until I alt-tab and come back to the game. Which (for me) fixes the extreme lighting for a moment at least. Constantly having to alt-tab out and allow the game to reload everything to fix the lighting gets really annoying, however lol. There is now an HDR mod out that is suppose to limit the extremes of HDR light shifting. Though in my experience it does NOT fix the "whiteouts" or "blackouts". http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6130 Recently I've changed my Video Memory option in game to "default" - which has helped to reduce the frequency of the lighting washouts. Combine that with the HDR Mod to reduce the exaggerated HDR aperture settings this game has by default and it all becoming more and more playable. Even beyond those issues though, I cannot use ANY level of post processing effects due to the INSANE bloom which I simply cannot tolerate.
  19. 1920x1200, everything max'd out.
  20. The.Yield

    30 Fps Framelock Multiplayer ?

    From what I've been able to google: "-noCB , turns off multicore drawing, slow down rendering but may resolve visual glitches..." Not sure how correct that is but there ya go. EDIT: Argh! He/\ beat me to it!
  21. Yepper, it's a nasty HDR freakout. Hope BIS gets to the bottom of it soon.
  22. The.Yield

    Vsynch Test: Plz check.

    I tried to do that, as you've described... All I can see is "Always ON"... Am I doing something wrong?
  23. Here is a screen shot during a thunderstorm. [iM] [/img]>100kb Now, I've seen many a thunderstorm in my day... And I've never quite seen this crazy "here commeth the apocalypse" bright sky effect, lol.
  24. I've tried that mod and it does help nix the bloom. But I don't want bloom gone I just want it toned done like... 80 or 90% lol And the blur goes as well which is unfortunate with that mod.